Do Not, Under Any Circumstances, Become a Thought Leader of Any Kind.

Jen Rode
Stronger Content
Published in
12 min readSep 4, 2017

Don’t Become A Thought Leader.

Just don’t do it…

If you are a leader, you will be judged and criticized by people you’ve never met, as well as many friends and family members.

People will give you unsolicited advice around the way you look, talk, think, dress, walk, live, raise your kids, drive your car, fly your broom etc., and it will all be cleverly disguised in the name of “helpful feedback” that really just undercuts and jabs at you, stemming from their own subconscious projections. It won’t help to point this out though, because they don’t even know they’re doing it, and won’t understand what the hell you’re talking about.

If you are a leader, people will put you on pedestals you never intended to be on, and then their brains will eventually make up a reason to kick you off. It’s really fascinating to watch. They will build you up & knock you down at the same time. Don’t fall for it! No pun intended.

Heaven forbid that you have a “human” moment. Heaven forbid that you ever show frustration, or anger, or that you have an “off” day; it will be completely unacceptable. Come on, you’re in the public eye, you will obviously need to be perfect all the time, or else you’re f$&ked. The Catholics commemorate Jesus with the image of him wearing a diaper, nailed to the cross, or the crown of thorns on his bloody head. Not the most flattering profile pictures if you ask me. The man has one off day, and now he’ll never live it down…

If you are a leader, you must always be patient, no matter what. Even if people around you are losing their minds. You must be composed at all times. You should really just stick with the status quo… Seriously.

Being a leader is a Lot of energy. All eyes will be on you. Not everyone will like what they see, and it will have nothing to do with you.

Eek… somebody might not like you!

Others who have never led anything in their life will feel they have free range to tell you ALL about how much they don’t agree with you, so you can learn a a really valuable lesson from them.

If you are a leader, people will be jealous of you and your success, but like I said before, they won’t have a clue they’re doing it. They’ll just think you’re an a$$ hole because they said so. The more successful you become, the more jealousy you will experience, so it’s better to not be successful.

If you become a little bit successful, you should definitely stop while you’re ahead. It’s imperative that you don’t continue to become More successful or let others notice that you have become more successful. Hide it at all costs.

If you are a leader, others will take credit for all of your success because they gave you some good advice one time. Of course, they might whisper about you behind your back, and maybe even shame you publicly if they see you looking/sounding “crazy” based on whatever their reality says that is.

You want crazy? I’ve got your crazy right here! Just kidding everybody… Keep it cool now…

If you take a stand for your own personal truth, people will judge you for being selfish, self-centered, egotistical, privileged, having an unfair advantage they never had, for being opinionated etc. Did I miss anything? I’m sure there’s more. Oh yes, they will also judge you for being judgmental, and will be mad at you for not being open to their really helpful feedback they gave you that you never asked for in the first place.

Actually, when you post your opinions on your Facebook page, it signals all non-leaders to post all of their opposing opinions as comments on your post. All the stuff that has been getting bottled up for them, that they would never have the ovaries to post on their own page for all their people to rag on… Yep, it all goes right there on Your page. Have fun!

Helping people is hard work…

If you become a leader, it will make NO difference how F#CKING hard you worked your a$$ off, or how much you sacrificed to get to where you are. Clearly, you had all the advantages, and that’s the only reason you made it…Duh.

If you are successful, you will be judged for ripping others off (I mean, how else could someone possibly make money if they weren’t ripping people off?) and for not being humble, by others who argue that they are more humble than you, because their perception of humility is that you have to be poor. Better to just stay “humble” like everybody else who isn’t successful. Don’t make waves.

Don’t be a leader, because to whom much is given, much will be expected. It’s just too steep a price to pay for most people.

Just don’t be a leader. Everyone and their mother will send you private messages, telling you their sob story about why they can’t afford help, expecting you to give them free sh*t. Your empathy will suck you in the first couple times this happens, but then you’ll realize they didn’t actually want to change anything in the first place, and that they just wanted to suckle off of your precious life force energy. They will continue wanting your free time and your free advice, and they will get really offended when you just can’t give it away anymore.

If you are a leader, people you’ve never met or heard of will ask you to promote their book/webinar/event…. without bothering to ask you how you are doing or making a feeble attempt to have a normal human conversation with you first.

It’s far better to just expect a Lot from the leaders around you while you continue to play it safe. Judging others who lead, while not having to actually work through your own sh*t is Way easier, and a much better use of time.

Don’t be a leader, because if you are a leader, you will have to set Real boundaries, and sh#t is going to get unf%ckingcomfortable. Better to just stay where you are and play it safe.

If you are a leader, you will not be able to Pretend you are nice/benevolent/enlightened any more. If you are a leader, you will have to stop lying to yourself and to others that you are a perfect, benevolent saint, and you’ll have to actually do the work.

You might actually have to look at your own ugly side, and realize that you’re not as enlightened as you think you are. Sh*t Will get real. Better to stay in your comfort zone. Please, for the love of god, just stay in your damn comfort zone.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

If you are a leader, you will have to face your own demons. Warning: You may not live to tell about it.

If you are a leader, there will be NO MORE HIDING.

If you are a leader, you will have to face the fact that you are not perfect, and that you will never be perfect. Also, there is no way to make others love/like/approve of you all of the time, so it’s best to get over it now. You will have to make peace with always being a work in progress. You’ll have to learn to love yourself as is, warts an all.

If you are Not a leader, you can continue on pretending you are perfect and know everything, and you can even find clever ways to pretend to be a leader, while not having to deal with any of the real life, under the microscope, scrutiny REAL leaders deal with every day.

If you’re a leader, you have to actually walk people through Real transformation, and that doesn’t always go over so well. The fun, fluffy, lovey dovey feel good sh*t goes over way better.

If you are a leader, you will lose friends.

Actually, you will have a Lot of clarity around who your real friends are, and you will have to wake up to the fact that most people in your life were just there to complain with you about other people. Since they are in the habit of complaining, they will swiftly transfer their complaints, judgements, and projections onto you as soon as you decide you’re done with that life.

If you are a leader, you will inevitably experience betrayal you didn’t see coming.

It will Suck. A Lot.

If you are a part time, couch coach leader, you will have a Lot more free time than if you were actually a full time leader on an identity level…

You will have so much more free time, as a matter of fact, that you will have Lots of time to post unsolicited advice and feedback on real leaders public media. You wouldn’t dare put your own opinion on your Facebook page or blog, where someone else could scrutinize it… That would be way too risky. Best to keep it simple.

If you are a leader, you will eventually have to give up the people pleasing game (Gasp!) and you’ll be left with no choice but to start actually Being Yourself, taking a stand, and letting others really see you. It’s impossible to hide when you post your truth for all to see.

Your friends who appreciate your message will share it with their people, and then you’ll go to leave a comment thanking them, and see one of their friends talking about you like you’re not a real person. “This b#tch sounds like she was on mushrooms when she wrote this. This stuff isn’t real, Suzanne. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid before you become one of them!” Yeah. Leaders aren’t people. They’re leaders. As soon as you become a leader, you must relinquish your humanness.

You start to get used to it after a while though. I mean, everyone is entitled to their own opinion after all, and everyone is on their own path… You can’t expect Everyone to understand the true depth of the brilliance in what you’re writing… But please God, just hope your partner isn’t a leader too, because it’s 100x harder to hold your shit together when you see some muggle talking smack about your partner!!!

If you are a leader, you will understand the cold hard truth: No one gets something for nothing. Everything is a trade off, and the trade off will have to be worth it to you. What are you not willing to give up in order to discover your next evolution?

You will be the one to start making the tough decisions. You will have to take control of your own destiny, and take your life by the reigns. You won’t be able to blame others anymore.

If you are a leader, you won’t be able to play by other people’s rules. You will have to live in integrity with your own values, rather than trying to conform to others. This will make a lot of people around you very uncomfortable. Better to just play it safe and blend in with the crowd. After all, those who are already the leaders are the real leaders. Who are we to step up to that level and pretend we’re leaders too?

And this is exactly why most people don’t have the guts to step up as real leaders. That’s how it’s supposed to be though. Leaders will lead, and everyone else will follow, right? As soon as someone is tired of following, they can start leading!

But I don’t recommend it… Like I said before… Those leaders are up there getting judged… A lot. Probably by the exact person who needs to step up and start leading! But nobody wants that sh^t.

One of the cool things about standing up as a leader is that you will have far more compassion and understanding for others who lead, because you will be able to hold a different viewpoint than most others will ever experience.

If you are a leader, you will learn and grow exponentially, discovering who you are and what you are truly made out of. If you’re doing it right, you may even meet a new version of yourself every 6 months!

If you are a leader, you will have no choice but to learn to love, honor, and respect yourself, and to put yourself first.

You might even fall in love with yourself, which seems incomprehensible to most people. What would that be like? Miraculous and magical to say the least. Truly loving yourself is priceless, and you will realize you are the only one who could ever give it to you. What a treasure you are!

If you are a leader, you will find a strength of resolve within you that you never realized you had, and that most people will never have the sweet satisfaction to taste.

If you are leader, you will find compassion and trust in yourself and your higher source that is SO exquisitely satisfying and fulfilling beyond measure. It’s just too indescribably scrumptiously delicious to put into words.

If you are a leader, you will be ripped to shreds so many times that you will come to know that that which is eternal can never be touched. Through this process, you will come to know your own eternal nature, and you will come to understand that everything, even and especially the pain, is a gift, and an opportunity for growth. All that is not your deepest self will be burned off, and you will be able to see the world through the eyes of the infinite part of you. You won’t be able to hold onto much else.

If you are a leader, you will need to surround yourself with other amazing, high achieving, ballsy, badass leaders up to big things because you will no longer have the time or energy to waste on psychic vampire energy sucks in your life. As a result, you will have WAY MORE fun, love, adventure, and excitement than most people will ever experience.

If you get this, then You my friend, are a high achieving leader. Bravo!

But you already knew that. You’ve got no time or energy to mess around. You’re here to shake things up, and to surround yourself with other rule breaking game-changers who are doing the same.

If you are a leader, I truly hope this serves you. If you are a leader in training, going through your initiation phase, I hope this inspires you.

If you are not here to be a leader this time around, you probably didn’t make it this far, but I’m sending you my love wherever you are now.

If you are a leader, I’m sending much love to you! You, my friend, bravely chose the challenge. You’ve made sacred sacrifices to be who you are. It hasn’t been easy, but by Goddess, it’s been worth it. You wouldn’t have it any other way.

I look forward to hearing any and all really clever, passive aggressive criticisms and much needed valuable feedback that may be coming my way after this, because that’s how I know I’m right where I need to be ;)


I love connecting with you! Please feel free to follow me on my Facebook page where I post daily about life and love, & business and pleasure. And of course please PM me if there is anything I can do for you. See you there!

And of course, if you feel that this would serve others, please share it!



Jen Rode
Stronger Content

Spiritual Activist. Relationship Teacher. Intuitive Coach. Founder of The Multidimensional Awakening Mystery School & 5D Business School. Wife. Mother of 3.