Dressing Modestly

Jerry Lee Colbert
5 min readSep 18, 2019

What does it mean to dress modestly? In a world that is morally bankrupt, dressing modestly seems so nostalgic. As if that was something that was done a long time ago by prude people who made up this thing about dressing modestly. But the facts are, it is in God’s word if you choose to read it. Paul talks about it in 1 Timothy about how women are to dress modestly. However, in a world increasingly stimulated by women dressing sexy to get noticed, this concept of dressing modestly is a foreign, almost alien concept.

We have become numb to sexuality being flaunted in our faces all the time. Whether that be on the beach, on TV, at Walmart, in our workplace, or even in church,. Not to mention the increase in social media posts by women trying to get attention by dressing sexy and showing off their breasts, cleavage, and other body parts. All the while forgetting that the body is to glorify God, not ourselves. Answer me this: How is showing off your body to everyone glorifying God? It isn’t. No matter how you try to justify it, dressing sexy is wrong and can cause others to stumble.

God says, Do not do something that can cause your brother or sister to stumble. But what does that really mean? You see, people are weak. Some more than others, and some in ways different from others. So when you choose to put temptation in front of your brother or sister, such as sexual immorality, then you are tempting them to sin, and if they are already weak in the flesh, this temptation can have harmful effects on them that you don’t see.

