5 Reasons why I don’t have 5 Tips to Improve your Productuvity

Jeremy David
1 min readApr 6, 2016
  1. I misspelled productivity — in the headline above.

2. I’m wearing Sweats. Has anyone been productive in Sweats? I feel like Costanza in the “Summer of George.”

3. I own a HP laptop. Enough said.

2. I consciously decided to not have a cell phone — for the last two years, and wish I just had a pager instead. You know you screen phone calls. Fortunately, I don’t have to.

  1. My idea of multi-tasking is: Drinking Coffee while on the shitter, and enjoying a cold beer during a hot shower.

6. I somehow came up with 6 reasons, and this one is not actually a reason, more of an explanation that I’m missing a number 4 & 5.



Jeremy David

I Live on an Island — where I harvest food and interesting thoughts.