What Happened to Bryan Kohberger? Part 5: Linking His Mental and Emotional Symptoms to Toxic Heavy Metals and EBV

Jennifer Thangavelu
7 min readMar 6, 2023


Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

[Note: This part will make more sense if you read the earlier parts of this series, available here.]

Toxic Heavy Metals and EBV Can Cause Depression, Depersonalization, Anxiety, and Other Mental Health Symptoms

On January 15, 2011, Kohberger posted in the online forum about the troubling emotional and mental health symptoms that coincided with his onset of severe visual snow (all grammatical and spelling mistakes are his own):

I have had VS since september 21st of 2009. Since then I have changed, mainly from the anxiety and sense of derealization and hopelessness.

He added many more to this list of symptoms in a post four months later, titled, “Am I the only one?”:

I always feel as if I am not there, completely depersonalized.
Mentally I experience:
-Lack of comprehension at some times
-feel like my life is a movie (depersonalization)
-No interest in activity
-Constant thought of suicide
-Crazy thoughts
-Delusions of Grandeur
-Poor self image
-poor social skills
-I feel like nothing has a point to it
-When I get home, I am mean to my family. This started when VS did. I felt no emotion and along with the depersonalization, I can say and do whatever I want with little remorse… everyone hates me pretty much I am an asshole

The neurologist quoted in the New York Times article about visual snow noted that, according to some research on the condition, those afflicted “also report a high incidence of psychiatric issues, such as anxiety, depression and depersonalization.”

Kohberger certainly fits this description — but only Medical Medium explains why: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection eventually manifests as both physical and mental/emotional symptoms as it feeds on heavy metals and other toxins in the body.


According to Anthony William’s Brain Saver, unexplained depression is linked to the presence of toxins and/or pathogens in different ways. The one that seems particularly relevant to Kohberger’s case is this: An emotional trauma can trigger a spike in adrenaline, which speeds up corrosion of heavy metals in the brain. If a person lacks adequate nutrients and other resources to effectively deal with that trauma, depression can set in.

As the New York Times reports, Kohberger wrote to a friend that he had felt “depressed since he was 5 years old, for so long that he had ‘developed a weird sense of meaning.’”

That might sound like an unusually young age to experience depression, but as Medical Medium writes, “Toxic heavy metals even alter the development of our brain and other organs in the womb” — so it’s possible that Kohberger received enough heavy metal exposure (and the viral inflammation that follows it) early enough in life to change how his brain developed, skewing his thought patterns and personality from an young age.

Photo by Damir Samatkulov on Unsplash


Kohberger’s posts focus a great deal on his depersonalization. Here’s what Medical Medium says about the condition in Brain Saver:

It’s a large gray area bordering the threshold of depression and anxiety. The classic variety of depersonalization is the inability to feel emotionally. You’re completely numb, nothing excites you, nothing gets you upset, nothing matters, nothing interests you, and you feel like you’re not inside your body and you don’t exist. Even within this classic variety of depersonalization there can be plenty of variables.

Medical Medium explains that the reason for variety in depersonalization experiences is its many possible causes: emotional injury, toxic heavy metals, adrenal burnout, brain burnout, low-grade viral infections, or any combination thereof. He writes:

The majority of people with depersonalization have a combination of emotional injury, even if mild, plus toxic heavy metals such as mercury and aluminum in the brain. When the toxic heavy metals are removed, the person can actually relive the missed experiences and feel them for the first time.

The emotional injury in Kohberger’s case could include the bullying he experienced during childhood, and/or an even earlier event that we haven’t heard about.

But here’s the thing about bullying: As I’m sure many have observed, a child’s weight or any other physical feature rarely is the only reason why others bully them. I knew overweight kids in school who were not bullied at all — and in fact were respected or even admired by their peers. There usually is something else about the bullied child’s personality that makes them a target first, such as low self-esteem or an uptight nature.

And indeed a verified former friend of Kohberger’s noted in a Reddit thread that he was bullied mainly for “his weight and social awkwardness [emphasis added].” This, combined with his sense of feeling depressed since five years old, before he could be bullied in school, suggests that heavy metals and pathogens in his system likely were the primary factors shaping his thoughts and behavior rather than the emotional trauma from bullying alone.

There is more evidence to support this. The same friend from the Reddit thread said: “I definitely got the impression that he is potentially on the Autism spectrum (I am an Aspie myself so I know it when I see it).” He elaborated elsewhere in the thread: “mainly his demeanor, his lack of eye contact, lack of displayed emotions except for extremes.”

As you might recall from Part 2 where I shared the story of the autistic boy, children with noticeable autistic behaviors are often rejected by their peers. Medical Medium says in Brain Saver that “autism is caused by toxic heavy metals (mercury and aluminum especially) settling in the cerebral midline canal as well as other areas of the brain.”

So if Kohberger displayed any typical signs of autism at a young age — even if they were mild enough not to require a doctor’s diagnosis — that means his brain already contained the toxic heavy metals that would make him susceptible to EBV infection and the physical, mental and emotional conditions he eventually would experience.


Kohberger mentions anxiety twice in his posts and doesn’t go into much detail about it, but in Brain Saver Medical Medium provides the link between his anxiety and physical symptoms:

Many times people experience other physical symptoms with and around their anxiety, such as vision issues, eye floaters and dizziness [emphasis added]. In this case, they have more than anxiety — they have a virus causing additional symptoms — yet it’s all bundled up as one and diagnosed as anxiety.

Brain Fog

Kohberger lists “fog” among his symptoms. Medical Medium names two causes of brain fog in Brain Saver. One is a liver saturated with toxins (heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, etc.) fueling EBV, which releases neurotoxins that cross the blood-brain barrier and disrupt neurotransmitter activity:

The electrical impulse can misfire as it’s approaching any kind of contamination or inconsistency. The electrical impulse was carrying messages, thoughts, and information, so when it misfires, confusion and brain fog is the result of these messages becoming fragmented.

The second cause is a high load of toxic heavy metals in the brain itself — as Kohberger seemed to have, given his other symptoms. Medical Medium writes:

When those metals oxidize over time, their corrosive waste saturates adjacent brain tissue, glial cells, and connective tissue, with the corrosive waste eventually contaminating neurotransmitters, similar to how viral neurotoxins affect neurotransmitters.

Photo by Jack Lucas Smith on Unsplash

A Growing Problem Among Youth

In Thyroid Healing, Medical Medium connects all these mental and emotional conditions as signs that EBV has reached Stage Four, its final stage within the body. As we can see from Medical Medium’s description below, Kohberger’s infection had clearly reached this stage — and he’s not the only one:

As more [EBV] mutations make their way into the population, many more people, at younger and younger ages, will get here to Stage Four — if they don’t have someone in their lives to share the truth revealed in these pages. So many people in their teens and early 20s are dealing with mystery symptoms such as fatigue, confusion, anxiety, depression, despondency, stomachaches, and racing thoughts. Sometimes these issues are ignored, sometimes they’re chalked up to adolescent angst, and sometimes they’re tagged with labels such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder, Candida, or depersonalization. Prescriptions often accompany these diagnoses, though they often don’t help, because they’re not addressing the true underlying viral issue. In a number of cases, young people are receiving misdiagnoses — what’s really going on for so many of those who are suffering is Stage Four EBV getting underway.

And with depersonalization, what shows on the surface of these young people is despondency, detachment, and thoughtlessness. What’s so often going on beneath the surface is that EBV’s neurotoxins are short-circuiting neurological communications, interfering with a brain that’s still trying to develop. Because the brain isn’t fully developed until well into a person’s 20s, this result of Stage Four EBV is a widespread issue, making so many young people feel beyond isolated and their loved ones feel powerless to help. It’s one of the disasters occurring in today’s world — and entirely avoidable if the word about EBV gets out there.

In Part 6, I describe Kohberger’s radical shift in behavior and personality (All parts available here after publication.)

Note: I’m not sponsored by or affiliated with Medical Medium in any way. I simply feel compelled to share his information because it has massively improved my own health and that of so many others.

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Jennifer Thangavelu

Seeker and sharer of deep truths, the stories behind the stories--especially those bridging the illusory gap between material and spiritual worlds. 100% HUMAN