Why Am I Watching ‘GLOW: The Story of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling’?

Jeremy Lambert
3 min readAug 24, 2017


  1. If I watched the GLOW series staring Alison Brie do I need to watch this?
  2. Was this the original Women’s Revolution?
  3. Does WWE even acknowledge GLOW’s existence?
  4. Is that Bull Nakano?
  5. Why isn’t the nightstick on a pole?
  6. How did she win via bodyslam when there are flags in the corner?
  7. Larry Zybsko definitely got paid too much to do this, right?
  8. Why can’t we go back to the 80’s if everyone had money and was happy?
  9. Anyone remember Wrestlelicious?
  10. How are these ladies still so gorgeous?
  11. So GLOW is to blame for wrestling turning into entertainment?
  12. Would people like WWE more if they called it Bitch Fighting instead of Women’s Wrestling?
  13. Did Jim Cornette force these ladies to not break kayfabe?
  14. IVORY WAS IN GLOW?!?!?!
  15. “Imagine thinking, first make sure they’re good looking and then we’ll see if they can wrestle.” Um, wasn’t that Vince McMahon’s philosophy for many years?
  16. How come this guy won’t put the Guerrero’s over as a wrestling dynasty?
  17. Why did he have to say “almost”?
  18. Does WWE glorify the Guerrero’s?
  19. Is “the 80’s” the only logical reason Mando had for shooting on this poor girl?
  20. How come GLOW the series doesn’t show how hardcore this training is made out to be?
  21. Can Mando narrate my life?
  22. Oh damn, Legend’s House is just a rip off of Life in the GLOW House?
  23. Did every company in the 90’s steal all their ideas from GLOW?
  24. Is every idea today stolen from GLOW?
  25. Is GLOW secretly the greatest wrestling company ever?
  26. Is GLOW also secretly to blame for everything bad in current wrestling?
  27. Were they the first company to have writers instead of bookers?
  28. Should WWE add a laugh track to their skits?
  29. Marc Maron definitely nailed the character of Matt Cimber, right?
  30. Why did David McClaine decline an interview for this documentary?
  31. What is David McClaine hiding?
  32. Will Matt Cimber appear in this documentary?
  33. How could they do this documentary without the director and financial backer?
  34. How many people only know these women from playing TEW mods?
  35. They put a real blade on the chainsaw?
  36. Were they allowed to drink during matches?
  37. Was GLOW really as great as it’s being made out to be?
  38. What is Hulk Hogan’s opinion on GLOW?
  39. The GLOW girls were in Playboy before Sable?
  40. How many wrestlers have lost significant others when they found out they weren’t the character they portrayed?
  41. Isn’t that why Linda left Hulk? Cause Hulk had a 12 inch penis but Terry’s penis was on 5 or 6?
  43. But did they tie someone to a cross?
  44. Mount Fiji was the original Nia Jax/Awesome Kong, right?
  45. How much does it suck to see Mt. Fiji in a hospital bed?
  46. What else did Mount Fiji do that was so important?
  47. Did you guys know that wrestling leads to a lot of injuries?
  48. “It doesn’t make for good television with the entire crowd chanting ‘bullshit.’” But what about beach balls?
  49. Did we really need to see her arm getting destroyed more than once?
  50. Was that more brutal than Sid’s leg?
  51. Would Hogan put over Matilda?
  52. How come Ted Turner didn’t buy GLOW?
  53. How much better would the Monday Night Wars have been if it was GLOW vs. WWF?
  54. Did all these ladies peak with GLOW?
  55. How are there still 20-minutes left in this documentary?
  56. Why didn’t they sign Bull Nakano?
  57. They got Matt Cimber for the reunion but couldn’t get him for the documentary?
  58. How much did they charge for autographs at this GLOW reunion?
  59. Was Virgil there?
  60. How come no one told her she looks good?
  61. Is Mount Fiji like The Undertaker of GLOW?
  62. How many of these women did Ric Flair sleep with?
  64. WHAT IS HE HIDING!?!?!?!
  65. Did they have a crown instead of a title?
  66. How has Ivory not aged?
  67. Does GLOW has the highest success rate of still living wrestlers?
  68. Does Hollywood make snuff porn now?
  69. Which one of these girls was supposed to be Alison Brie?
  70. How big would a Lana/Ninotchka tag team be?
  71. Anyone else a bit disappointed?

