Light vs Dark

A reason for gratitude

Jeremiah Dalesio
2 min readMar 25, 2014

If you have not finished season one of HBO’s True Detective you may not want to read any further. If you are never going to watch the show or have finished please read on.

I wish I could explain how much I loved the last scene in the series. Seeing Rust and Cole change and grow was everything I could have asked for in an television show character arc. When Rust said “I’ve been thinking, there’s just one story, the oldest….. Light vs Dark.” Cole responds by saying “it appears to me the dark has a lot more territory.” Rust’s last thoughts struck me as so profound: “You’re looking at it wrong -the sky thing. Once there was only dark, you ask me, the light’s winning.”

Are you kidding me! Rust of all people says the light is winning? I loved his journey up to this point, and the writers of this show get my highest regards. I think they tapped into some very real and personal things in this show.

One of the ideas that I think we should all pay attention to is the idea that the light is winning. When we grapple with tough situations — big problems (or sometimes even small ones), our perspective tends to bleed through. I think we can create our own self fulfilling prophecies based on our perspectives. If you think the world is dark and evil is out to get us, I bet that’s what you will find when you leave your house or look through the latest headlines. However, I bet if you think the light is winning, you will see that when you look around. I’m not making a judgment on what the world is or isn’t, I’m just saying that there is a lot of neutral things out there, that with a negative attitude, can become quite dark.

I heard a quote recently: “Think of something you’re grateful for… It’s really hard to be grumpy when you’re being grateful.” I also think the more we focus on the light and the less we will hear those voices of self doubt and sadness that at times are all too loud.

Today I am grateful for so many things. Here’s a list of a few: my wife, my friends, my business, the people I get to work with, my house, and this crazy life that has been given to me.



Jeremiah Dalesio

I love stories. I live my life around engaging in story, not just professionally but personally as well. I own INCITE Productions,