The Story of the Three Bricklayers- A Parable about the Power of Purpose


“A calling reflects our universal need to matter, to influence, and make a difference in the world around us.” — Victor Frankel

The story of the three bricklayers has various iterations, but is based on the rebuilding of St. Paul’s Cathedral after a fire burned through London in 1666. People can take various meaning out of this story. I think there is something here about rebuilding and growing stronger after great loss and tragedy.

In addition a message about purpose and perspective.

The story goes like this (my version)…

An architect was visiting the project site and loved to interact with those doing the work and approached three bricklayers. He asked them each individually, “what are you doing?”.

The first bricklayer replied, “I’m a bricklayer. I’m working hard to lay bricks to earn money so I can feed my family.” The man seemed tired and wasn’t as far along with his work as the others.

The second bricklayer says, “I’m a builder. I’m building the finest, strongest wall. This wall will be a foundation for this building and will protect everyone who is inside.”

The third bricklayer replied with energy and a light in his eye, “I’m a cathedral builder. I’m building a great cathedral, where people can gather together, pray and celebrate the almighty.”

The Reason I Share this Story Now

Jason Mackenzie (J Mack) and his daughter Chloe.

The person that brought this story to me doesn’t realize the effect he has played in my life. The man who shared this story with me, is like a brother, and lives as an example of living with intention and true presence within his relationships. He is a cathedral builder within all the communities he is part of.

The man I am talking about has suffered another tragic loss. Part of his story, and what initially connected me to him was his experience around losing his first wife to suicide and how he has made that a fuel in his life to be intentional and live a life of purpose, passion, and deep connection, especially with his two daughters. His example has inspired hundreds, if not thousands of fathers.

His connection with his daughters and how he has moved through the trauma with strength and grace, inspired me to be a better communicator and be more present and learn how to validate the feelings of others (especially with my sons).

A couple days ago Jason suffered another tragic loss, with his 19 year old daughter Chloe passing away in an accident. It’s so unfair.

I know he will become stronger somehow through this extremely tough time. He has the support of so many people who he has brought light into their lives.

What I want to share is how meaningful he has been to me. That without realizing it, has inspired and taught me how to be a better father because of how he lived his life and specifically his relationship with his daughters.

I know we both carried around the worries, the stress, of raising teenagers in these times. I also know how driven we can become and how this can take us into some crazy places.

Thank you J Mack for telling your story, way back when I first met you. Thank you for bringing the story of the Bricklayers, and being an example of someone living their purpose. It was because of a conversation we had, that ultimately led me into joining the Dad Edge Alliance Mastermind, and helped clarify my own direction and purpose in this life.

I appreciate you for being an example to so many men, by living with intention, integrity, and deep connection with our loved ones. The Spirit of Chloe will be remembered as I will continue to strive for the kind of connection and love that exists between you and her, and all your relationships.

Thank You Brother. I am so sorry for your loss. I am always willing to listen and have your back if you need anything.

Continue Building Cathedrals.

Sharing J Mack’s story here, it might be helpful to some one who really needs to hear it.



Jeremy Bennett, AKA Student of Fire

Husband, Father, Brother, and Son. Wildland Fire is my profession. The biggest teacher in my life is Fire. Sharing my stories is my gift. To Myself and others.