Believe in yourself: Matters of the heart with Runaways rocker Cherie Currie

Jeremy Roberts
9 min readMay 5, 2017
Hang tight as original Runaways lead vocalist Cherie Currie offers some sterling pearls of wisdom in an exclusive interview. The barefoot rocker, perhaps only 17 years old, opts for unconditional puppy love in this adorable 1977 candid. Photography by Brad Elterman

Cherie Currie definitely knew that rock ‘n’ roll was in her DNA after witnessing David Bowie soundly trounce his would-be competitors on the hallowed Diamond Dogs Tour in 1974. Within a year and a half, at the urging of controversial manager-producer Kim Fowley and the incomparable Joan Jett, the all-female, still influential Runaways were born. While immediate bona fide success eluded them in the states, Japan was another story, with sold out concerts, all-night parties, trashed hotel rooms, and intoxicating drugs on every corner.

Inner band turmoil, financial mismanagement, and substance abuse governed Currie’s hand-wringing decision to leave the band in late 1977. A largely unrealized short solo career and a stalled acting career — although Foxes with a teenage Jodie Foster is worthy of rediscovery — gave way to wilderness years in the ’80s. Currie found personal happiness when she beat her addictions, became a mother, and gained a handsome paycheck to boot as a talented — believe it or not — chainsaw chick.

In 2010 the punk rockers were immortalized by Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning on celluloid, reviving interest in Currie’s musical aspirations. She experienced a tentative return to recording with digital singles “Some Velvet Morning” and the piston pumpin’ “Rock This Christmas



Jeremy Roberts

Retro pop culture interviews & lovin’ something fierce sustain this University of Georgia Master of Agricultural Leadership alum. Email: