Twin Flame or Toxic Fable: Debunking the Misuse of Spiritual Connections

An Eye-Opening Examination of How We Use Spiritual Terminology to Justify Toxic Relationships and Avoid Responsibility — and the Path to a Healthier Love Life

Jenny White
5 min readMay 16, 2023
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Dear fabulous ladies,

I know, I know. You’ve been hearing about this phenomenon called “twin flames” from every corner of the internet. It’s like someone went to the spiritual buzzword buffet and came back with a heaping plate of twin-flame spaghetti. So, let’s unpack this metaphysical can of worms and see how it’s affecting our ability to navigate relationships.

Twin flames, soul mates, karmic partners — oh my! These terms make relationships seem like they’re straight out of a fairy tale, don’t they? They’re comforting, they’re exciting, and they’re as reassuring as a warm cup of cocoa on a rainy day. But let’s face it, they can also act as an invisibility cloak for our toxic relationship habits.

Now, let’s be clear. I’m not a cynic. I’m all for soul growth, spiritual connections, and yes, even the mystical idea of twin flames. However, I’m also a staunch advocate for emotional health, self-awareness, and taking responsibility for our actions and decisions in relationships. And let’s be honest, blaming our toxic relationship habits on the mystical union of two souls is like blaming your overindulgence in cookies on the cookie jar. It’s irresistible, yes, but it’s not the jar’s fault, is it?

The Spiritual Bypassing Express

The term ‘spiritual bypassing’ was coined by psychologist John Welwood in the 1980s. It refers to the use of spiritual beliefs to avoid dealing with hard truths about ourselves and our relationships. Sound familiar?

For instance, you’re stuck in a relationship that’s more draining than a bottomless sink. You constantly argue, don’t respect each other’s boundaries, and every day feels like an emotional roller coaster. But instead of addressing these glaring red flags, you say, “But we’re twin flames, we’re meant to go through these intense experiences to grow together.”

And that, ladies, is your ticket on the Spiritual Bypassing Express. Next stop: Misery Central Station.

The Masquerade of Suffering

Let’s get one thing straight — suffering is not a prerequisite for growth. Yes, growth often involves discomfort and stepping out of our comfort zones. But there’s a vast difference between discomfort and the relentless suffering that stems from toxic relationships.

When we romanticise our suffering and label it as a spiritual journey, we’re effectively putting lipstick on a pig. It’s still a pig, and it’s still not going to turn into a unicorn, no matter how much glitter you throw at it.

In essence, we’re using spiritual terms as a shield to avoid taking responsibility for the health of our relationships. It’s easier to say, “It’s our destiny to go through these trials” than to say, “I’ve chosen a relationship that’s causing me harm.”

Facing the Music

So, how do we get off this not-so-merry merry-go-round? Well, the first step is always awareness. Are you using spiritual terminology as a smokescreen for toxicity? Are you clinging onto a relationship that’s harming you because you believe it’s your spiritual destiny?

Once you’ve acknowledged this, it’s time to take action. This might involve setting healthy boundaries, seeking professional help, or even leaving the relationship. Remember, you’re not just a passenger on your relationship journey; you’re in the driver’s seat.

Seeking Healthy Spiritual Growth

If you’re genuinely committed to spiritual growth, let it begin with self-love and self-respect. Your spiritual journey should empower you, not leave you feeling trapped or devalued.

This journey is about exploring and enhancing your inner self, not about enduring pain and suffering in the name of love or destiny. It should feel like a liberating and enriching experience that promotes your overall well-being, not an exhausting battle that drains your emotional energy.

Spiritual growth, just like personal growth, involves shedding old habits that no longer serve you and embracing practices that nourish your soul. It’s about learning to listen to your intuition, asserting your needs, and maintaining healthy boundaries, even in relationships.

When we talk about ‘spiritual’ in relationships, it doesn’t mean sticking with a person who causes you anguish because you believe that you’re cosmically entwined. Instead, it’s about fostering relationships that respect your individuality, encourage your growth, and cultivate shared understanding and mutual respect.

The truth is, spiritual growth isn’t meant to be a burdensome ordeal. It’s a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement that helps you to create healthier, more fulfilling relationships. It guides you in navigating life with more wisdom, compassion, and resilience.

So, in your quest for spiritual growth, remember to prioritise your mental and emotional health. Make choices that reflect your worth and align with your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself. Only then can you truly experience the richness and depth that a spiritually fulfilling relationship has to offer.

Don’t Play the Blame Game

Remember the cookie jar analogy? It’s time we stop blaming the jar and start taking responsibility for our choices. Yes, it can be hard. Yes, it can be uncomfortable. But in the end, it’s the only way we grow.

When we stop blaming destiny, karma, or the alignment of the stars for our relationship woes, we start reclaiming our power. We start making choices that serve our well-being, rather than perpetuating our suffering.

The Real ‘Twin Flame’

The real essence of a twin flame or soul mate isn’t about relentless suffering, intense drama, or ongoing toxicity. It’s about a connection that inspires growth, respect, and mutual understanding. It’s a partnership that values communication and emotional health as much as spiritual development.

If you’re stuck in a relationship that feels more like a battlefield than a safe haven, it’s time to ask yourself some hard questions. Are you staying because you genuinely believe in your spiritual connection, or are you hiding behind spirituality to avoid facing the fact that your relationship is harming you?

The Journey Within

At the end of the day, your most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. If you’re truly on a spiritual journey, let it begin here. Nurture self-love, cultivate self-respect, and build a relationship with yourself that’s rooted in kindness, understanding, and compassion.

Remember, spirituality isn’t about making suffering holy; it’s about making life sacred. And that includes your relationships.

So, the next time you find yourself reaching for the twin flame label as an excuse for a toxic relationship, take a step back. Remind yourself that you deserve more than a love that causes you pain. You deserve a love that lifts you up, supports you, and helps you grow in a healthy way. And that’s the real twin flame love.

As a relationship coach, I’m here to tell you that you’re not bound by any spiritual theory or destined for a toxic relationship. Your destiny is yours to create, and it’s crafted with every choice you make. So, choose wisely, choose lovingly, and above all, choose yourself.

Now, go forth and create relationships that make your soul sing, not weep.

You’ve got this, ladies!



Jenny White

Relationship Coach & Therapist for women. Empowering women to cultivate fulfilling relationships by tapping into their feminine essence.