In marketing, spin leads to smarm

Jeremy at SS Copywriter
1 min readJul 29, 2019

“Put the right spin on this.”

Spin is deception. Attempting to make something look different than it really is.

Instagram profile pics. Political maneuvering. Slick advertising.

The problem is that the truth comes out inevitably.

The hotel that looked nice on the website is actually in a bad part of town.
The expensive clothing is actually made from cheap fabric that wears out quickly.
The professional who lists a Fortune 500 company as a client actually just interned there in college.

Because you’re maintaining a false image, you have to resort to smarmy tactics.
But when the truth comes out, you lose customers, you lose credibility, and you lose sales.

On the other hand, the truth sets you free.

Truthful marketing leads to authentic relationships, where you provide value for the people you serve.
And when authentic relationships meet a true value that you provide, then sales naturally happen.

So marketing is unearthing the true value you offer, clarifying it for your customer, and then faithfully building an authentic relationship with them.


Anchors away,


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Jeremy at SS Copywriter

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