The Skeptic’s Whole30: Day 19

Jenny Epel Muller
2 min readJan 29, 2019


Friday, March 9, 2018

This post is part of a series. For the previous post, click here. For the whole series, click here.

I’ve noticed I’m not as cravey as I was in the beginning for the kind of eating that happens when you’re out and about in the world and you just decide to buy something to eat somewhere, like a croissant or a Frappuccino, impulsively. I go out just as much, but somehow I’m not dwelling as much on all the food that’s out there that I can’t have.

(But just watch, now that I’ve written this, I’m totally gonna go out and have exactly those cravings. I bet I will.)

Breakfast was some of the raspberry chia pudding that I had already made; lunch was the leftover pork and carrots. I’ve been wondering how much snacking is OK between meals. The Whole30 guide says you should be full enough from meals that you don’t want snacks, but I find I’m often hungry and have a handful of cashews. How many handfuls of cashews is it okay to have per day? Maybe three: One in the morning, between breakfast and lunch; one between lunch and dinner; one after dinner. I decided to try that and see how it works.

Tonight Big Kid is going to a Movie Night at his tae kwon do studio, and they’re serving pizza there. So he’s taken care of for dinner. My husband will probably stop at the pizzeria for an eggplant roll or calzone or something. So Little Kid and I are the only people I’ll have to feed. Since Little Kid isn’t known for craving the Whole30 recipes I make, maybe he can have an omelet for dinner (with cheese) and I’ll have a bacon omelet, the same kind I had for breakfast the other day.

Speaking of which: Lately I’ve been recalling things I’ve eaten in recent months, before starting the Whole30, that weren’t at all healthy and also totally weren’t enjoyable at all. Like, just now when I was writing about the pizza that’ll be served at Big Kid’s movie night, I remembered a child’s birthday party I took the boys to recently where the pizza that was served was HORRIBLE. It was so bad, I almost couldn’t finish my slice. So why did I? Maybe because I was starving and that was the only option available? Is that still what I’ll be inclined to do after the Whole30 ends, or will it have changed me in that way? One can hope. I mean, there was the option of just not having the pizza, sating my immediate hunger with the cake served afterward, and then having something better when I got home.

I had the bacon omelet for dinner, but was hungry again later.

Tomorrow: A house full of food and nothing to eat.

