Why Stephen Curry Is the Better Curry In the NBA?

Jenny Ridley
2 min readMay 18, 2019


Stephen Curry. Photo by Keith Allison

How many people aware that Stephen is not the only Curry family member, Currently in the NBA? Well, he does a brother by the name of Seth Curry, for the Portland Trailblazers. Typing that exact question in the google search bar, apparently not a lot of people, because it comes up as a frequently asked question.

With being said, that obviously proves that Stephen is the more known out of the curry brothers. Due to the fact, he has become a household name, one of the top basketball players in the NBA, two-MVP titles, and three championship wins underneath his belt. Seth is not even close to being at that level of his brother.

Let's look at Seth’s NBA statistics, in a regular season the number of points he gets per game is at a low range of 9.3. In the five years he has been in the NBA he hasn’t made more than 1.9 rebounds per game. Looking at his total stats he only made 1,781 points.

Moving on let's look at Stephens statistics in comparison to his brothers at this point currently. In contrast to his brother's points per game, Stephen has made at an average of 23.5 points per game. With his five more years of being in the NBA, makes about 4.5 rebounds per game. Glancing over at his total stats he has a total of 16,315 points, proves that Seth is not even close to being on his brothers level.

However, that all can change now that there both fighting to win the playoffs for the western conference. According to the San Francisco Gate new paper, they both have right now the best scoring record for brothers in history. How will the playoffs go? Will they switch roles?



Jenny Ridley

Hi, I’m Jenny! Welcome to my sports Twitter Account for my Comm-123 Class. I am a 21 year old senior at St.Mary’s College of California!