Life as a Community Manager in Ukraine.

2 min readApr 23, 2022


Trigger Warning: Scenes of War are discussed in the video interview.

Community means being there for each other, picking each other when things get tough (life happens! ), and having a shared passion we can all fan-girl over. A community exists in every spectrum, from food choice to language …etc.

I have always been an advocate of amplifying voices that aren’t given enough attention in the community space and this passion led me to the guest for today.

Cue Yurii Lazaruk

Yurii like most people in the world woke up on the 24th of February 2022 to news of Russia invading his home country, Ukraine. I wanted to help out in any way I could and that’s when I came across Yurii, I noticed him in the cmx slack channel (a community for community managers) and I reached out to hear more about what was happening in his country, after chatting for a bit —I knew he had a story that needed to be heard.

My encounter with Yurii on Zoom is one I won’t forget anytime soon, I can’t help but stare at his infectious smile as we talk about the current state of Ukraine, his journey in community management, and the community space in Ukraine

Here is his story.

Donate to support Ukraine —




Founder - Talentpoel , Part-time Foodie, Spirit Animal - Naruto