Would you opt-in for 100% guaranteed happiness?

2 min readFeb 8, 2023



It’s the year 2074. People no longer rely on wearable technology like smartwatches or fitness trackers to monitor their health. Instead, they have tiny chips implanted in their brains that collect data on every internal process.

One day, the biggest tech company launches its latest invention: the Fun Cabin. A machine, the size of a dressing room, complete with a comfortable lounger. Once seated, you’ll be put to sleep and wired into two systems. The first system is designed to provide the body with all the necessary nutrition and fluids. The second system is linked directly to the chip implanted in your brain. From that moment, real magic occurs. Interaction with the hypothalamus and pituitary gland takes place, and your brain locks itself in an optimal state of happiness. All the love, success, prosperity, health and wealth you ever desired will come to you as a perfect rideable wave. You have no memory of your life before entering the Fun Cabin other than the constant feeling of ultimate joy and happiness. However, there is a catch: although the happiness may feel genuine, it is actually a result of a computer simulation. What you experience is an illusion created by your brain. For the rest of your life, you will live in the cabin. Happily ever after.

Yves is one of many people eager to connect. After months of waiting, his time has come. Thrilled with anticipation, he enters the cabin.


Electronic voice: “Welcome, Yves. Sit back and relax. Are you ready?”

Yves: “Totally! But could you tell me one more time what will happen next?”

Electronic voice: “Of course, dear Yves. In a moment, you will fall into a deep, brief sleep. Anaesthesia-like. This takes about ten minutes, where we’ll set everything up for you to live the life you’ve always dreamed of.”

Yves: “Will it hurt?”

Electronic voice: “No, dear Yves. As suffering is not part of your desired happiness, it will definitely not!”

Yves: “What about my family? My friends? Will I see them again?”

Electronic voice: “You will be able to spend as much time with everyone who makes you happy, and experience everything you desire for as long as you want. Every single day will be like a fairy tale ending, but for you, this happiness will begin right away. You don’t need to slay any dragons first. LOL!”

Yves: “Okay, i’m ready. Let’s go!”


Imagine that you have the opportunity to spend the rest of your life in a Fun Cabin, experiencing ultimate happiness. Although simulated, it looks and feels exactly like the real thing.

Are you open to this?

Why or why not?




Author of philosophical AI novel. Master of Science. Thought Experiments. Philosophy. Psychology. Thinker. I enjoy surfing and reading, but not simultaneous.