Hawaii Solar Incentives, Tax Credits & Rebates 2024

Jerry Spivey
14 min readJan 11, 2024


Aloha and welcome to a bright new horizon where the radiant sun bestows not just light but lucrative financial incentives for those embracing solar power in Hawaii! As we sail into 2024, the Aloha State’s pledge to a renewable energy future has never been more vibrant, with Hawaii’s ambitious and groundbreaking goal to reach 100% renewable energy by 2045. The islands present a tropical paradise that’s as rich in solar incentives as it is in natural beauty. With abundant sunshine kissing the archipelago daily, it’s no wonder homeowners and businesses alike are harnessing this celestial bounty, transitioning to solar energy, and significantly curbing their carbon footprint in an era ever cognizant of environmental stewardship.

In a landscape where state laws, regulations, and climate converge to craft an idyllic ecosystem for solar adoption, Hawaii stands out. For instance, the Hawaiian Renewable Energy Technologies Income Tax Credit pacifies the upfront cost of solar installations, while various solar rebates sweeten the proposition. Solar energy isn’t merely an alternative source; it’s becoming a cornerstone of the state’s energy identity. With the introduction of such progressive regulations, residents are positioned to reap the financial rewards and contribute to the environmental solutions. Delve deeper into the sun-drenched world of photovoltaic savings and join us as we explore the most current Hawaii solar incentives, tax credits, and rebates in 2024.

Get Solar Quote in Hawaii

Hawaii stands out as a solar hotspot, teeming with potential due to its abundant sunshine and high electricity rates, making it exceptionally fertile ground for photovoltaic (PV) system installations. The specter of volatile fossil fuel prices coupled with the state’s renewable energy initiative, which aims for 100% renewable energy by 2045, further cements solar investment’s pertinence. Getting a personalized solar quote here is paramount; it catapults from mere pecuniary sapience to an ecological imperative. Savvy homeowners looking to harness the Hawaiian sun’s vigor can commence securing a solar quote by delineating their average energy consumption and the dimensions of their roof to accurately gauge the system size required.

The pathway to procuring a solar quote unfurls through a meticulous canvas of local regulations, such as solar-friendly permits and stringent adherence to the Public Utilities Commission’s codes. Our plunge into the deep end of solar installers’ research in Hawaii dissects the granularities of net metering policies and tax incentive assimilation for homeowners, meshing these with climate nuances that can modulate system efficiency. We dive into the intricate dance of insolation levels across the tropical archipelago, ensuring tailor-made recommendations that transcend the run-of-the-mill, generic quote, capturing the unique tides of each island’s sun-soaked rhythm. Using algorithmic precision, our platform pairs you with pre-vetted, top-tier solar installers in Hawaii, each scrutinized for their licensure, expertise, and customer satisfaction metrics, bringing transparency and ease into the sun transition voyage.

Overview of Solar Energy Landscape in Hawaii

Hawaii’s solar energy landscape is irrefutably idyllic, rippling with the potential to harness the sun-drenched auspices largely due to its geographical splendor. Blessed with a tropical climate that offers abundant sunshine year-round, the Aloha State radiates as a solar goldmine. The state’s distinctive position, perched near the Equator, ensures high solar insolation — a measure of solar radiation energy received on a given surface area — casting it as a prime candidate for photovoltaic (PV) systems and other solar energy technologies.

Data bubbles with optimism, indicating that Hawaii leads the nation in solar energy adoption per capita. Landmarked laws such as the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative propel the state towards an ambitious goal of 100% renewable energy by 2045. The state’s policies manifest a passion for photovoltaic pivoting, with incentives like net energy metering and tax credits empowering homeowners to capitalize on solar systems. Regulations bloom with promise, as the state mandates solar water heaters in new homes, a bellwether move. Also noteworthy is Hawaii’s utility-scale solar projects, like the sprawling array at the Kauai Island Utility Cooperative, which interlace innovative solar-plus-storage technologies, fortifying the grid’s resilience and abetting the shift from volatile fossil fuels to steadfast solar solutions. As solar panels proliferate across Hawaiian rooftops, the state becomes a narrative of renewable renaissance, a vanguard of the verdant energy vista.

Types of Solar Incentives in Hawaii

Hawaii’s solar landscape is effervescent, buoyed by a cascade of solar incentives that make embracing solar energy as alluring as the island’s own verdant charm. Amidst this solar renaissance, the Renewable Energy Technologies Income Tax Credit (RETITC) emerges as a cornerstone, offering residents a state tax credit up to 35% of the cost of solar energy systems, dovetailing with the federal solar investment tax credit to cultivate an irresistibly fertile financial ground for solar investments. Additionally, shifting away from the traditional rebate programs, Hawaii has innovated with the Green Energy Market Securitization (GEMS) program, a pioneering initiative designed to provide low-cost financing to underserved communities, propelling equitable solar adoption.

Beneath the shimmering Hawaiian sun, net energy metering (NEM) once played a pivotal role, but its evolution into Customer Grid-Supply and Customer Self-Supply programs mirrors the state’s commitment to progressive adaptation, balancing grid stability with the solar boon. Each island, governed by precise regulations, may unfurl its own incentive tapestry; for example, the Maui County Solar Roofs Initiative Loan Program, which offers residents in Maui, Lanai, and Molokai an opportunity to harness solar energy through an innovative loan program. While the unrelenting march of legislative and policy advancements in Hawaii ensures the state remains a solar vanguard, these programs exemplify the multi-faceted approach Hawaii takes in fostering a robust solar ecosystem, tailored to its unique climactic and regulatory landscapes.

Federal Solar Tax Credit (ITC)

Navigating the sun-drenched financial seascape of Hawaii, solar power adopters ride the wave of significant savings with the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), a substantial boon for residential and commercial solar energy investments. As of the current climate, the ITC offers an invigorating 26% deduction on federal taxes for solar photovoltaic (PV) systems installed by December 31, 2023. Entering 2024, the landscape shifts as the ITC is set to decrease, compelling prospective solar aficionados to act with alacrity. Post-2023 installations will see the ITC’s generosity taper to a 22% allowance before it sunsets for residential projects in 2024, yet holds steady for commercial entities until 2025.

Hawaii’s residents, perched amidst an environment that boasts among the highest electricity rates nationally, find the ITC’s allure amplified, presenting an enticing opportunity to diminish the often formidable upfront costs of solar installations. Thusly, harnessing solar power becomes not just an environmentally astute choice but a financially savvy maneuver. The state’s progressive renewable energy mandates dovetail harmoniously with federal incentives, encouraging a swift transition to a more sustainable, resilient energy framework. Local solar adopters must stay abreast of the evolving solar policy topography, utilizing certified solar installers who are current with Hawaii’s specific electrical codes and regulations to ensure optimal return on investment and a seamless surf through the dynamic currents of solar tax incentives.

Benefits of Solar Panels in Hawaii

Hawaii, with its year-round sun-drenched ecstasy, stands at the pinnacle of ecosystems ripe for solar panel installations. Due to the state’s Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards (RPS), Hawaii is ambitiously gunning for 100% clean energy by 2045, and solar panels are the knights in shining armor leading this renewable crusade. Environmentally, these photovoltaic marvels offer monumental benefits, shifting the paradigm from carbon-emission-heavy power to an emerald footprint. Hawaiian homeowners bask in economic gratification as solar installations transmute searing sunrays into conspicuous savings; with the average electricity price soaring above the continental curve, going solar is a strategic maneuver, slashing monthly bill atrocities by a significant margin.

Moreover, Hawaii’s solar investment tax credits toss a luau of incentives into the financial equation, making solar arrays unwaveringly attractive. Equally dazzling is the community’s economic windfall, as local solar jobs proliferate and economic activity surges, painting a vivid tableau of growth and sustainability. Harnessing the sun’s benevolence, energy savings sizzle with potential, where typically, homes converting to solar may witness a circumvention of egregious electricity costs, paving the way for energy independence that resonates with the archipelago’s spirit. Here, solar energy isn’t just a trend; it’s an insatiable wave, crashing onto the shores of innovation and fiscal prudence, underpinning the idyllic yet pragmatic Hawaiian energy landscape.

Net Metering and Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs)

Hawaii’s radiant sunshine isn’t just a boon for beachgoers; it’s a jackpot for solar panel owners thanks to the state’s forward-thinking net metering policies. Net metering in Hawaii allows residential and commercial solar power generators to feed their excess electricity back into the grid, spinning their meters backwards and earning credits to offset power drawn at night or on cloudy days. This alignment of economic incentive with sustainable practices is a dance of dollars and decarbonization, catalyzing Hawaii’s dash towards its ambitious renewable energy targets. Meanwhile, Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs), representing the clean energy generated by solar systems, are a hot commodity in Hawaii. SRECs are tradable, and each certificate corresponds to one megawatt-hour of electricity. Solar panel owners can sell these certificates, injecting an additional revenue stream into the solar economy while bolstering the state’s renewable portfolio. The combination of net metering and the leveraged asset potential of SRECs creates a vibrant tapestry of financial and environmental benefits, leveraging Hawaii’s laws and climate to accelerate adoption of photovoltaic technology across the archipelago’s rooftops.

State Solar Tax Credits and Rebates

Nestled in the sun-drenched Pacific, Hawaii gleams as a veritable utopia for solar power, and the myriad of financial incentives available there only add to its luster. For Hawaiian residents, the Renewable Energy Technologies Income Tax Credit (RETITC) offers an enticing solar-specific state tax credit, allowing individuals to claim up to 35% of the cost of installation of a new solar photovoltaic (PV) system. This credit, which significantly reduces the burden of upfront costs, is capped at $5,000 per system and can be combined with the robust 26% federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), amplifying savings and acutely diminishing payback periods.

Beyond state incentives, some Hawaiian utility companies, like Hawaii Energy, offer “Battery Bonus” incentive programs that emphasize grid support during peak hours, putting dollars back into the pockets of solar-plus-storage system adopters. Additionally, the state’s net energy metering (NEM) program has transitioned to new schemes such as Customer Grid-Supply Plus and Smart Export, where excess solar generation can lead to credits or payments, although it’s important to note that these programs have a cap and are not indefinite.

Hawaii’s push towards a renewable future is undergirded by aggressive policies such as its mandate to reach 100% renewable electricity by 2045. This legislative heft, matched with state and utility rebates, makes the economics of going solar in Hawaii particularly bright, reflecting both the state’s commitment to clean energy and the palpable financial appeal for residents choosing to adorn their homes with solar technology.

Financing Options and Solar Loans

Dazzling under the Hawaiian sun, residential and commercial property owners are increasingly harnessing solar energy, aided by enticing financing options that convert the fierce sunlight into a gentle touch on their wallets. Hawaii’s solar financing landscape is as dynamic as its volcanoes, with programs meticulously designed to tackle unique island challenges. For instance, the state’s Green Energy Market Securitization (GEMS) program is an innovative initiative offering low-cost solar loans, targeting those often underserved by traditional financing methods. It’s not mere altruism; it’s strategic economic planning, leveraging public funds to ignite private investment in clean energy.

Furthermore, a plethora of solar financing companies operate with alacrity in Hawaii, spinning a web of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), solar leases, and personalized solar loans designed to suit the diverse financial climates of Hawaiian residents. These instruments are often buttressed by Hawaii’s Renewable Energy Technologies Income Tax Credit, a lucrative incentive that can cover up to 35% of the solar power system’s cost. It’s a beaming testament to fiscal innovation, allowing for a package where the sun’s abundance showers financial relief in the form of solar investment return rates that can leave the stock market in the shade.

The Hawaiian climate is not just an idyllic backdrop for postcards but a driving force for green legislation that makes the Aloha State a beaming beacon for solar adoption. With a government keen on actualizing 100% renewable energy by 2045, financing options are continually evolving, keeping the tropical paradise at the forefront of renewable energy integration. Solar enthusiasts and eco-conscious investors find Hawaii’s photovoltaic financial playground as welcoming as its legendary beaches, teeming with opportunities as boundless as the Pacific Ocean itself.

Additional Incentives and Local Programs

Hawaii dazzles with its lush landscapes, but its solar incentives are equally captivating, creating a high-flying trampoline for renewable energy adoption. Islands like Maui and Kauai not only soak up the sun but also local programs that make pivoting to photovoltaic (PV) systems more alluring than a luau at sunset. Take Honolulu’s array of city-level solar perks; they practically hand you a lei as you step into solar savings. The city has been a solar champion, offering property tax exemptions for renewable energy improvements, effectively reducing the economic barrier to a shimmering rooftop oasis of solar panels.

Moreover, community solar projects are the coconuts of the clean energy landscape here, providing a succulent bite of solar benefits without the need for individual panel installation. These initiatives allow residents to tap into solar farms and relish in the collective empowerment of a greener grid. Big Island’s bolder strides include group-buying discounts that, like a well-negotiated luau bulk discount, make switching to solar a more accessible feast for the community.

State law intertwines with local beneficence here where the Renewable Portfolio Standards push for 100% renewable energy by 2045, making Hawaii a veritable hula dance of sustainability. This ambition is the wind beneath the wings of local incentives, as Hawaii aims to transcend the postcard-perfect horizon and land into a future where sun-powered energy is as common as their beloved surfboards.

Eligibility Criteria and How to Apply

In the lush and renewable-centric state of Hawaii, homeowners looking to soak up the sun’s offerings can tap into a spectrum of incentives and rebates designed to make solar installations more financially alluring. Eligibility criteria for these programs include factors such as the solar system size, homeowner’s tax appetite, and energy-efficiency considerations, with particular emphasis on the Hawaii Renewable Energy Technologies Income Tax Credit (RETITC) which can offset 35% of costs up to a specified cap. Additionally, Hawaiian Electric’s Self-Supply program entices those seeking energy independence with potential for expedited approval for those opting out of exporting electricity. Not to be overlooked are the Customer Grid-Supply Plus and Smart Export programs, innovatively crafted for those desiring compensation for contributing excess energy back to the grid. To bask in these benefits, individuals must navigate a multi-step application journey that begins with a site assessment by a certified solar installer, followed by the permitting process which intertwines both local and utility-specific requirements. Once the solar system is operational, diving into the state’s Department of Taxation form N-342 is mandatory for claiming tax credits, while ensuring the system adheres to the unique regulations such as adhering to the state’s mandate for 100% renewable energy reliance by 2045. As the climate of Hawaii provides an abundant year-round solar resource, the alignment with state laws and regulations can present an electrifying opportunity for resilient solar investments.

Case Studies or Success Stories

Hawaii, an archipelago known for its paradisiacal landscapes and also high electricity rates, provides a shimmering case study of solar incentives harnessing palpable benefits. The Hawaiian solar saga features residents who embraced the abundant sunshine and leveraged the state’s lucrative Renewable Energy Technologies Income Tax Credit (RETITC), acquiring not just solar panels but a spectrum of photovoltaic (PV) solutions. One scintillating narrative unfurls in the residential lanes of Honolulu, where a household slashed their energy bills by approximately 65% post-adoption of rooftop solar, further cushioned by the state’s net metering program, allowing homeowners to sell excess electricity back to the grid — a beacon of smart energy economics.

Commercial triumphs are radiant too. Take for instance, a local Kailua-based business that transitioned to solar and secured a significant drop in operational costs, achieving a return on investment within four years, an inspiring testament to the commercial solar incentives synergy. Additionally, the state’s emphasis on community solar projects has illuminated paths of collaborative economical effort, exemplified by the Hawaiian Electric’s Shared Solar program, spotlighting the model of collective energy independence amidst the azure Pacific. These success stories are pivotal, sending ripples of motivation across the islands, and positioning Hawaii as a heliocentric hub for green initiatives accented by fiscal wisdom and sustainable foresight.


Aloha to solar savings and mahalo to Mother Earth! In 2024, Hawaii continues to blaze the trail with some of the most generous solar incentives, tax credits, and rebates in the nation, making the switch to solar not just an eco-conscious decision but a financially savvy one too. The Aloha State’s Renewable Energy Technologies Income Tax Credit (RETITC) allows residents to claim an impressive 35% of the installation cost, up to $5,000 per system, while simultaneously reaping the benefits of the federal solar tax credit. But that’s just the tip of the sustainable iceberg. The state has mandated that 100% of its electricity come from renewable sources by 2045, and with the Hawaiian Electric Company’s Customer Grid-Supply program, solar adopters can feed excess energy back into the grid for credits on their bills — a process known as net metering. In the land of year-round sunshine, these incentives make free solar panels an irresistible proposition, significantly reducing the energy expenses of homeowners. With high electricity rates and an ideal solar climate, Hawaii’s solar incentives present an opportunity as golden as the sunsets of Waikiki Beach. Embrace the solar renaissance and ride the wave of renewable energy by exploring these electrifying options for your home.

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List of References

  1. «The Change in the Cost of Solar Panels Over Time». Site: «Solar Power System»
  2. «Which Region of the United States Receives the Greatest Sun Radiation?». Site: «Solar Power System»
  3. «What Solar Certification & Testing Are Important in the Solar Industry?». Site: «Solar Power System»



Jerry Spivey

As an aspiring writer, I love words and pay attention to detail. My skill and devotion to writing intriguing and relevant material set me apart.