Jerome Serena
4 min readSep 22, 2019

Goose Q for the Strategic Business

Since the development of crypto currency, I can strongly say that the crypto market has contacted and granted an answer into different hierarchical frameworks of the world.

The blockchain advancement since its innovation has proffered answer for the exchanging biological system, making it conceivable to swap or exchange altcoins. The blockchain framework contacted the MSME advertise equally, making it simple for dealers to purchase and sell merchandise and furthermore direct different administrations.

Indeed, even in media transmission segment. blockchain has helped rehashed in the capacity of information and data and the security it brings, and now with GOOSE Q Stage; Blockchain innovation is here to give each calculated organization a blockchain based answer for the business.

What is GOOSE Q Stage?

GOOSE Q is an effective calculated organization in the Chinese business, and with driving participation in the China Unicome, the chinese media transmission specialist organization, it is the best around among chinese contenders. When we couple together the significance and uniqueness that blockchain brings, at that point I can reveal to you that Goose Q is the stage for you, for me, with regards to directing any identified with coordinations around China and neighboring countries.

In a straightforward nutshell; Goose Q is an exhaustive blockchain innovation based answer for the worldwide coordinations association with the points and targets to give a noticeable, trustworthy, adaptable, safe and verified information stage for the coordinations organizations so as to upgrade its productivity and straightforwardness just as to improve truck drivers’ money related, wellbeing and mental prosperity.

Why Goose Q Stage? Furthermore, its proffered arrangement!

In each calculated organization of any nation; there is a typical issue and the issues are continually in regards to truck drivers, charge specialists and furthermore the budgetary parts of the organization; a great audit about the issue are beneath.

Truck drivers and Truck related mishaps:

In circumstances, for example, such a large number of to do and less procedures to make it work, it has driven a few truck drivers to create pressure and become clumsy, this isn;t solid for the stage and renders it to spend more on consumption than assumed pay;

In any case, with GOOSE Q presenting a progressively efficient propelled driver associate help that controls the mentality and driving conduct truck drivers, at that point it can just show signs of improvement on the grounds that the driver aide will caution against:

Collission cautioning

Drivr leaving path

Night vision


Information Stockpiling:

One essential issue of man is information stockpiling and maintenance, and as it happens all over the place; it influences coordinations organizations as well, powerlessness to store information for various years causes assessment defaults, and significant mistakes,

However, with GOOSE Q blockchain biological system, Strategic associations can have an information handling blockchain condition that stores and verifies data for the whole coordinations industry.


A perilous blunders that happens, when information or data or strategic record are wrongly conveyed because of immaterial mistakes in calculated organizations;

In any case, with GOOSE Q blockchain stage, the blockchain will include enrolled organizations that are appropriately offered access to certain data identified with their industry and their coordinations timetable and conveyance and this thusly makes the stage secure for planned Proprietors; The blockchain likewise equally forward same data to the truck drivers to guarantee right things are finished.

Undertaking Advancement Schedule

History of development.

I am certain you are intrigued to peruse further, adapt further and be a piece of the stage; to do that, simply get yourself acquainted with the connections beneath:

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Writers details

Bitcointalk username: jeromeserena0@gmail

Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2681814;