Clint Eastwood applauds Donald Trump’s contempt for political correctness

Jeremy Roberts
5 min readJan 2, 2018
Learn about the iconic “Man with No Name” and former California Mayor Clint Eastwood’s stunning indictment on political correctness and support for Republican President Donald Trump. “Well do you feel lucky, punk?” The Academy Award-winning “Unforgiven” director is captured in the accompanying still for the September 2016 edition of Esquire Magazine. Photography by Terry Richardson / Esquire Magazine

In an extensive cover story for long-running lifestyle men’s magazine Esquire, iconic, then-86-year-old American actor Clint Eastwood unleashed a stunning indictment on political correctness and professed his admiration for Republican President Donald Trump.

Eastwood is no stranger to political controversy, having served two years as mayor of Carmel, California, in the late 1980s and regaling delegates 25 years later at the 2012 GOP National Convention with a widely derided, adlibbed speech admonishing an empty chair supposedly containing President Barack Obama.

Asked if he had officially endorsed Trump or Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, Eastwood treaded carefully, stating that he had not, nor had he spoken personally with either candidate. But the weathered cowboy basically admitted his vote was in Trump’s corner when journalist Michael Hainey pressed him on the issue: Who would he vote for if given the choice of Clinton or the former host of NBC’s The Apprentice?

“That’s a tough one, isn’t it?” admitted the conservative leaning actor. “I’d have to go for Trump…’cause Hillary’s declared that she’s gonna follow in Obama’s footsteps. There’s been just too much funny business on both sides of the aisle. She’s made a lot of dough out of being a politician. I gave up…



Jeremy Roberts

Retro pop culture interviews & lovin’ something fierce sustain this University of Georgia Master of Agricultural Leadership alum. Email: