The Importance of Story Development in Film Making

Jerrick T.
2 min readJan 12, 2023


Story development is a crucial part of film making, as it helps to shape the narrative and drive the action of the film. A strong story can engage and captivate an audience, while a weak story can leave them feeling confused or disinterested.

There are many different approaches to story development, but here are a few key considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Start with a clear concept: Before you start writing your script, it’s important to have a clear concept or idea for your film. This could be a specific theme, character, or setting that you want to explore. Having a clear concept will help you to focus your story and give it direction.
  2. Create compelling characters: The characters in your film should be believable and relatable, with their own motivations, desires, and flaws. Spend time developing your characters and give them depth and complexity.
  3. Structure your story: A well-structured story will keep your audience engaged and help to build tension and drama. There are many different ways to structure a story, but some common approaches include using a three-act structure or a hero’s journey.
  4. Use dialogue and action to move the story forward: Dialogue and action are two key elements that can help to move your story forward and keep the audience engaged. Make sure that your dialogue is authentic and that your action scenes are well-choreographed and visually exciting.
  5. Edit and revise: Once you have a draft of your script, it’s important to edit and revise it to make sure it’s as strong as possible. This may involve cutting unnecessary scenes, adding new elements, or reworking entire sections of the story.

In conclusion, the importance of story development in film making cannot be overstated. By focusing on a clear concept, compelling characters, a well-structured story, and strong dialogue and action, you can create a film that resonates with your audience and leaves a lasting impact.



Jerrick T.

Entrepreneur, Film Maker. Specialist in Psychology & Major in Sociology in University of Toronto