“7 Proven Ways To Prolong The Life Of Your Dab Vape Pen Device”

Jenny Thomas
4 min readSep 27, 2019



A Dab Pen or Wax Vape gadget is a speculation. Regardless of whether it is anything but a top of the line mod, despite everything you’re going to drop a ton of cash on dispensable units, coils or e-juice. Also, no one needs to spend a lot of cash on substitutions.

However, mileage is a thing, in any case. Indeed, even the Best Vaporizer capitulates to the harm of time.

Fortunately there are consistently things you can do to keep your gadget perfectly healthy as long as possible.

In view of the different parts, drawing out the life of a vape requires upkeep on a few levels. We should perceive what straight forward estimates you can take.

Vape Batteries:

The vape pen battery is the core from multiple points of view. For the best understanding (particularly with direct yield, where wattage relies upon charge), you’ll need your battery working at its full limit.

What you may not know is the basic mistakes individuals make every day that are really causing harm.

Luckily, these are anything but difficult to maintain a strategic distance from.

Don’t Overcharge the Dab Pen Vape Device:

While undercharging your vape is an issue, cheating it is similarly as awful. A few vape battery charger gadgets take hours to arrive at a full charge, so lounging around and hanging tight for them to hit full limit is dull.

Be that as it may, this doesn’t mean you should connect the e cig and head out for the end of the week. In addition to the fact that this is a flame danger, it could truly harm your battery. Use Your Dab Pen Vape regularly.

A vape pen battery needs normal use to remain fit as a fiddle. Leaving it unused for long time makes the gadget step by step lose its charge.

In the event that you happen to have an old vape that you chose to keep as reinforcement, it won’t damage to take a couple of puffs each day to keep up its presentation.

Keep Your Dab Vape Pen Fully Charged:

While this isn’t constantly a choice, it’s a training you ought to do however much as could be expected. This is particularly valid if it’s an extra vape pen battery that you won’t use for some time.

Putting away Wax Vape Pen batteries for extensive stretches of time step by step depletes them. On the off chance that you don’t keep them beat up, they’ll lose their capacity to hold an energizer and end baffling you when you need them.

Turn Off The Vape After Use:

This may appear to be entirely self-evident, yet many individuals don’t do it. A lot of vapors feel that the gadget possibly uses power only during its use. This just isn’t the situation. While the facts demonstrate that power use is negligible when your e cig isn’t terminating, there’s still power moving through it.

Consider it leaving a vehicle inactive Vs driving. The previous may not go through much gas, however whenever left running, the fuel will consume off.

Vape Replacement Coils:

Vape Coils can get really costly. The way to extend their useful life is by limiting the strain on them.

Sadly, now and again you can’t abstain from putting your coils through hell and back. Maybe you like to vape at high wattage, or the e-fluid you use chars them inside a few days.

Whatever the explanation, stressing your coils additionally definitely strains your wallet. On the off chance that you need to prop them up for whatever length of time that conceivable, have a go at rolling out certain improvements or time to time maintenance.

Wash Your Vape Coils:

Not every person knows about this little vape hack, however it’s known to help expand the life of vape coil by in any event daily or two.

There are two approaches to this. The first is to run the coil under warm water until the cotton recaptures most (if not all) of its white shading. At that point, leave it to dry on a paper towel for 24 hours.

An increasingly successful way, nonetheless, is to give the coils a chance to absorb clear liquor. A typical decision is ever clear or some other grain liquor. On the off chance that you don’t have that convenient, vodka is another worthy alternative. Never utilize darker liquor, for example, bourbon or rum — these are really sugary and will just store their sugar into the coils.

Leave the coils to drench for at any rate for 60 minutes — the more extended the better — at that point wash with warm water and forget about them to dry for 24 hours.

Change Your E-Juice:

In case you’re considering attempting another e-juice, presently is as great a period as any. In the event that your coil gets gunked up or wore out rapidly, there’s a decent shot your e-juice is at any rate in part to fault.

Higher VG e-fluids are thicker, which causes consumption bit harder. This builds the probability of dry hits and burnt residue buildup.

Something else to look for are additional fixings. In a perfect world, e-juice is superbly straightforward, containing just PG, VG and (if necessary) nicotine.

In any case, a few fluids use sugar, which is a colossal issue for your coils. Sugar will in general take shape and leave buildup, so keep away from these kinds of fluids in the event that you don’t need your coils to wear out rapidly.

