Congress Acknowledges the Issue: UFOs Exist.

Jeremy George Eaton
6 min readNov 12, 2022


We’ve entered a new chapter in UFO history.

I want to share exactly why we’re in new territory and why the prospect of uncovering the UFO mystery is bright.

This new chapter started with an organization called To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2017. Its constituents consisted of Aerospace, Science, and Entertainment folks and are responsible for facilitating the leak of some important documents: multiple gun camera footage videos of UFOs and the existence of an organization within the Pentagon (AATIP) that claims to have studied UFOs (called UAP, or Unidentified Arial Phenomena, internally).

Navy’s “Gimbal” Video.

The real bombshell occurred when the Navy, confronted by these videos of UAP and multiple witness testimonies, admitted that they were authentic and genuinely of unknown origins. Suddenly, the government's official stance swayed from “there’s nothing significant to UFOs” to “we see them every day and we don’t know what they are”, or so they allege.

Fortunately, some of our elected officials in congress and the Senate were paying attention to these revelations. Now that we know there’s a potential security threat — UFOs buzzing fighter jets and such — they want more information. They want to know what it is and whether it constitutes a serious threat or not under the premise that this information is required for them to do their jobs properly.

Tucked within the Covid Relief Bill under former President Trump lived a provision that required the assembly of a Taskforce to address their concerns around UFOs: The UAP Taskforce. The provision required that an unclassified report be provided to Congress and the American people on a recurring basis.

On June 25, 2021, the Preliminary Assessment on UAP dropped. It revealed that there are 143 legitimate UFO cases, many of which have multiple eyewitnesses and data from multiple sensors corroborating the existence of physical objects that significantly outperform our best aircraft. According to some pilots, these objects incur over our controlled airspace almost every day.

Fast forward nearly a year and we find ourselves having the first open hearings on UFOs in over 50 years.

1st Public Congressional UFO Hearing in 50+ years.

The whole point of this UAP Taskforce is to provide recurring reports on their findings and on what they’re doing to learn more about this mystery. From the hearing, we know that there’s a formal process for reporting UAP now, and that total reports have increased to 400 since the Preliminary Report. The stigma is waning.

The Taskforce alleges they are working closely with other organizations within the military and civilian world and are in communication to explicitly prevent the reporting of secret or “Black Project” developmental platforms. This suggests that the current and future body of reports are not of US origin. If they were, why would they be wreaking havoc on our military people? Why wouldn’t the Pentagon omit them from its report?

The Taskforce also revealed that they are in contact with allies regarding the issue and that even our adversaries like China have stood up similar Task forces to assess objects of unknown origin in their skies. The details of this are likely classified, but this suggests that we’re likely not dealing with contemporary secret projects from other nations, whether allied or adversarial.

This leaves us with a single, catch-all category for some of these UAP reports — Other.

Certainly, some UAP will have prosaic explanations. Some will have human origins. But some of the testimony and data suggest that some are something else entirely. These are the ones we need to investigate further.

If some UFOs might not be man-made (by contemporary human civilization), this leaves some interesting hypotheses: Extra Terrestrials, other advanced Earth-based civilizations, whether human or nonhuman, previously unknown to us, visitors from other dimensions, universes, timelines, etc. Suddenly an ET hypothesis becomes rather prosaic.

What’s clear about the UAP Taskforce is that they aren’t aware of UFO history as one would expect. Members of Congress during the hearing challenged and put on record that they have not heard of the Malstrom Air Force Base incident or the Wilson Memos. Let’s dig into why this is significant.

In 1967, lights in the sky appeared over Malstrom Air Force Base while subsequently all 10 of the base’s nuclear warheads went offline. The odds of one going offline is extremely rare so the fact that all 10 went off is truly remarkable. We have several military witnesses, still living, that have already given explicit consent to testify their stories before Congress under oath. This event and others demonstrate that UFOs have been a national security threat for decades.

The Wilson memo captures a conversation between Dr. Eric Davis and retired United States Navy vice Admiral and 13th Director of the DIA Thomas Wilson where Wilson was barred from accessing projects dealing with downed UFOs. If found to be authentic, this paints a picture of the illegality of the secrecy around UFOs, illustrating that those who should have access to these projects and information are simply kept in the dark.

It is the thesis of The Disclosure Project that excessive secrecy is illegal and that any NDA issued from the said entity is null and void. This project includes witness testimony of 400 military officials, all willing to testify under oath before Congress that their stories are true. Some have corroborating documents. Some allege that we’ve found crashed disks with alien bodies in them and that we’ve cataloged over 57 Extra Terrestrial beings so far (this was in 2001). Get these people on the mic before Congress and the American people already!

The Disclosure Project at the National Press Club

It’s frustrating that the UAP Taskforce knows so little, either by design or incompetence, or both. What’s encouraging is that there is a real fire in Congress and the Senate to get to the bottom of the UAP issue. Many believe we are being stonewalled by the national security apparatus and that we must continue to fight and push for transparency. This is promising!

Much of the work has already been done.

We could one day have a Congressional hearing that resembles a mock hearing event in 2013, organized by Stephen Bassett — the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. This project consists of 30 hours of mock hearings before 5 former members of Congress. Some of these former members were moved to tears by what they heard.

Screenshot from Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, a mock Congressional Hearing.

What’s exciting now is the prospect of more hearings in the future. We’ve already confirmed how little the Taskforce knows, publicly. Hopefully, they do their homework — there’s at least 75 years' worth of data to process. But with even more hope we can anticipate that the Congress and Senate exercise the powers vested in them to subpoena key witnesses who’ve experienced this mystery and protect them with immunity so they can share their part of the mystery. Immunity is on its way (2023).

Not too long ago, any mention of UFOs in the mainstream media was met with giggles or worse. Now, when folks are asked about the prospect of ETs they might say, well, of course, the universe is unimaginably vast.

There was a time when we firmly believed that Earth was the center of the Solar System. Galileo sustained the designation of heretic and lived under house arrest until his death before the world warmed up to his scientific proof that the Sun was the center of the Solar System.


Let’s be open to the idea that something extraordinary may already be here. This is what mountains of witness testimony suggest. And we have data to support the hypothesis.

Just look through the telescope.

