Three Feet From Gold Blab Show Series Announcement

Jeremy Murphy
3 min readMar 8, 2016


Once upon a time, there was a gentleman named Napoleon Hill who wrote a fantastic book called Think and Grow Rich. Have you heard of it? The 1937 classic became a bestseller and one of the most powerful motivational books of all time. Strengthening our mindset is extremely important and Think and Grow Rich captured that very well. The book has such lasting wisdom that discussions upon this book continue to this day a century later.

More recently, Greg S. Reid and Sharon L. Lechter have co-written a modern success allegory of their own called Three Feet from Gold. The book is jam-packed with comprehensive wisdom from a broad compilation of successful entrepeneurs, authors, inspirational people and athletes and contains a powerful and winning summative success formula that we all can implement as long as we do not give up when times are tough.

The book is premised on the notion that too often, we quit so close to success. It reminds me of the Japanese proverb: Fall down seven times, stand up eight. Think of football and coaches electing to punt on 4th down and 1 instead of going for the first-down conversion while the crowd frequently yells “Go for it! (meaning go for first down).

R.U. Darby, mining for gold in Colorado during the gold rush, struggled to find authentic gold that lasts and finally gave up in frustration. A major gold vein discovery was found a mere three feet from where Darby gave up.

Truth be told, we all encounter struggles and challenges that weigh us down and make us want to wave the white flag of surrender and throw in the towel. Have you ever given up when success was just around the corner within reach but seemingly out of reach? Success can be found with patience, perseverance, determination and persistence even when things appear hopeless.

Success is somewhat like a puzzle. We know where some of the pieces are and which ones to link together but cannot put the whole puzzle together by ourselves without the help of others and some deep soul-searching. Our own myopic tunnel-vision prevents us from seeing the forest-for-the-trees big picture from 30,000 feet perspective that we sometimes need to plow through life with more passionate, driven determination.

Tomorrow at 12pm Central, my good friend and author Ha Tran and I will will host and begin a blab series based on the Three Feet from Gold book. The Napoleon Hill Foundation gave its consent and permission for us to present this book in the blab platform. You can find blab at

The first chapter is entitled Running on Empty and that is also the title of Episode 1 of our blab series.

We would be delighted to have you join us to discuss this book and its successful application to our lives. We are intending to make the blab show a deep dive into this book chapter by chapter, more than just a book club discussion. The show will be 1/2 hour of discussion about the book between the two of us and its modern life lessons, applying it to our lives. Then for the remaining 1/2 hour, we will take questions from the audience and answer them. Together we can find and share the path to success. We are hopeful that this blab show will help illuminate a hopeful path to success for everyone.

Please join us live if you can and remember you can subscribe to the blab to watch the replay later. Hope to see you tomorrow! Thank you for your support! Cooperation makes miracles happen!

As Napoleon Hill wrote: “Decide to live life to its fullest. You may be three feet from gold.”

Legal Disclaimer from Napoleon Hill Foundation: “Three Feet from Gold is used with the consent of the Napoleon Hill Foundation. However the Foundation has no control over and does not endorse the platform or content. To learn more about the Napoleon Hill Foundation, go to



Jeremy Murphy

@RRCAnational certified Run Coach, #HealthCoach, Life Coach, #Asthmatic Ultrarunner, Husband, Adoptive Father, Musician, #JuicePlus, Lawyer, Catholic, Blogger