One bloody hole in the market

Jennifer Toda
2 min readAug 1, 2013

“The way to get startup ideas is not to try to think of startup ideas. It’s to look for problems, preferably problems you have yourself.” — Paul Graham.

Few people know the value of dot grid notebooks, but it is every designer’s must-have daily companion. Not made for muggles, it takes a professional designer like Callum Chapman, a UX/UI specialist, to know that even a simple dot grid notebook is really expensive, and good ones are hard to find.

However, instead of seeing finding dot grid books as a problem, Callum saw a gap between supply and demand. (Or “a bloody huge hole in the market” in his own words as a Brit.) So Callum went on to create, a boutique shop for high quality dot grid note books. 10-months in the works and sales already grew over 1000%. notebooks are now treasured by top professional designers everywhere for their just right sturdiness and high quality of paper. One bloody hole in the market indeed.

Callum turned his (and every designer’s) problem into real profits. Next time you see a problem — maybe it can be your bloody huge hole in the market to take!

Read more about and grab a FREE Dotgrid notebook from Scoutzie!

