Stairway To The Heavens

2 min readOct 1, 2023

A Refection On The Anniversary Of Her Death 23 years ago

Our lives are a work in progress… as is grief, healing and remembrance. A Progression.

“I know now what I did not then. This is what depression looks like.”

Drawing & Mixed Media December 3, 2022 By Jenny Dwyer A work in progress- the initial laying out. See finished piece at end of piece.

A parent.

Paternal? Maternal? A process of

Impediments? A pairing of souls on a journey.

We have such notions, expectations we are conditioned to expect.

Real people, real personalities seem to be impediments in this perfect union of cells/DNA that came together. A perfect union not realised.

This is hard to see when you are three. Hard to see at three, thirteen, twenty three, or even thirty three.

Behind the door; always behind the bedroom door. When I was able to enter I had a “beds eye view.” I know now what I did not then. This is what depression looks like.

Is this the source of my constant need to move. fidget, stay active. Constant motion. Was she captive in that bed? A captivity of her own desire and making?




Retired and loving being comfortable with my true self. Thriving in my own little corner of the world with my loving husband, Kauai our dog and Gizzzy our cat.