The Riot Starters:

The Public Report
7 min readJun 19, 2020


What to Look For.

No pay for this work. No paywall requested. v.8 — 6/16/20
Content is my Own (JLQ), All Rights Acquired, YouTube fair use (1) screenshot.

This research as a Public Report is intended for the public domain.

What We Missed.
by Jeremy L. Quinn

(Federal court document photo)

The temperature of the uprising is real. The transparency is not.

Inescapable to the eye, a brand of tactical anarchy has played out covertly on our streets with blazing efficiency. Like this :

  1. Find a protest
  2. Hold a decoy “protest” on the periphery a mile away (no protest signs, the giveaway)
  3. A Crowbar and Lookout duo, covered head to toe wearing backpacks or with a full duffel bag, target an exposed business while police fret over the peaceful protest.
  4. Break in. Summon the Looter Team standing by for news of an open store.
  5. Find a new, desirable target and repeat.
  6. Infiltrate peaceful protest optional.
    But always, always hide in plain sight.

Like this guy…

Red brimmed cap man in a latex mask, Vans Shoe Store, Santa Monica (JLQ)

These guys.

CVS Hollywood on Vine (JLQ)

And this guy… on the right…

Who looks like he goes to a different high school.

Walnut Creek, CA — If image blurred under rights request, vid link to image here

Bay Area News Group requested, YouTube screenshot Fair Use

These men & women in masks, always avoiding cameras, indicate a larger role in riot events than at first glance. We don’t see their faces, or have the words for exact affiliations. In the heavily shared video by Civil Rights Activist Kymberly Jones, we are warned to take care from viewing events superficially & fixating on looters, “As long as we are focusing on the What, we are not focusing on the Why.”

Jones adds ”Why, in this country, in 2020, the financial gap between poor blacks and the rest of the world is at such a distance, that people feel like their only hope and only opportunity to get some of the things that we flaunt and flash at them all the time is to walk through a broken glass window and get it.”

But who breaks that glass, tears down the plywood, & lights the canister fires?

We only have to slow down the publicly available video and look for similarly coordinated Riot Instigators to find them. Let’s begin with the CNN Center:

Two men up front hurl projectiles, collapsing the first pane of glass at the CNN Center.

Are they allies to BLM?

CNN redistribution rights secured for release

Or are they celebrating something else?

In each series of screenshots, I will provide a link to the original public source video for verification:

Seattle’s mayor Jenny Durkan on May 31st warned much of the violence “has been instigated and perpetuated by white men” who were “co-opting peaceful demonstrations.”

Some Americans may have dismissed politician’s accounts in the early days as partisan.

But seeing is believing.

In each instance, you will find identical tactics with alarming regularity & similar casting:

The Santa Monica Riot

The Fairfax Police Car Fire in Los Angeles “Why is it all white guys though?”

The Wendy’s Atlanta June 14th Fire “Look at white girl tryin’ to burn down the Wendy’s.”

We can trace the techniques of these Infiltrators at work back to where it all began,
The Minneapolis Police 3rd Precinct Fire on May 28th.

Minneapolis: You arrive to protest peacefully & covert-ops Rioter guy scales the Police fence.

Notice the 2 short sleeved men on Lookout detail FAR RIGHT side. :09

AFP Agency redistribution rights secured for release


The Black Lives Matter protester with the bermuda hat says,This is not what it is.”

At the end of the clip a young Black man hesitantly joins the chaos. He awkwardly holds a golf iron. A woman bangs on the collapsed fence, pleading with him to come back.

Quickcut Edit (No Ads) —

(BELOW LEFT). A scraggly haired Riot Team member (covered head to toe) adds to the MN station fire. He adjusts his goggles, and goes VIDEO: 07

(CENTER) A gas masked Rioter raises 2 canisters. A man in white tank top lurks behind.

As we explore ideas of community policing, may we start with transparency as to what just happened? Quickcut Edit

And why when we look closer, the visuals are incongruent with what we think we saw.

AFP Agency redistribution rights secured for release
Consider the video of the May 31st looting riot in Walnut Creek.

In the clip, look for the lady in red.

An eye witness at the Broadway Plaza confirmed the Looter Team is headed to Macy’s which had already been looted. The Crowbar Lady calls out for the group to return.
At :24 somebody in the group asks, “What’s going on?”

Getty Images permissions acquired for release

We then see the tall, lithe lady in a red hoodie, covered head to toe, carrying a full handbag quickly leaving the scene. An eyewitness confirms she crowbarred the entry to the Solstice Sunglasses shop. A new opportunity has been created…

Many on crowbar detail wear gloves, however, if you look at her hands, she did not.

Getty Images permissions acquired for release

The lady slips away, as does the young man, quickly turning when he sees the camera at :28

Successfully, because with media & public focus consumed with the looting,
Walnut Creek never notices him there.

My sources in Walnut Creek swore there were “no white people involved.”
Even the man behind the camera missed it.

Same in LA.
Likely all over the country.

“They’re very, very serious.” says Andre Taylor, BLM Activist & Founder of Seattle based Not This Time. He told Seattle Channel’s Civic Cocktail that these “Destractors” have been creating drama for years. “They have had a concerted effort around the country to infiltrate rallies on purpose like this.” He adds, “I can understand how hard it is for the police to navigate in between people that have infiltrated into protestors. So you have Protestors . You have Rioters. You have Looters. Those are three different things. And the media has been clumping those together.”

Taylor announces at protest events in Seattle, if you see something, say something,

“You have White supremacists, Neo nazis, Anarchists. We can not let them distract.” Taylor says, “It’s the responsibility of white people to infiltrate that, that is going on, and to bring that to a heel.”

To do that we must understand what to look for & how simple, coordinated efforts are executed.

This duo on Riot Squad crossed racial lines. CVS in Hollywood. (JLQ)

I filmed this pair of Riot Leaders ushering in the Looter Team at CVS on Vine & Willoughby Sunday May 31st. The young man on the left I see on Crowbar detail pulling off the last of the plywood as I drive up.

The Lookout man to the right catches me recording. He calls out and then quickly digs into his backpack… Raw Video : (JL)

As I escape, two bottles of milk smash aside my driver side door as a parting shot.


Milk counteracts tear gas and pepper spray. The two were prepared to continue their infiltration at the police line standoff with protestors a mile away on Sunset / Gower if need be.


Direct hit. After a car wash, I see the duo walking from CVS together. They give me the finger.

The clearest example of projectiles hurled from Riot Agitators from within a crowd can be seen in Oklahoma City. “Stop throwing stuff.” 3:03

The crowd intelligently pulls back to show OKC officers they do not cosign with the troublemaker.

The Hollywood duo took no loot for themselves. They were on scene exclusively to open up the CVS in a coordinated effort to usher in willing participants.

All this confirmed what I witnessed a day before in Santa Monica.

End part 1
Preview part 2 —



The Public Report

An independent investigation for the Public domain. Part 2 at