The Mistake to Watch Out for

Jeremy Fahling
2 min readMay 1, 2022

Mistakes aren’t always bad. Failure isn’t terrible. Failure teaches us — sometimes more than success can. But there is one type of mistake that you should avoid.

Avoid is a bit of a misnomer, though.

There are two types of mistakes:

  1. Mistakes of commission
  2. Mistakes of omission

Mistakes of commission occur because of something you did, an action you committed — like breaking something.

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

This is what we typically think of when we think of a mistake. The phrase is “making a mistake,” which inherently indicates that you did something wrong.

However, mistakes of omission occur because of something that you didn’t do, something was omitted or removed.

These are the dangerous mistakes. These are the mistakes that people regret for their entire life.

Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

You don’t regret asking somebody out and getting rejected. Well, maybe for about 4 minutes. But not for the rest of your life. Unless you didn’t do it. Then, you may as well have been rejected — it’s the same result. But you also have to deal with your internal rejection. You rejected who you are and what you want and desire. That’s the worst of all.



Jeremy Fahling

I write about how to make money on your own terms — whether that is through a “normal” job, freelancing, or a small business.