Arizona Solar Incentives, Tax Credits & Rebates 2024

Jerry Spivey
14 min readJan 9, 2024


As the radiant beams of the Arizona sun cascade across the sprawling desert landscape, the state unfolds as a preeminent canvas for harnessing the boundless potential of solar power. Entering the year 2024, Arizona’s commitment to green energy transitions into an intricate mosaic of incentives, tax credits, and rebates designed to incentivize residents and businesses alike to join the solar revolution. With climate change pressing upon the global conscience, solar energy stands as a paragon of renewable resources, a beacon of sustainability amidst the burgeoning environmental concerns. Arizona’s solar incentives are a linchpin in the statewide strategy, aiming to alleviate the economic burden of those eager to contribute to a cleaner future. From the Residential Arizona Solar Tax Credit, proffering a substantial deduction from state tax liabilities, to utility-specific rebates that reduce the upfront investment of solar installations, Arizona’s approach to solar endorsement is not just visionary, but economically astute. Pairing these financial advantages with the state’s prolific sunny days, the benefits are both palpable and profound. Investing in solar power is no longer a mere ecological statement but a financially savvy maneuver, solidified by the state’s laws and regulations that are as sun-kissed as the state itself — turning Arizona into a solar powerhouse one photovoltaic panel at a time.

Get Solar Quote in Arizona

Navigating through the labyrinth of solar investment in Arizona, a personalized solar quote becomes the beacon to potential savings and sustainability. This crucial step is not just about garnering numbers, but understanding how the balmy and bountiful Arizona sun can translate into cost-efficient renewable energy tailored to your specific energy needs. The Grand Canyon State, with its abundant sunshine and solar-friendly policies such as the Solar Equipment Sales Tax Exemption and the Residential Arizona Solar Tax Credit, offers a fertile ground for solar conversion, making it all the more important to get an accurate estimate that reflects these unique incentives.

To obtain a solar quote in Arizona, begin by assessing your current energy consumption and consider future electricity needs. Most solar installers, including those meticulously reviewed by Solar Power Systems, offer an online form where you input details like your average utility bill and roof specifics. Post submission, a solar consultant typically follows up to discuss potential system sizes, equipment options, and financing arrangements, taking into account factors like roof orientation and shade patterns to maximize efficiency. With the arid climate contributing to higher than average electricity use due to air conditioning needs, the quote will also evaluate the suitability of solar panels to withstand intense sun exposure and calculate the expected return on investment in the sizzling solar market of Arizona.

Research by Solar Power Systems delves deeply into the array of solar installers across the state, examining their credentials, customer testimonials, and track records of installation success to empower homeowners with fact-based and comprehensive quotes. Only with a solar quote that mirrors the state’s laws, regulations, and singular climate can Arizonians truly harness the financial and environmental benefits of solar energy, propelling the state towards a brighter, cleaner future.

Types of Solar Incentives in Arizona

Arizona’s solar canvas is ablaze with incentives that beckon with the irresistible lure of cost-savings under the scorching sun. The Residential Arizona Solar Tax Credit, for one, is a sterling beacon, offering homeowners a 25% tax credit on their solar installation, capped at $1,000, which can be applied directly to personal income taxes. Diving deeper into the state’s commitment, the Energy Equipment Property Tax Exemption sidesteps the added property tax from the increased value due to solar systems. It’s a financial breath of fresh air ensuring panels add only power, not property tax burdens.

Further sweetening the pot, the Solar Equipment Sales Tax Exemption releases buyers from the grip of sales tax — a 5.6% cost evaporation on solar devices that leaves more green in the pockets of the environmentally conscious. Moreover, the utility companies are also in on the act; for instance, the Arizona Public Service (APS) offers a voracious rebate program for residential and commercial systems which munches down the upfront costs even further. The sultry Arizona climate itself practically rolls out the red carpet for solar power, with programs like these making it incredibly advantageous for residents to soak up the sun for their energy needs, transforming the fierce desert rays into a goldmine of renewable energy savings.

Overview of Solar Energy Landscape in Arizona

Arizona’s solar energy landscape is a constantly evolving vision of pure photovoltaic brilliance, glinting under the unyielding sun that sears down upon the Grand Canyon State with a fiery intensity unmatched in most other locales. Blessed with over 300 days of radiant sunshine annually, this southwestern haven is primed to harness the raw, celestial power of our nearest star. The state’s geographical blessings bestow upon it a solar potential that is nothing short of colossal, a fact reflected in the sprawling solar farms and ever-multiplying rooftop installations that drink deeply from the vast ocean of solar resources.

Given such a climate, solar energy in Arizona isn’t just an alternative; it’s an imperative. The state’s irradiance levels climb the charts, tempting homeowners and businesses alike with the lucrative investment that is solar installation. Furthermore, Arizona laws and regulations have laid a fertile ground for solar expansion. Renewable Portfolio Standards mandate that utilities acquire a minimum percentage of their power from renewable resources, accelerating solar adoption. Incentives like the Residential Arizona Solar Tax Credit and the Equipment Sales Tax Exemption stir the market, generating a photovoltaic frenzy catered brilliantly by a burgeoning legion of solar installers, each reviewed meticulously for their service to ensure consumers capture the sun’s bounty most efficiently.

Pepper in the solar-friendly net metering policies, and the deal sweetens, as excess energy production allows for grid feedback, securing credits and reducing bills. Moreover, the hot desert climate demands high energy for cooling, making solar a strategic fit for reducing peak load pressures on the grid. Here, solar isn’t just energy; it’s smart energy — tailored perfectly for Arizona’s fiery temperament and its piercing, azure skies.

Benefits of Solar Panels in Arizona

Arizona’s unrelenting sunshine isn’t just splendid for your vitamin D intake; it’s a goldmine for harnessing solar energy. The state’s geographical bounty pays dividends in environment conservation when residents shift to photovoltaic (PV) systems. By adopting solar panels, Arizonians contribute to slashing carbon footprints, tapping into renewable energy that purges the need for greenhouse-gas-emitting fossil fuels. With over 300 days of sunshine, solar arrays operate at peak performance, ensuring that environmental benefits are not an abstract concept but a tangible reality.

The economic perks for homeowners are equally enticing. Arizona’s solar tax credit stands tall at 25% of the cost of your new panels, with returns that can be witnessed on utility bills that take a nosedive post-installation. The upsurge in savings sends ripples through the community as savings morph into spending, fueling local economies. Furthermore, as homegrown energy minimizes reliance on external energy sources, potential savings skyrocket with utility companies like APS and SRP offering net metering programs, allowing homeowners to earn credits for surplus energy fed back into the grid.

For Arizonians, solar panels are not just an ecological statement but a savvy economic strategy with the drawable benefits of potential energy savings — a trinity of incentives that positions the Grand Canyon State as a solar sanctuary.

Federal Solar Tax Credit (ITC)

As the Arizona sun blazes in an almost ceaseless cavalcade of rays, residents have the opportunity to harness this solar abundance and slice through their energy bills while also contributing to a greener planet. Chief among these opportunities is leveraging the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), a policy pivoting towards energy independence with financial incentives. The ITC allows Arizona homeowners and businesses to deduct a cogent percentage of their solar installation costs from their federal taxes. As of the latest updates heading into 2024, this percentage has seen a fervent dance with legislation, maintaining a rate that propels adoption, yet signaling the sunset of its most generous terms. Specifically, the ITC has settled at 26% for systems installed by the end of 2023, with stirrings of decrement in the following years. Installing a solar power system under Arizona’s piercing skies not only yields the tangible fruits of tax reduction but also fits snugly within a framework of state policies fostering sustainable living. The state’s Renewable Energy Standard, championing the desert’s transition to a renewable stronghold, further complements the financial relief provided by the ITC. Herein, the confluence of nature’s bounty and policy becomes a symphony, playing sonorous tunes of savings and sustainability for Arizonans embracing the solar pilgrimage.

State Solar Tax Credits and Rebates

Diving into the sun-scorched landscape of Arizona, residents are positioned advantageously to tap into the state’s abundant solar energy, further sweetened by enticing financial incentives. In the Grand Canyon State, homeowners who install photovoltaic systems can harness the Residential Arizona Solar Tax Credit, amounting to a sizzling 25% off on their installation costs, capped at $1,000, claimable against personal income taxes. This credit supercharges the solar proposition, dovetailing with the dazzling federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which currently offers a 30% deduction on solar systems on federal taxes. Maricopa County takes stimulus further, offering residents the opportunity to increase their property value with new solar installations without sweating about a corresponding spike in property taxes — a generous exemption that glitters like sunlight across the desert.

Arizona’s utility companies aren’t mere spectators in this solar fiesta. They, too, throw in their chips with rebates that can be stacked with state and federal incentives — though these programs shift frequently, so a sharp, timely gaze on current offerings is paramount. Programs like APS’s Residential Battery Pilot offer a rebate for battery storage when coupled with solar systems, ensuring that when the sun dips below the horizon, Arizonans continue riding the renewable wave. Such fiscal instruments do more than just trim costs; they galvanize the state’s renewable portfolio, push green employment, and underscore Arizona’s solar revolution, all while adhering meticulously to both the letter and the spirit of the state’s laws and regulations concerning renewable incentives.

Net Metering and Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs)

In the sun-drenched state of Arizona, net metering policies have undergone shifts that solar panel owners must astutely navigate. Prior to 2016, Arizonians enjoyed full retail net metering, a policy that allowed solar panel owners to receive bill credits equal to what the utility would charge for the electricity. However, the Arizona Corporation Commission’s decision to move towards “export rates,” which are lower than retail, has introduced a new game. Today’s net metering protocol offers a per-kilowatt-hour credit for solar-generated electricity exported to the grid that is less than the retail rate but designed to reflect the market value of that power. The rate, subject to annual revision, triggers a financial calculus where maximizing self-consumption of solar energy becomes an increasingly valuable strategy.

Solar Renewable Energy Certificates in Arizona (SRECs), on the other hand, represent the environmental attributes of solar generation and serve as a tradable commodity. Although Arizona does not have an SREC market like some states, there’s a burgeoning interest in valorizing these green credentials within broader regional markets where energy providers can purchase SRECs to meet renewable portfolio standards. For solar owners, SRECs can be an added revenue stream, albeit one that hinges on the adaptive contours of multi-state energy policy dynamics. In the Arizona solar landscape, where regulations and incentives ebb and flow, staying informed is pivotal — capitalizing on state-specific advantages both in the cradle of system installation and across its sun-soaked lifespan is crucial for optimizing solar investments.

Financing Options and Solar Loans

In the sun-drenched expanse of Arizona, where solar potential is as vast as the desert itself, homeowners stand at the cusp of a green energy revolution, tapping into the state’s scorching assets with enticing financing options designed to make solar installations a blazing reality. Arizona’s solar financing landscape is alight with opportunity, offering a spectrum of solar loans, leases, and power purchase agreements (PPAs) that allow residents to harness the relentless power of the sun with financial agility. The state-sponsored solar loan program, the ENERGY EQUIPMENT PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION, is particularly incandescent, providing solar adopters with a shimmering incentive — it excludes the added value of a solar system from home property tax assessments. Furthermore, Arizona Public Service (APS) customers can avail themselves of the Residential Solar Loan Program, which empowers the leap into solar with remarkable ease, offering not only loans but a swathe of rebates for solar energy generation. A solar panel system, thus financed, becomes not only an ecological beacon but a savvy economic stride forward, leveraging Arizona’s generous 300 days of sunshine into a smart investment overshadowed only by the enduring sun itself. These financial frameworks, coupled with the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which refunds a percentage of solar system costs, coalesce into a fiery pitch for Arizona’s homeowners to convert their abodes into personal power plants, setting the stage for an era of unprecedented energy independence.

Additional Incentives and Local Programs

Arizona, with its sprawling solar canvas stretching from the undulating peaks of Flagstaff to the sun-drenched valleys of Tucson, harnesses a powerful mix of local incentives and community-driven initiatives that give its residents a sun-kissed advantage in solar investment. Phoenix’s fiery embrace of solar energy is mirrored in programs like the ‘Solar Phoenix’ initiative, which marries group-buying discounts with the prowess of local installers to affordably escalate rooftop solar adoption. Meanwhile, in the verdant desert haven of Tucson, the city’s own ‘Solar One Stop’ provides an information-rich platform that empowers consumers with tailored insights into solar potential, while streamlining permitting to a swift cadence.

Venturing into the communal solar sphere, Arizona’s forays into community solar projects allow those overshadowed by the economics of roof-bound panels to bask in collective sun-power through shared solar farms. These projects are particularly sprouting across utility territories like APS and TEP, which under Arizona’s virtual net metering policy, bring forth a billing mechanism that credits participants for the solar energy produced, effectively reducing their monthly electricity bills without the need for individual solar infrastructure. Beyond these radiating contours of solar incentives, certain Arizona counties like Pima and Maricopa are slashing permitting fees and providing expedited services, enkindling the solar charge amongst their residents. Each local solar initiative in Arizona is a meticulously crafted tessera in the grand mosaic of the state’s green energy transformation.

Eligibility Criteria and How to Apply

In the sun-scorched expanses of Arizona, the eligibility for solar incentives pulsates at the heart of the solar movement, tempting homeowners with a tapestry of rebates and tax credits. Per Arizona’s statewide solar fiesta, homeowners can bask in the Residential Arizona Solar Tax Credit, pocketing up to 25% off on solar installations, maxing out at $1,000 against personal income tax. Demystifying the application labyrinth, one must first ensure the system’s compliance with the Fire and Electrical Code of Arizona and secure installation by a licensed contractor, enshrining both safety and eligibility.

Moreover, net metering regulations in Arizona are a luscious cherry on top, permitting solar panel owners to sell excess electricity back to the grid, an electrifying opportunity to witness your meter spinning backwards and your utility bills shrink. To hook onto these perks, engage with an approved utility company post-installation for connection approval and bi-directional meter installation to start harnessing this credit.

Step by step, the adventurous homeowner should sprint after the utility-based incentives like SRP’s Battery Storage Incentive, which requires registration for the program before installation. Additionally, homeowners must leap through the hoop of the Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit, sowing seeds of sustainability by applying through the Arizona Department of Revenue, providing proof of a certified solar system investment.

Arizonians, ride the solar wave quickly; the sun’s bounty awaits, yet these incentives are time-sensitive, ruled by the iron fist of regulatory changes and fund availability, with some dwindling like a desert mirage as early as 2024. It’s a jigsaw of forms and codes, but alignment with Arizona’s green energy blueprint is the mantra for unlocking the full solar potential.

Case Studies or Success Stories

Arizona, a state practically bathed in sunlight year-round, offers a solar narrative so bright, it dazzles. Take, for instance, the shining example of the Residential Arizona Solar Tax Credit, which allows homeowners to claim up to 25% of the cost of their solar panels, capped at $1,000, off their personal income tax. This solar splendor injected vigor into the adoption rates across suburban rooftops. A particularly compelling success story is that of the Smith family from Sedona, who, leveraging this tax credit alongside the federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), slashed the price of their solar installation by nearly half.

Beyond individual stories, Arizona businesses bask in the State’s Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit. Consider the galvanic case of Phoenix-based GreenTech Manufacturing, a company that witnessed a drastic reduction in utility bills and earned a tax credit at an impressive $0.01 per kilowatt-hour of renewable energy produced. As a result, they amped up their commitment to sustainability, feeding into the state’s green energy ecosystem and inspiring other businesses to follow suit.

Moreover, the state’s utilities have gotten into the act, with Tucson Electric Power’s (TEP) ‘Bright Tucson’ Community Solar Program enabling customers to buy solar power from TEP’s local solar arrays. This initiative has garnered sparkling reviews and substantial participation from residents eager to be part of Arizona’s solar renaissance without installing private panels. Environments as diverse as residential communities to school districts have harmonized with solar incentives, carving out a formidable solar presence in Arizona’s energy landscape.


As the Arizona sun blazes down, it brings more than just heat — it offers a golden opportunity for homeowners to harness solar energy, thanks to a spectrum of generous solar incentives, tax credits, and rebates available in 2024. In the Grand Canyon State, solar enthusiasts can bask in the financial glow of the Residential Solar Energy Tax Credit, which slashes personal state tax liability up to 25% of the cost of their solar systems, or $1,000, whichever is less. On the federal front, the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) remains a lustrous boon, offering a significant deduction from federal taxes, boosting the affordability of solar installations. The Arizona-specific incentives extend to SRP and APS utility rebates, designed to encourage solar adoption through lucrative upfront rebate programs, effectively reducing the system’s cost.

Moreover, the Equipment Sales Tax Exemption means the sun’s bounty remains untaxed, adding to the allure of going solar. Net metering policies further sweeten the solar pot, allowing Arizona residents to receive credits on their utility bills for excess energy their panels produce — a true incentive to ensure that every ray of sunshine counts. With current legislative frameworks prioritizing renewable energy, and the typically high insolation levels in the state, Arizona emerges as a premier solar landscape, where the concept of ‘free solar panels’ becomes closer to reality when factoring in these robust incentives. As the state enjoys over 300 days of sunshine annually, there’s no better time for Arizonans to explore the brilliant prospects of solar energy.

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Jerry Spivey

As an aspiring writer, I love words and pay attention to detail. My skill and devotion to writing intriguing and relevant material set me apart.