Advantages of Using NanoGenizer Microfluidic High Pressure Homogenizer for Nanomaterials


The rapid development of nanomaterials has revolutionized various scientific and industrial sectors, offering unparalleled properties and applications. From medicine to manufacturing, precise and efficient preparation of nanomaterials is essential for unlocking their full potential. NanoGenizer High Pressure Microfluidic Homogenizers have emerged as a cutting-edge solution, enabling the creation of nanomaterials with exceptional performance, scalability, and versatility.

NanoGenizer microfluidic jet high pressure homogenizer

Figure 1. NanoGenizer microfluidic jet high pressure homogenizer

The Core Technology: Interaction Chambers with Microfluidic Jet Technology

At the heart of NanoGenizer High Pressure Microfluidic Homogenizers lies the homogenizing interaction chamber equipped with microfluidic jet technology. This innovative component, often constructed from diamond and ceramic materials, plays a pivotal role in achieving homogeneity and a uniform particle size distribution. By maintaining a fixed internal shape, the interaction chamber ensures consistent reaction pressure, delivering reliable and reproducible results even amidst pressure fluctuations.

The sample undergoes a series of intricate physical phenomena as it passes through the interaction chamber. The high-pressure and high-speed micro-jets inside induce high-frequency shearing, intense energy impact, cavitation, and pressure drop. These processes collectively contribute to efficient homogenization and the production of nano-sized particles. Furthermore, the design of the interaction chambers optimizes material collisions, creating explosive effects that minimize chamber wear and shear. With Y- or Z-shaped fixed diamond micro-channels, the homogenizers ensure consistent effects, allowing for precise and repeatable particle size distribution.

Schematic of the internal structure of the Diamond Homogenizer Interaction Chambers with and without cooling system

Figure 2. Schematic of the internal structure of the DIXC
Figure 3. Single-slotted interaction chamber with cooling system

User-Friendly Operation and Remarkable Versatility (Small Sample Handling)

One of the standout features of NanoGenizer High Pressure Microfluidic Homogenizers is their user-friendly operation. Equipped with modular and integrated control designs, these homogenizers are easy to install and operate. Operators can effortlessly control the pressure rate, initiate and stop the process, and adjust various parameters via a convenient touch screen interface. The homogenizers require minimal valve adjustment or sample wastage for pressure adjustments, saving valuable time and precious samples.

Operation interface of the NanoGenizer

Figure 4. Operation interface of the NanoGenizer

The versatility of NanoGenizer High Pressure Microfluidic Homogenizers makes them indispensable in various applications. Their ability to handle small sample volumes and low dead volumes makes them ideal for preparing rare and costly samples, a crucial advantage in nanomaterial research and development. Overcoming the challenges of obtaining sufficient quantities of certain materials, these homogenizers empower researchers to explore new frontiers in nanomaterials.

Advantages Galore

NanoGenizer High Pressure Microfluidic Homogenizers offer an array of advantages that set them apart. Their capability to achieve high shear rates and generate intense shearing forces on materials makes them highly effective in particle size reduction and homogenization. With the interaction chamber’s fixed internal structure ensuring consistent reaction pressure, reliable results are guaranteed throughout the homogenization process.

Moreover, these homogenizers boast guaranteed scalability. Whether equipped with single-slotted or multi-slotted interaction chambers, they cater to various needs. Single-slotted chambers suit lab-scale homogenization equipment, while multi-slotted chambers, featuring multiple parallel diamond micro-channels, ensure consistent treatment effects and accommodate larger volumetric flow rates.

Genizer Multi-slotted Y-type microfluidic diamond interaction chamber
Multi-slotted Y-type microfluidic diamond interaction chamber

Figure 5. Multi-slotted Y-type microfluidic diamond interaction chamber

In conclusion, NanoGenizer High Pressure Microfluidic Homogenizers have revolutionized nanomaterial preparation, offering superior performance, ease of use, and versatility. Their innovative technology paves the way for groundbreaking advancements in nanomaterial applications across multiple industries. Researchers and industries alike can rely on these homogenizers to unlock the full potential of nanomaterials and drive innovation to new heights.

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Genizer Nanotechnology | High Pressure Homogenizer

Genizer provides microfluidics mixers, high pressure homogenizers, liposome extruders, nano particle analyzers and nano formulation services.