We’ve decided to use EDI not DEI. Here’s why.

Jeremy Evans-Smith
2 min readSep 30, 2020


I’ve gotten the question a few times since we made the switch:

“hey, why don’t you use DEI when describing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion?”

It’s a good question and one I spent quite a lot of time considering before defining what made the most sense for Ascending. I’d like to share a few of those thoughts to help create clarity, consistency for those who follow, explore and/or partner with us.

First: to us, the order matters a great deal.

In our American, San Francisco Bay Area context (Ascending was founded in Oakland) I most regularly hear individuals talk about Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. The emphasis in America seems to regularly be on the diversity piece. Candidly, I’d even wager most struggle to confidently define or differentiate either Equity or Inclusion; this is problematic.

For Ascending and the forward-thinking organizations that work with us we urge them to set Equity higher in their view — namely as the goal of the workplace. For the sake of brevity, we’ll skip discussing why that’s the case (plug for a future article.) Suffice to say, Equity, or treating folx with a sense of fairness or justice, is the crown jewel of healthy workplaces. It’s the container that can actually hold the value of meritocracy that communities like Silicon Valley claim to champion.

Second: we value contextual consistency beyond the US (tech) community.

As we’ve begun to lay the foundation for internationally contextual work in Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, it’s become clear that similar communities in the West (particularly the U.K. and Canada) seem to use this ordering.

Third: realizing (& respecting) current utilization of DEI as an acronym

At Ascending we value choosing our words thoughtfully. One of the ways we sought to embody this value was in soliciting feedback about scoring terminology and doing a bit of leg-work to see if there was an agreed upon standard. Our research showed the Disability Equality Index, or DEI, an initiative (& acronym) sponsored by the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD.) Given our appreciation for intersectional diversity and the recent, 30th commemorative anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (July 26th 2020) we wanted to consider other terms to avoid conflation or crowding.

Big takeaway —

Ultimately, all this comes down to us seeking to meaningfully and consistently live out our values. As a small org, we can be nimble and forgiving in our approach; and we hope to always live with humility to make change where we feel a sense of conviction. This is one of those opportunities. We hope it inspires you to consider some of the same.

Keep rising,

J es & the Ascending crew 🚀



Jeremy Evans-Smith

Exploring software based solutions to equity diversity and inclusion.