Docker: Year One

Celebrating its first year as an open source project

Jerry Chen
2 min readMar 20, 2014

A Quick Look Back

It’s hard to believe that as an open source project, Docker is only one year old. It was launched out of dotCloud in March of 2013 that built upon LXC (Linux containers) and in the past twelve months, it has attracted a community of developers and system admins that has exceeded any other open source infrastructure project that I have seen in recent history. For example, in “Year One” of Docker, the project has seen:

  • 1,000,000+ downloads
  • 40,000+ trained developers
  • 300+ projects
  • 350+ contributors
  • 10,000+ GitHub stars

It was this excitement around Docker that led Greylock to lead a $15M round in the company back in January of 2014. As a partner at Greylock, I talk with hundreds of companies and engineers and am excited to see that the majority of the next generation of data center infrastructure and enterprise SaaS applications are using Docker as the atomic element of their application. Today’s Docker blog highlights more of this amazing growth.

Even more impressive is the number of large company and open source project supporter from the likes of Red Hat, Google, and OpenStack. Our friends at CenturyLink Labs even keep a running list of interesting Docker startups.

Here’s a just a partial snapshot of the Docker ecosystem.

Looking Ahead

What excites me the most about Docker isn’t the incredible progress from where Docker came but the exciting possibilities where Docker could go over the next few years. The Docker community is limited only by its imagination. Already Linux containers are replacing virtual machines as the unit of application deployment in dev/test and production for many enterprises. Docker could potentially be the cloud framework the bridges the seams between development and production, private and public clouds.


To learn more about Docker and to become part of the Docker story, please join fellow “Dockers” at DockerCon 2014 in San Francisco on June 9th and 10th.

