Prometheus + Grafana + Node

7 min readMay 30, 2021


Playing with Prometheus and Grafana. Testing Node Exporter, Alertmanager and Slack notifications.

The Goal

  • Create a website with node
  • Export personal metrics from the site to Prometheus
  • Export also system metrics with Node Exporter
  • Display metrics in Grafana
  • Create alerts rules on specific metric
  • Receive Slack notification when an alert is fired
  • Redo everything with docker-compose

Install, setup and explore the project

Get the code from this github repository :

To setup the project, run the following command :

# install stress + docker pull prometheus + node-exporter + alertmanager + grafana ...
$ make setup

Configuring slack notifications

The project uses Slack notifications.

In my Slack account, I have two channels #my-channel and #another-channel.

They are configured to receive notifications with Incoming Webhooks :

I search for the Webhook URLs of each channel :

I modify my two files local-alert.yaml and compose-alert.yaml.

To replace api_url values with my Webhook URLs :

The configuration is complete.

Exploring the website

The website uses the npm module prom-client.

The server uses 3 metrics :

  • Counter : a counter is a cumulative metric that represents a single monotonically increasing counter whose value can only increase or be reset to zero on restart.
  • Gauge : a gauge is a metric that represents a single numerical value that can arbitrarily go up and down.
  • Histogram : a histogram samples observations (usually things like request durations or response sizes) and counts them in configurable buckets. It also provides a sum of all observed values.

Let’s start the website :

# local development (by calling npm script directly)
$ make dev

By opening the address http://localhost:5000 you can see this tiny website :

By displaying page counter we increase the request_count metric :

By displaying page push we increase the queue_size metric :

By displaying page pop we decrease the queue_size metric :

By displaying page wait we vary the request_duration_bucket, request_duration_sum and request_duration_count metrics :

The page metrics display all the metrics :


Let’s start Prometheus :

# run local prometheus
$ make local-prometheus

This command does this :

$ docker run --detach \
--name=prometheus \
--network host \
--volume $(pwd)/local-prometheus.yaml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yaml \
--volume $(pwd)/local-rules.yaml:/etc/prometheus/rules.yaml \
prom/prometheus \

Prometheus is configured with the local-prometheus.yaml file :

Let’s detail this configuration :

  • Prometheus will retrieve metrics from, those emitted by our website in localhost.
  • Also retrieve metrics from These are the metrics emitted by Node Exporter that we will install later.
  • Use Alertmanager which listens on port 9093 and which we will install later.
  • Declare rules via the rules.yaml file.

Here is the content of the rules file :

Let’s detail this configuration :

  • We define the recording rules node_cpu_seconds_total:avg
  • Recording rules allow you to precompute frequently needed or computationally expensive expressions and save their result as a new set of time series.
  • The associated expression expr calculates the CPU usage
  • We define 2 alerting rules which will be triggered if node_cpu_seconds_total:avg > 45 or if node_cpu_seconds_total:avg > 80

Prometheus is launched. We can see the rules by opening http://localhost:9090/rules :

We can see the alerts by opening http://localhost:9090/alerts :

We can now use Prometheus to display our metrics.

The URL http://localhost:9090/graph?g0.range_input=5m&g0.expr=queue_size& displays the evolution of the queue_size metric that we have varied via our website by visiting push and pop pages :


We install Node Exporter :

# run local node-exporter
$ make local-node-exporter

This command does this :

$ docker run --detach \
--name node-exporter \
--restart=always \
--network host \

Once installed, the metrics are available at the address http://localhost:9100/metrics :

Now all these new metrics are available in Prometheus :

The URL http://localhost:9090/graph?g0.range_input=5m&g0.expr=node_cpu_seconds_total& displays the evolution of the node_cpu_seconds_total metric :

Installing Alertmanager

Let’s install Alertmanager

# run local alertmanager
$ make local-alertmanager

This command does this :

$ docker run --detach \
--name=alertmanager \
--network host \
--volume $(pwd)/local-alert.yaml:/etc/alertmanager/local-alert.yaml \
prom/alertmanager \

Once installed, the Alertmanager is available at the address http://localhost:9093 :

Stress test

We will trigger an alert by stressing our CPU with the stress executable :

# hot !
$ stress --cpu 2

The URL http://localhost:9090/graph?g0.range_input=1h&g0.expr=node_cpu_seconds_total%3Aavg& displays the evolution of our custom metric node_cpu_seconds_total:avg :

We see that 45% of CPU usage is exceeded, an alert is triggered and displayed in Alertmanager :

You can see this alert triggered also in the Prometheus interface :

And our Slack channel has been notified :

Installing Grafana

Grafana allows us to display this data in the form of a pretty dashboard.

Let’s start Grafana :

$ make local-grafana

This command does this :

$ docker run --detach \
--name=grafana \
--network host \

After a few seconds of initialization, Grafana is visible at the address :

Grafana however still needs to be configured :

  1. First, add a datasource
  2. Then add a dashboard

We can configure it with this command:

$ make local-grafana-configure

This command adds Promotheus as a datasource like this :

$ curl http://localhost:3000/api/datasources \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data @local-datasource.json

The local-datasource.json file is simple :

This command then installs a dashboard specially designed to retrieve data from Node Exporter.

The command retrieves the dashboard from this JSON data :

# create dashboard-1860.json
$ curl | jq '.json' > dashboard-1860.json

To be able to be imported into Grafana, we need to modify our JSON by wrapping it like this :

We now add it to Grafana :

# add dashboard-1860-modified
$ curl http://localhost:3000/api/dashboards/db \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data @dashboard-1860-modified.json

Another dashboard specific to the metrics of our website is added.

We reload our browser, we see that the dashboards have been added :

We display the Node Exporter Full dashboard :

We display the My dashboard dashboard :

A new stress test

We are going to stress our CPU again. This time a little stronger :

$ stress --cpu 3

We see that 80% of the CPU usage is exceeded :

Our 2 alerts are triggered and displayed in Alertmanager :

We can also see our alerts triggered in the Prometheus interface :

The #my-channel slack channel has received the warning notification :

The #another-channel slack channel has received the critical notification :

Our tests are now complete, we can remove the running containers :

# remove all running containers
$ make rm

Using Docker-compose

The goal is to set up a similar environment using docker-compose.

One command is enough :

# docker-compose up
$ make compose-up

It is interesting to go and see the configuration files.

The docker-compose.yaml file :

Note how the Promotheus configuration has been modified :

