How Robbie Robertson almost reunited with Levon Helm and The Band

In the aftermath of the acclaimed “Jericho” record, booking agent Steve Martin had the $3 million offer from concert promoter John Scher in his briefcase, and Robertson’s agent Nick Wechsler placed a call to Band manager Joe Forno Jr.

Jeremy Roberts
13 min readJun 8, 2023


Pianist Richard Manuel, organist Garth Hudson, guitarist Robbie Robertson, bassist Rick Danko, and bare-chested drummer Levon Helm are captured on infrared color film reclining on rugs in the yard of Manuel and Hudson’s home above the Ashokan Reservoir in Woodstock, New York, 1969. One of Manuel’s cats roams the property in the background. Photography by Elliott Landy



Jeremy Roberts

Retro pop culture interviews & lovin’ something fierce sustain this University of Georgia Master of Agricultural Leadership alum. Email: