Behind the Screens: The Scandals and Quirky Habits of Silicon Valley’s Elite

Jeremy Roche
7 min read2 days ago

Ever wondered what Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg do when they’re not revolutionising the world? Spoiler alert: it involves fruit diets, prefab homes and hunting expeditions. Let’s dive into the wild and wacky world of tech’s biggest names and discover the scandals and quirky habits that make them surprisingly human — and hilariously eccentric.

Built a Lego printer — we love this Larry!

Silicon Valley is renowned for its innovation, cutting-edge technology, and the visionary leaders who drive it. But beyond their public personas, many of these tech titans have fascinating and sometimes controversial personal stories. Here’s a peek into the lesser-known aspects of 14 influential tech CEOs.

1. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc., is celebrated for revolutionizing multiple industries, including personal computing, music, and smartphones. However, Jobs’ personal life was not without controversy. He initially denied paternity of his daughter Lisa, despite later naming a computer after her. Jobs’ relationship with his family and his unyielding perfectionism shaped much of his legacy.

• Scandal: In 2010, the iPhone 4 was plagued by reception issues caused by the antenna design. After initially denying problems, Jobs held a press conference offering free cases to mitigate the issue, but also infamously advised users to “avoid holding it in that way.”
• Quirk: Jobs followed an extreme fruitarian diet, sometimes eating only one type of fruit for weeks at a time. He believed this allowed him to avoid showering regularly.

2. Elon Musk

Speaking of unconventional lifestyles, let’s blast off to Elon Musk, the man who brought us electric cars and reusable rockets — and some pretty eccentric habits.

Elon Musk, the visionary behind Tesla and SpaceX, has a knack for making headlines with his ambitious projects. Yet, many are unaware that Musk’s entrepreneurial spirit began early; he sold a video game called Blastar at the age of 12. Musk’s relentless drive and innovative spirit have their roots in his early fascination with technology.

• Scandal: In 2018, Musk tweeted that he was considering taking Tesla private at $420 per share and had “funding secured.” This caused Tesla’s stock to surge before it was revealed there was no firm deal lined up. Musk and Tesla paid $40 million in penalties to settle SEC charges over the misleading tweet.
• Quirk: Musk claims to work around 120 hours per week, sometimes not leaving the Tesla factory for days at a time. He briefly lived in a $50,000 prefab tiny home near the SpaceX launch site after selling his real estate portfolio in 2020.

3. Bill Gates

Bill Gates is synonymous with Microsoft and personal computing. Gates famously dropped out of Harvard to pursue his passion for software, teaming up with Paul Allen to create Microsoft. While his business acumen is well-known, Gates’ transformation into a philanthropist through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation showcases his commitment to addressing global challenges.

• Scandal: Gates’ involvement in Microsoft’s aggressive business practices in the 1990s led to an antitrust lawsuit, which resulted in Microsoft being declared a monopoly.
• Quirk: Gates once jumped over a table and started screaming wildly in a meeting when an employee disagreed with him.

4. Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and CEO of Facebook (now Meta), has faced numerous challenges regarding privacy issues and data handling. Zuckerberg’s journey from a Harvard dorm room to leading one of the world’s largest social media platforms is marked by both innovation and scrutiny.

• Scandal: In 2018, Facebook was scrutinized after data from millions of users was improperly accessed by Cambridge Analytica for political ad targeting. Zuckerberg testified before Congress about Facebook’s privacy practices.
• Quirk: Zuckerberg’s bizarre habit of only eating what he kills himself led him to learn to slaughter and cook farm animals.

5. Larry Page

Larry Page, co-founder of Google (now Alphabet Inc.), is known for his role in creating the world’s most popular search engine. Page’s interest in futuristic technologies is evident in projects like self-driving cars and other moonshot initiatives under Alphabet’s umbrella.

• Scandal: Google’s involvement in privacy and antitrust issues has put Page under scrutiny multiple times.
• Quirk: Page once built a programmable printer out of Lego bricks as a kid, foreshadowing his future in tech.

6. Sergey Brin

Alongside Larry Page, Sergey Brin co-founded Google. Brin’s contributions to search algorithms and Google’s infrastructure have been pivotal. Although he maintains a relatively private personal life, Brin’s passion for innovation continues to drive his work on various technological fronts.

• Scandal: Brin’s affair with a Google employee led to his divorce and created internal controversy within the company.
• Quirk: Brin is known for his involvement in adventurous activities, including flying trapeze classes and other extreme sports.

7. Tim Cook

Tim Cook stepped into the spotlight as the CEO of Apple Inc. after Steve Jobs. Cook’s leadership has been characterized by his advocacy for privacy, security, and LGBTQ+ rights, making him one of the most influential and respected leaders in tech today.

• Lesser-Known Fact: Cook publicly came out as gay in 2014, making him the first openly gay CEO of a Fortune 500 company.
• Quirk: Cook is known for his disciplined lifestyle, including waking up at 4:00 AM to start his day.

8. Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos transformed e-commerce with Amazon and ventured into space exploration with Blue Origin. His high-profile divorce in 2019 revealed the personal side of the man who built one of the world’s most valuable companies.

• Scandal: Bezos’ divorce from MacKenzie Scott was one of the most expensive in history, involving a significant financial settlement.
• Quirk: Bezos banned PowerPoint presentations at Amazon senior team meetings, requiring employees to write out narratively structured memos instead.

9. Jack Dorsey

Jack Dorsey co-founded Twitter and Square, two platforms that have had significant impacts on social media and financial services. Dorsey is known for his unconventional lifestyle and leadership style.

• Scandal: Dorsey’s leadership at Twitter faced scrutiny over how the platform handled harassment, misinformation, and political content.
• Quirk: Dorsey follows an intermittent fasting diet, eating only one meal per day between 6:30 PM and 9:00 PM and fasting on weekends.

10. Marissa Mayer

Marissa Mayer, former CEO of Yahoo, faced significant challenges during her tenure, including declining market share and internal strife. Before Yahoo, Mayer was a key player at Google, overseeing critical products like Google Search and Google Maps.

• Scandal: Mayer’s handling of Yahoo’s security breaches, which affected billions of user accounts, drew significant criticism.
• Quirk: Mayer is known for her rigorous work ethic, often sleeping under her desk during her early days at Google.

11. Travis Kalanick

Travis Kalanick, co-founder and former CEO of Uber, disrupted the transportation industry. His aggressive management style and various controversies, including issues with company culture and regulatory battles, ultimately led to his resignation.

• Scandal: Kalanick resigned as Uber CEO in 2017 after a series of scandals, including allegations of widespread misogyny and sexual harassment at the company. A viral video also showed Kalanick berating an Uber driver over fares.
• Quirk: Kalanick once told Uber staff, “Some people don’t like to take responsibility for their own s**t. They blame everything in their surroundings but themselves.”

12. Adam Neumann

Adam Neumann co-founded WeWork, revolutionizing the coworking space industry. However, his tenure was marred by excessive spending and a failed IPO, leading to his eventual ouster from the company.

• Scandal: Neumann’s leadership was characterized by financial mismanagement, leading to a dramatic fall from grace during WeWork’s attempted IPO.
• Quirk: Neumann was known for his lavish lifestyle, including surfing on a private jet and trademarking the word “We” to sell it back to WeWork.

13. Elizabeth Holmes

Elizabeth Holmes founded Theranos with promises of revolutionizing blood testing. However, her fall from grace was swift as it became clear that her company’s technology was flawed, leading to charges of fraud and significant legal consequences.

• Scandal: Holmes was convicted of fraud in 2022 for deceiving investors, doctors, and patients about the capabilities of Theranos’ blood-testing technology.
• Quirk: Holmes adopted a deep baritone voice that was seen as an attempt to project more authority, despite sounding comically artificial.

14. John McAfee

John McAfee, founder of McAfee antivirus software, led a life filled with legal troubles and controversies. Known for his eccentric behavior and outspoken personality, McAfee’s later years were marked by involvement in cryptocurrency and various legal issues.

• Scandal: McAfee’s life was rife with legal issues, including allegations of tax evasion and involvement in a murder investigation in Belize.
• Quirk: McAfee was known for his extreme paranoia, including surrounding his house with cameras and booby traps.

The Wild and Wacky World of Tech Titans

These tech leaders have left an indelible mark on the industry through their innovations, leadership, and, sometimes, their controversies. From quirky habits to scandalous moments, these CEOs remind us that behind the groundbreaking technology and billion-dollar companies, there are real people with unique personalities and fascinating lives.

Whether it’s Steve Jobs’ fruitarian diet, Elon Musk’s prefab home, or Mark Zuckerberg’s hunting expeditions, these personal anecdotes add depth to the public personas of these tech titans. Their quirks and controversies offer a glimpse into the human side of these influential figures, highlighting that even those at the pinnacle of success face personal challenges and eccentricities.

By looking beyond their professional achievements, we gain a richer understanding of the individuals driving technological progress. Their stories of ambition, innovation, and occasional missteps are not just entertaining — they’re also a reminder of the resilience and creativity that fuel the tech industry.

What’s the strangest habit you’ve encountered in the workplace? Share your stories in the comments below.

