The Skeptic’s Whole30: Day 26

Jenny Epel Muller
2 min readFeb 5, 2019


Friday, March 16, 2018

This post is part of a series. For the previous post, click here. For the whole series, click here.

I had some banana chia pudding for breakfast, but it just wasn’t filling. Unlike the raspberry pudding, it was too thin, more of a liquid than a pudding. I thought maybe if I drank it as a smoothie, it would be more satisfying. I had to supplement my breakfast with cashews.

At Pilates, I almost lost my breath a couple times. This diet really has not done anything to make Pilates any less challenging.

I listened to my audiobook while washing the dishes. So great! It even makes dish-washing less of an odious chore! And I had enough North African Chicken to have it for both lunch and dinner.

The afternoon was packed with activity. Picked up Little Kid at 3, brought him home, picked up Big Kid from Lego club at 4:10, stopped at Juanita’s on the way home to pick up empanadas for the kids to eat, went home and ate my dinner portion of the chicken while the kids ate their empanadas, went to graduation, watched Big Kid earn his yellow belt, came home and it was almost 8 pm.

I was hungry again, and poured some banana chia pudding into a glass and drank it with a straw. It was marginally more filling that way.

Tomorrow: A chance to compare my experience of the Whole30 with what They Say it will be like. Also: Are people really that desperate to eat a disgusting banana omelet?

