Jennifer Ologun
2 min readMay 25, 2024

This time tomorrow, I’ll be existing in a different space. I’ll be leaving my comfort zone to a foreign land I’ve never been to .

Growth is scary . Change is scary. But I have no choice. The day is almost here.

*insert scream here*

How do I feel?





I really can’t wait to see what God has in store for me. I remember on a bus ride back from school, I wrote this down (January 29th)

I’ve never travelled. Okay maybe when I was younger. But as I grew , I didn’t travel to a new city, take up a new space and create a new experience. Traveling hasn’t been a thing in my family, that’s why when I thought about what I wanted to be in the future, I pictured my dad’s job where I was paid to travel. That used to be a dream job because I longed so badly to see the world.

God has a funny ways of answering prayers and I live for it.

I’m scared. But my excitement greatly outweighs my fear. Few days back I came across a scripture that made me feel God’s support in this new season of my life .

Isaiah 42:16 (NLT‬)

“I will lead blind Jennifer down a new path, guiding her along an unfamiliar way. I will brighten the darkness before her and smooth out the road ahead of her. Yes, I will indeed do these things; I will not forsake her. “

If this isn’t God speaking and assuring me that he’s with me then I don’t know what is. This was the scripture I needed and now that I’ve found it, my mind is at ease, now I have to trust God.

Wish me luck 💚

Hello stranger,

Thank you so much for reading , it means so much to me. I don’t know what’s going on with you but I hope you’re good . If not , remember everything would work out. How has this season of your life been treating you and what do you feel God is telling you?