What Happened to Bryan Kohberger? Part 2: The Real Culprits Behind Most Neurological Disorders

Jennifer Thangavelu
6 min readMar 6, 2023


Photo by Moritz Kindler on Unsplash

[Note: This part will make more sense if you first read Part 1, available here.]

The Heavy Toll of Toxic Heavy Metals

Anthony William has been teaching for decades that a hidden cause of many health conditions, particularly those affecting the brain and the rest of the nervous system, is what he refers to as toxic heavy metals: the industrial-grade forms of metals such as mercury, copper, and aluminum that our bodies absorb throughout our daily lives.

Sources of toxic heavy metals include: food containing pesticides and herbicides, water (both drinking and bathing) running through metal pipes, air polluted with everything from engine exhaust to scented candles, medical and dental procedures, pharmaceuticals, and various surfaces that we touch.

Exposure starts at conception, as the developing fetus absorbs metals present in the mother’s body. These toxic metals accumulate in our tissues and disrupt our health, particularly when pathogens (especially the 60+ strains of EBV) feed on them and release neurotoxins.

Heavy metals and pathogen-based neurotoxins are behind many health conditions, including those affecting the brain and the rest of the nervous system. They account for cases of unexplained anxiety (including panic attacks) and depression, MS, Alzheimer’s disease, seizures, Tourette’s syndrome, and many other conditions.

But Detox and Healing Are Possible

Medical Medium has given us many safe, effective means to detoxify these metals and resolve related health conditions.

One way is through a special combination of five specific ingredients that work synergistically: wild blueberries (what he calls “the world’s most powerful food” for its potent mix of antioxidants and other compounds unknown to science), cilantro, spirulina, dulse seaweed, and barley grass juice powder. This combination forms the therapeutic base of Medical Medium’s heavy metal detox smoothie (HMDS): a tasty breakfast food with astonishing healing powers not to be underestimated when consumed long-term.

For an example of just how powerful this Medical Medium protocol is, see medicalmediummommy on Instagram.

Her son Nicholas received a clinical diagnosis of severe autism at an early age and displayed many of its signature symptoms including biting and kicking, no eye contact, and an inability to communicate his needs.

But his mother learned about the true cause of autism and how to heal it from Medical Medium. She put her son on a morning regimen of celery juice and the HMDS along with a low-fat, plant-based diet free of troublemaker foods that hinder healing.

After following this protocol for a few years, which his mother documented on Instagram, Nicholas’s symptoms lessened over time to the point where now, as a first-grader, he no longer exhibits disruptive signs of autism (see this post and the one below). His autism-specialist doctor was amazed at the boy’s progress and told his mother, as she noted in a caption, “‘I don’t understand it but just keep doing whatever you are doing, Nicholas gives me hope for all my patients with Autism.’”

Of course this didn’t make sense to the doctor, because according to conventional medicine, autism isn’t curable and its symptoms can only be managed. But Nicholas’s case shows that isn’t true — and there are other cases of people healing autism and every other severe health condition that modern medicine does not fully understand and cannot effectively help, by following Medical Medium protocols (every link above is a separate success story you can see for yourself).

Just because science hasn’t yet formally tested these protocols doesn’t mean they can’t work; testimonials from regular people are worth paying attention to when they show remarkably consistent healing patterns.

And if we wait around for conventional medical research to take Medical Medium information seriously, it won’t happen anytime soon — because pharmaceutical companies can’t patent and profit from the world’s most powerful healing foods and supplements like celery juice, wild blueberries, lemon balm, and the most therapeutic forms of B12 and zinc, which are among the foundational healing tools Medical Medium uses.

In 2022, Anthony William released a two-volume set about the human brain, titled Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols. In them he shares information unknown to conventional medicine on the workings of the nervous system and how toxins and pathogens affect it in much greater detail than ever before. (He had originally planned just one book like his other topical releases but ended up channeling so much information that the publisher had to split it into two books, each around 600 pages.)

These books are so comprehensive — covering brain-related conditions including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, migraines, dementia, prolonged depression, even eating disorders — that if there were any possible explanations for Bryan Kohberger’s problems, I knew I’d find them there.

Photo by author. Medical Medium’s latest book releases, a two-volume set on the brain.

How Toxic Heavy Metals Can Produce a Variety of Personality Traits

How are people so different, with such a wide variety of behaviors and personalities? There are many factors as explained in Brain Saver, including a person’s own life experiences, stress levels, pathogen load, nutrient deficiencies, and even sensitivity to their soul.

Another major reason is the wide variety of types and levels of toxic metals that we carry in our bodies — and we all have them. One person might have large mercury deposits that affect their eyesight and thinking (that’s where the saying “mad as a hatter” comes from, as mercury was once used in the hat-making trade), another might have trace amounts of copper and aluminum that cause only low levels of inflammation that don’t bother them yet.

Furthermore, these metals, when subjected to the brain’s electrical activity and chemicals such as adrenaline, combine to form different alloys that further diversify how these metals affect personality and behavior, sometimes in very surprising ways — and therein lies a clue about how Kohberger could allegedly murder four people. Medical Medium writes in Brain Saver:

Having an alloy brain alters the mind. Alloy brains have made some of the ingenious minds in our history. All the same, an alloy brain has drawbacks. Alloy brains have created serial killers [emphasis added]. Even if an alloy gives something to a person, it takes something away from them too. Even if an alloy alters electrical fields in the brain in a way that opens up new possibilities, it comes at a price. That price can be symptoms, early death, a disease state, hurting themselves or others [emphasis added] or other difficulties in how we use the brain to function and communicate.

Medical Medium explains that alloys in the brain are responsible for the neurological patterns of autism where we see unusual gifts (such as mathematical, artistic, or memorization abilities) present alongside often unusual or severe behavioral, emotional, and communication problems.

This reminds me of a childhood friend I’ll call “Norah” here. While she wasn’t diagnosed autistic, she had genius-level intellectual ability coupled with hyperactivity (she was on meds for it), an inability to read social cues well, and occasional tantrums that seemed more appropriate for a toddler than a teen. Norah’s legs bore strange puncture marks apparently self-inflicted with a pencil. She also had thin, brittle hair that didn’t grow very easily.

As Medical Medium explains, hair like this is a symptom of EBV — which feeds on both heavy metals and troublemaker foods like dairy that a person consumes (Norah’s favorite beverage was milk). Many who apply his detoxing protocols report reversal of hair loss and thicker, faster-growing hair, along with improvements in mental health and behavior — because physical and emotional/mental symptoms are usually connected by an underlying cause.

In Part 3 of this series, I explore what Medical Medium’s books have to say specifically about Kohberger’s physical symptoms that he posted about on the Tapatalk forum. (All parts available here after publication.)

Note: I’m not sponsored by or affiliated with Medical Medium in any way. I simply feel compelled to share his information because it has massively improved my own health and that of so many others.

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Jennifer Thangavelu

Seeker and sharer of deep truths, the stories behind the stories--especially those bridging the illusory gap between material and spiritual worlds. 100% HUMAN