Is Solar Worth It in New Hampshire? (2024 Guide)

Jerry Spivey
10 min readJan 25, 2024


Did you know that the Granite State is shining bright with solar potential, despite its cozy spot in the northeastern US? You might be scratching your head, wondering if harnessing the sun’s power in New Hampshire is actually a smart move. After all, we’re not exactly California with its endless sunny days, right? But hold on — there’s more to the story. New Hampshire may not be the sunbelt, but it’s making strides in solar energy that are turning heads. So, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of solar energy’s true value in New Hampshire. As we peel back the layers, you’ll discover the incentives, the savings, and, yes, even the challenges of going solar in the Live Free or Die state. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a crystal-clear picture of whether those sleek panels belong on your roof. Spoiler alert: you might just be pleasantly surprised by what you find. Let’s shine some light on the real deal of solar power in New Hampshire in 2024.

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The Solar Landscape in New Hampshire

While the Granite State may not be the first place you think of when it comes to sunbathing, it’s actually soaking up solar opportunities left and right. In fact, solar adoption here is climbing faster than hikers on Mount Monadnock. We’re seeing impressive growth rates, with New Hampshire’s solar capacity leaping forward, reflecting a nationwide surge in renewable energy enthusiasm.

As for hard numbers, New Hampshire boasts a shining record of over 10,000 residential solar installations. Now, that’s a lot of solar panels! What’s more, businesses aren’t shying away from solar either, with installations popping up on rooftops across the state like wildflowers in spring. This growth isn’t just about eco-credentials; it’s making solid economic sense too, with many homeowners and businesses seeing a significant dip in their electricity bills, thanks to New Hampshire’s favorable net metering policies.

Take, for example, the story of a quaint bed and breakfast in the heart of Concord. This charming establishment decided to harness the sun’s power and went full tilt with solar panels. The result? Their operational costs plummeted, and the solar array even became a quirky draw for eco-conscious guests. Visitors now come not just for the homey atmosphere, but to stay somewhere actively cutting down on carbon emissions. Meaning, these folks aren’t just catching z’s — they’re also catching rays, in the most sustainable way.

Stories like this one aren’t just heart-warming, they’re wallet-friendly too, and they’re becoming more common as New Hampshire continues to embrace the sunny side of energy generation. With strong community support and state incentives, solar power in New Hampshire isn’t just a trend, it’s a bright spot in the state’s green future.

Benefits of Solar Power in New Hampshire

Tapping into solar power in New Hampshire isn’t just a savvy move — it’s a game-changer for your wallet and the stunning New England environment we all cherish. Imagine cutting down your electric bill to a fraction of what it is now, because, let’s face it, those chilly New Hampshire winters and humid summers can really make your energy costs skyrocket. With the plentiful sunshine that graces the Granite State, especially during the blissful summer months, your investment in solar panels isn’t just a shot in the dark; it’s a guarantee for a sunny financial forecast.

Now, I get it, you might be thinking that New Hampshire isn’t exactly the Sun Belt, but you’d be pleasantly surprised by the ample solar potential that exists even amid our quaint, leafy landscapes. Moreover, it’s hard to overlook that heartwarming feeling of doing your bit for the environment. By switching to solar, you’re sending a clear message that you’re about protecting our state’s gorgeous natural resources, from the White Mountains all the way down to the rugged coastline. Plus, the local wildlife — think of our delightful loons and moose — will thank you for reducing your carbon footprint, a vital step in preserving New Hampshire’s natural charm for generations to come.

Now, let’s not forget the local incentives! They’re the cherry on top of the eco-friendly cake. New Hampshire’s putting its money where its mouth is with rebates and tax credits that are sure to sweeten the deal. These perks make going solar not just a nod to Mother Nature but a seriously smart financial decision. By leaning into solar power, you’re aligning with New Hampshire’s energy goals, securing financial savings, and ensuring that the pristine beauty of our state continues to thrive. So why wait when you can bask in the benefits of solar starting today?

Financial Aspects

Let’s dive into what your wallet needs to know about going solar in New Hampshire. First off, you might be looking at the upfront cost with a bit of sticker shock. The average cost of installing solar panels in this state can range anywhere from $15,000 to $25,000. That’s a chunk of change, but stay with me here — there’s good news on the horizon.

You see, New Hampshire is no stranger to solar incentives, making it a sweet deal if you decide to soak up some sun power. The federal solar tax credit, also known as the investment tax credit (ITC), lets you chop off a hearty 26% of your installation costs from your federal taxes. Yep, you heard that right. Install those panels in 2023, and if your bill comes up to, say, $20,000, you’ve got a neat $5,200 coming back to you at tax time.

But wait, there’s more! The state offers rebates through the Residential Renewable Electrical Generation Rebate Program. This can give you $0.20 per watt of installed capacity, up to a maximum of $1,000 — that’s like getting a bonus just for going green.

Now, let’s get real for a second. Picture this: Your neighbor, Linda, installed a 5 kW system last year. Her overall installation came in around $18,000. With the Federal ITC, she got back $4,680, plus a $1,000 rebate from the state. That brings her down to a cool $12,320. With an average electricity bill of $100 per month, Linda’s saving about $1,200 a year. Break out the calculator, and you’ll see her solar setup will pay for itself in about a decade — all while she’s doing her bit for Mother Earth.

Remember, New Hampshire also has net metering, allowing homeowners to send surplus energy back to the grid in exchange for credits — yet another way to cut down on those costs. All in all, it’s not just about saving some green — it’s about being green, too. Keep that in mind, and you’ll see the sunny side of solar in no time.

Challenges and Considerations

Let’s talk about some of the hurdles you might face when you’re looking to get solar panels up and running in New Hampshire. First off, the space where you’re planning to install your panels — say your roof or a chunk of your land — needs to be ready to catch those rays. If you’re dealing with a lot of shade from big trees or nearby buildings, that could be a hiccup. But don’t stress, there are creative solutions like tree trimming or even ground-mounted systems that can bypass these shady issues.

Now, dipping into your savings to fund your solar setup can be a bit intimidating — no two ways about it. It’s a significant initial investment, and that’s the elephant in the room we’ve got to address. However, New Hampshire’s got some sweet incentives and rebates that can lighten the load on your wallet. Plus, let’s not forget federal tax credits that can shave off a good chunk of the cost right there.

And guess what? Solar isn’t a one-size-fits-all ordeal. You can start small if a whole-house installation is giving your bank account the jitters. Try out a partial system and then build up as you get more comfortable with the idea. Plus, financing options are aplenty — with leases, power purchase agreements (PPAs), and loans, you can find a payment plan that doesn’t require forking over piles of cash upfront. Just be sure you’re getting cozy with the fine print and picking the best deal for your situation. Bottom line: don’t let these challenges rain on your solar parade — there are plenty of workarounds to keep you marching to a greener future.

Making the Decision: Is Solar Right for You?

Embarking on the solar journey can be incredibly exciting, but it’s a big decision that hinges on a few critical factors. Let’s explore what you need to consider to figure out if solar is your energy soulmate. First up, roof space — the stage for your solar performance. Does your roof bask in the sunshine without pesky shadows from chimneys or towering trees? Your panels are sun worshippers, so ample, sunny roof real estate is key. If you’ve got a shady roof or limited space, don’t despair. Innovations like high-efficiency panels or community solar could still make your solar dreams a reality.

Next, let’s chat about your energy appetite. Peek at your electricity bills to gauge how much power you’re munching on. Understanding your energy consumption is essential because it tells you how many panels you’ll need to cover your feast. Now, the big question: Is your wallet as ready as your roof? Crunch the numbers on upfront costs versus long-term savings. Remember, going solar is like planting a financial seed that grows over time. Sure, the initial outlay can seem daunting, but incentives, tax breaks, and decreasing utility bills can make solar a savvy investment. Plus, with payment plans and solar loans in the mix, you’ve got options to make solar more digestible for your budget.

Finally, bear in mind, solar is a marathon, not a sprint. If you’re planning to move next year, you might want to hold off. But if you’re nesting for the long haul, the benefits can be substantial. Lower energy bills, tax credits, increased home value, and that warm fuzzy feeling of doing something great for the planet — now that’s an energy plan with a bright future!

Solar Panels: Quality and Efficiency

Let’s delve right into the world of solar panels, focusing on how they tick, especially here in the beautiful Granite State. In New Hampshire, where the weather gives us a bit of everything — from snowy winters to bright, sunny days — the type of solar panel you choose really does matter. You’ve probably heard about the two biggies in the solar family: monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels. The former, with their sleek, dark look, are kind of the VIPs — more efficient and higher-priced due to their pure silicon content. But don’t count the polycrystalline panels out just yet! These blue-hued panels are the underdogs with a friendlier price tag, although they do sacrifice a bit of efficiency in exchange.

Now, before you start thinking about which one wins the efficiency race, let’s remember that New Hampshire’s weather isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. Luckily, the latest tech in monocrystalline panels means they’re pretty robust, handling those cold, snowy days like champs. They work like a dream even when the sun plays hide and seek, making them a stellar choice for the Northeast’s flavor of weather.

And let’s chat longevity and maintenance, shall we? Regardless of your pick, you’re looking at a solid investment; these panels are built to last about 25–30 years. But just like a car, they need a little TLC. Snow, leaves, the occasional bird gift — they’ve got to go. A simple seasonal check-up to keep them free of debris goes a long way to maintain their top-notch performance. Plus, in New Hampshire’s climate, going for panels with a good warranty and a proven track record of weathering the elements is pure gold. Keep that maintenance routine in mind, and your panels will thank you by working at their peak for years.


Tapping into solar power in New Hampshire is like striking a personal gold mine — it’s a move that can save you money and lighten your environmental footprint. The Granite State may not be the sunniest in the country, but don’t let that fool you. With the combination of federal tax incentives, local rebates, and net metering policies, your switch to solar could have you smiling all the way to the bank. Plus, the state’s cold, sunny winters are perfect for efficient solar energy production. Your panels will thank you for those clear, crisp days! In a nutshell, going solar in New Hampshire can pay off, and with continuously improving technology, your investment continues to get sweeter with time.

Ready to see how solar power can brighten up your New Hampshire abode? Give our team a shout! We’re all about giving you the skinny on going green with solar. Contact us, and let’s whip up a personalized solar plan that’ll fit your home like a glove. Trust us, the sun has got nothing on the bright future you’ll have with solar energy!

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Jerry Spivey

As an aspiring writer, I love words and pay attention to detail. My skill and devotion to writing intriguing and relevant material set me apart.