10 Simple Ways to Fight Poverty

Here are 10 ways to give families living in poverty a sustainable source of income. Giving a poor family a source of income gives them a sense of dignity, as well as hope for the future.

Simple Ways to Help
4 min readDec 29, 2016

1. Chickens ($14)

Eggs can be sold to provide income, as well as providing much-needed protein to keep children from becoming malnourished. Give a dozen chicks today through Samaritan’s Purse for $14.

2. Rabbits ($20)

One pair of rabbits can have 50 rabbits in a single year. A pair of rabbits provides a family with a source of income and nutritious food for years to come. Give a pair of rabbits through World Help for $20 today.

3. Micro-loan ($25)

Many would-be business owners cannot afford to start their businesses on their own. Kiva provides small loans (or “micro-loans”) to help entrepreneurs start businesses. People also take out loans from Kiva to continue their education. Give a $25 microloan to an entrepreneur today.

4. Garden Seeds ($25)

A vegetable garden gives a family vegetables to sell as well as to enjoy themselves. Provide a family with garden seeds through World Help for $25 today.

5. Fruit Trees ($30)

Fruit trees provide families with vitamin-rich food, as well as fruit that they can sell year after year. Give a family a fruit tree through World Help for $30.

6. Vocational Scholarship ($30)

Help adults learn a profession such as sewing, welding, hair-styling or baking. Share in the cost of a vocational scholarship for $30 through World Help.

7. Help a Widow Start a Business ($50)

Many women are not able to provide for themselves after their husbands’ death. International Justice Mission (IJM) helps widows start their own businesses and gain economic independence. Help a widow start a business with a gift of $50.

8. Fishing Kit ($50)

Fish are a great source of protein and, with the right tools, can be a steady source of income. Give a family a fishing kit for $50 through World Vision.

9. Goat ($70)

Goats can survive in harsh conditions and climates, making them a perfect gift for struggling families around the world. Goats produce up to a liter of milk each day. Goat milk is full of calcium and protein, and surplus milk can be sold for an income. Goat manure is also an excellent garden fertilizer. Give a goat through Samaritan’s Purse for $70 today.

10. Sheep or Other Wool-Bearing Animal ($80)

Sheep’s milk has twice as many nutrients as cow’s milk, and sheep’s wool can be used to knit clothes and blankets. Sheep often give birth to twins or triplets, which can be sold or used for breeding. Families can also sell milk, cheese, and wool to provide an income as well. Give a sheep or other wool-bearing animal through Samaritan’s Purse for $80 today.

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