The Skeptic’s Whole30: Day 17

Jenny Epel Muller
2 min readJan 27, 2019


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

This post is part of a series. For the previous post, click here. For the whole series, click here.

Big Kid’s school was closed today and Little Kid’s was operating on a half-day schedule, so I took him there at 9am and picked him up at noon. I had raspberry chia pudding for breakfast and made the kids pancakes. my husband worked from home today and ran over to Foodtown in the morning to pick up some more staples, and brought home a package of chocolate eclairs in addition.

I usually put chocolate chips in the pancakes, and in making the pancakes I got a bit of chocolate on my fingers that I would normally lick off, but I had to wash it off. Later, Big Kid and Little Kid had eclairs and I helped Little Kid get his out of the package, resulting in some chocolate on my finger again. I almost licked it but realized at the last second that I had to wash it off instead. I really miss chocolate.

You may have noticed that lately I’ve started to do the Whole30 on more autopilot than I did in the beginning. It seems more like a routine now and less like a constant struggle. Like, I know what I’m going to do and when I’m going to do it. There aren’t as many conflicts, and I’m not kicking and screaming like I was at the end of the first week.

But that’s also because there’s an end in sight. If I were doing this with the intention of keeping it up forever, I would be feeling a lot more rebellious and annoyed. Since it’s just an experiment, and it’s already more than half over, I feel like I can do it.

Lunch and dinner were more leftovers. For lunch I finished up both the remaining butter chicken from Monday night and some leftover meatballs and spaghetti squash that I had saved from last week. Dinner was more of the Bolognese. There’s just one portion left of that, it looks like.

Tomorrow: What constitutes a Healthy Person™? Also, amazing rosemary-rubbed pork tenderloin.

