Nessie the Loch Ness Monster

Jennifer Tanabe
6 min readNov 5, 2023
Loch Ness 1 by Yuichi Tanabe

Loch Ness Monsters, or perhaps just the one known as “Nessie,” are reputed to live in Loch Ness in Scotland. The loch, or lake, is a large, deep body of water, that is very dark in color.

There have been numerous “sightings” of Nessie, who is described as having a long, slender neck and a rounded body with four large flippers. Generally grey or dark brown in color, Loch Ness Monsters apparently range in size from an elephant to a whale. Some of the sightings have been accompanied by photographs and more recently video recordings; but many of these turned out to be fake, such as the famous “Surgeon’s Photograph” hoax.

Still, so many people over such a long time period have reported seeing something in Loch Ness, that scientists have made great efforts to locate the creature or creatures, but to no avail (at least as yet).

The idea of Nessie has captured the public’s imagination, so the legends of Loch Ness Monsters continue to inspire those who seek to see one for themselves and skeptics who want to debunk the myths once and for all.

Evidence or Hoax

Like many mythical and legendary creatures there is much debate over whether the Loch Ness monster actually exists or is merely a figment of people’s imagination. There have been reports of Loch Ness monsters going back hundreds of…



Jennifer Tanabe

I was born and raised in Scotland, studied at the University of Edinburgh. I currently live in the Mid Hudson Valley of New York State with my husband and cats.