The Power Of Not Accepting

Jerod Butler
3 min readNov 2, 2016

Once upon a time I was not in a great place. Unsatisfied and very complacent; I got fed up with my position and my mentality. I’ve heard that you need an extreme event or an extreme mood to make change. I see that as somewhat true because I was mad but not angry; I digress. I decided I was done with being what I considered unlucky and unhappy. It was time to take hold of this ride called life

Once I grabbed the so called horns of the bull life, I pulled upward and I never looked back. I started free writing every morning to get my thoughts and desires out. This helped free my thoughts for other projects and got my creative juices flowing making it easier to dive into projects. I started to draw again (which I haven’t done since childhood) just because I felt the need to do it again. As well I tried to become a minimalist, well at least still am trying.

Not Accepting

Why the power of not accepting limitations is the best thing ever. Well first of all when we are young we are told that we can be anything. As we grow older this encouragement that we were once so used too tapers off. Now is that because reality sets in or is it from us giving up. I mean in reality people do the things we really want to do. Now there are holes in this but you have to look at the main point.

If you look at the greats like wonderful Steve Jobs or Bill Gates they just did what they wanted. They didn’t care that someone hadn't done exactly what they did before. They just worked everyday to be the best and complete the best things.

Most of us just sit around all think how great it would be to travel or tour the country. This is happening everyday around us and if you really want to make this happen then you need to work harder than the next guy. Someone is always trying to out work you.

Not accepting is the key to this. Come home from your full time job with a list of things to do but you just sit on the couch. Thats the prime time to not accept: don’t accept where you are in life, don’t accept that your work today already defeated you, don’t accept that feeling of relaxation. I once read a wonderful quote

That quote could be rewritten as ‘Don’t accept your fears. Conquer them.’ Im guilty of this as I’m sure you are! Thats why we need to surround ourselves with likeminded individuals but thats a whole other article.

Don’t allow anyone or anything to prevent you from your dreams. Simply don’t accept and figure out a way to get it done. It’s not going to be easy, It’s not going to be fun but it’ll be worth it!

