okorie harrison
2 min readMar 2, 2016


Connection is good but sometimes you end up gaining nothing. It is obvious for anyone to hope on connection to succeed in life. If you are in this category I tell you with fact you are rapidly killing the spirit of pursuit in you. The funny thing is that you were connected. Fine, you can also be disconnected. Why? It is better to work towards your success because if you do you can hardly fail or be failed by anyone.

I am not saying that connection is not a good thing to experience or step to be taking; it is important but not necessary.

When you have played a vital role or offer tangible values to the society then, people will definitely want to associate with you. WHY? Because you have joined the hierarchy of successful people.
You don’t just get connected; you have to provoke the cause of connection. When you have created an avenue for your success and you eventually launched into your breakthroughs then, you are connected. But if you have nothing to show for your existence in life then you are totally disconnected. No one wants to associate with a liability in the century we are now. We all want to gain from one another in one way or the other.

The open secret
A friend of mine who studied accounting ended up becoming an engineer because he had passion for it and very vast in knowledge. Things weren’t going smooth at first but he persisted until one day he discovered a secret that changed the situation of things. What is that secret? “He made people to believe in him”, and ever since then things has been going well with him.

Everybody believes in you, it is left to you to believe in yourself. If you manifest that which you believe in, then people will indeed believe in you.

Be good at what you do and people will know you for what you do. It doesn’t really take time if you can hold on. See you making exploit.

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okorie harrison

A creative writer, speaker, Adventurer, entreprenur, and passionate about the success of others. CEO @ Ideas Exploit. www.ideasexploit.com.