A New Start for a new group(cyberstorm.mu)

jeremie daniel
1 min readSep 22, 2018


So like most of the time, got a call from a dear friend Loganaden Velvindron who asked me if i wanted to join a ‘nameless’ group at that time which would be related to coding, hacking and fun. After talking much more he told me the list of friends that are in the group with us, Codarren Velvindron, Nitin Mutkawoa, Kifah Meeran, Heervesh Lallbahadur, Nigel Yong, Jagveer Loki, Nathan Sunil Mangar and Veegish Ramdani. I already know those guys so it’s better me as no need losing time introducing and more time for coding. The name of the group is cyberstorm.mu. It was last week that they introduce us the name of the group. So this is a good way to start coding for the hackathon IETF 103 for our group and to mark our name. Months ago i participated in the hackathon IETF 102 with those people and it was a great journey, i learned so much with them and got new skills and mindset. So what i like about this new group is that their mindset are different and problem solving is a must with us as when we combine our knowledge we can do mostly anything that is why i decided to become a member of cyberstorm.mu. What i expect from this group is much much less than what we will do in the future. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.

My friend Loganaden has a blog talking about the group cyberstorm.mu and GnuTLS 1.3 support:

Jérémie Daniel, cyberstorm.mu member.


