A Super Simple JSON CMS

Jens Andersson
2 min readNov 15, 2018


UPDATE 2023;
The old server broke, but I migrated the project to NextJS and deployed to Vercel (freemium): https://simplejsoncms.com
Made the code public as well: https://github.com/jenshandersson/simplejsoncms

I needed a way to store some basic strings (copy, images etc) for a client website, but didn’t want a full-fledged CMS. So I created this: https://simplejsoncms.com

Developing a new website/app I often put copy, image URLs and other dynamic data in a JSON blob, it’s easy to work with and you don’t need a schema/db. For my own side projects a JSON file in the repo is usually enough, but I recently built a React website for a client that needed some dynamic data.

In this particular case I felt it was an overkill with a full-fledged (headless) CMS like Contentful, Prismic, etc. The content was very basic and not frequently updated. I found https://jsonblob.com and used it during the development phase, but the lack of authorization enabled anyone to edit my JSON blob…

So I created Simple JSON CMS. It’s simple, yet powerful. You can import your existing JSON and then non-devs can edit the JSON using a visual editor. When saving the document it automatically gets available through an API. And you can protect your document by adding a password to it, this way only you and your team can edit the JSON.

Let me know if you find it useful 🤟

Example JSON view and visual editor



Jens Andersson

Mobile/web developer with focus on UX. MSc from Berkeley and several published apps. Currently Principal Engineer @ Uptime.app