Jerome Serena
6 min readSep 22, 2019


Gold is an advantage which has not to devalue for quite a while, the pace of obtaining force is continually going higher than the accessible mined gold. Directly from the beginning, gold is one of the valuable metals with high worth, and it is as yet instructing that regard up to date.

There is have to digitalize the gold in the light of the fact that the world has changed from the mechanical period to an advanced time. The digitalization of gold am discussing is to tokenize the gold environment. This belief system brought forth Advanced Gold.

Computerized Gold is a blockchain based stage that acquaints an advanced token with speak to the physical gold. Advanced Gold thought of such a plan to make a framework where individuals can purchase, store or sell their token resources. Advanced Gold need to make a commercial center for individuals to execute, purchase and sell gold. This stage thusly propelled a cryptocurrency token called GOLD; a token intended to be stablecoin. The stablecoin GOLD is completely sponsored with physical gold. There are numerous other stablecoin in the crypto space however known about them are back by anything, and that is the reason their worth and cost vacillate. In any case, this stage GOLD is named ‘stablecoin’ in light of the fact that it has a steady cost. The cost of GOLD stablecoin is comparable to the cost of a gram of 99% of unadulterated gold.


The gold financial specialists are more likely than not experienced a few difficulties confronting fiats e.g swelling when they put resources into physical gold. This sort of situation has bankrupt a considerable lot of financial specialists and have no methods for recovering it. Again for cryptocurrency speculators, there is consistently an issue authorize to value unpredictability; the cryptocurrency cost in the market is flimsy. Be that as it may, the GOLD stablecoin has fence over fiats and flimsy cryptocurrency. The GOLD is a steady token that its cost doesn’t swing either if there is swelling or instability. The GOLD has a steady value that is lined up with the cost of physical gold in the market. Through the gold market propelled by the Computerized Gold stage, financial specialists can immediately purchase, sell and move the advantages into their portfolio.

Points of interest OF GOLD TOKEN

Contributing on GOLD token that speaks to gold, you will appreciate the accompanying:

You can purchase physical gold with GOLD without paying any charges expenses.

You can store your gold with a lower charges

No desk work before you could purchase or sell gold

Advanced GOLD Organization WITH CHUBB Protection

You may have been contributing to gold all these while with no protection covering it. Computerized Gold stage has collaborated with Chubb Protection firm (world’s biggest insurance agency) to guaranteed the gold resources purchased through this stage. The Chubb Protection firm will conceal any unanticipated hazard which may happen to your speculation. The Advanced Gold stage will be capable to supplant any estimation of gold resource lost on the grounds that everything is being guaranteed with Chubb Insurance agency.


The physical gold can be put away anyplace yet putting away at home is exceptionally hazardous on account of cheats. So it is fitting to store gold in a vault. The Computerized Gold is in an organization with BullionStar to give stockpiling administrations to the gold claimed by the clients of Advanced Gold. BullionStar vault that can store most valuable metals like gold and they have been in the business for quite a while now. BullionStar is a known gold stockpiling stage with a permit to work across the nation. Clients of the Advanced Gold stage can purchase gold with GOLD stablecoin and store it in BullionStar vault. The clients of Advanced Gold doesn’t pay charges for putting away their physical gold, rather Computerized Gold is in charge of it. Computerized Gold banded together with BullionStar on the grounds that they have been tipped to be the most solid and straightforward stage that offers stockpiling administrations to physical gold by putting away it on their verified vault.

The most effective method to STORE YOUR GOLD STABLECOIN

Recall that I said GOLD stablecoin is an ethereum based token. So the holders can store it in any wallet that is good with ethereum (Erc-20) standard. Despite the fact that the Computerized Gold stage is attempting to assemble a wallet which we can store our GOLD stablecoin however it is under development now. The other couple of accessible wallet to store GOLD I can prescribe to us are:

MyEtherWallet Web

MetaMask Program Expansion

Record Nano S Equipment Wallet


Trezor Equipment Wallet

NOTE: Don’t utilize Trade wallet for putting away GOLD stablecoin with the exception of it is generally expressed and it is additionally on its side.

Trade TO Exchange GOLD TOKEN

Computerized Gold Commercial center

Exchanging of GOLD stablecoin becomes simple with the assistance of the commercial center propelled by Computerized Gold. In this commercial center, clients can purchase and sell GOLD quickly. Financial specialists can purchase any amount of GOLD token relies upon your spending limit without restriction. Right now at the commercial center, the GOLD token has a couple with Bitcoin and Ethereum. This implies we can purchase GOLD token with either Bitcoin or Ethereum; again we can sell our GOLD token in return for Bitcoin or Ethereum there. The commercial center is anything but difficult to utilize, it has a high interface and benevolent to the clients.

Cryptex Cryptocurrency Trade

Cryptex simply joins forces with Advanced Gold and rundown the GOLD token in their trade for exchanging. The clients can log in to the trade to purchase and sell GOLD at the trade. As of now at Cryptex trade, the GOLD token was matched with USD i.e GOLD/USD

The exchange charges for all these trade is under 0.02% and their framework is exceptionally quick.


On the off chance that you are looking for the least difficult approach to purchase bars of physical gold, GOLD token is only the arrangement. The cost of GOLD token is peg with the genuine cost of 1 gram of genuine physical gold in the market. The advanced Gold stage is the main measure and straightforward approach to putting resources into gold. Keep in mind you are purchasing cryptocurrency, yet you are putting resources into a stable advanced resource. Contributing to advanced GOLD token will cause your venture to have fence over expansion and other money-related emergency which influences speculation.

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Bitcointalk username: jeromeserena

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