Kansas Solar Incentives, Tax Credits & Rebates 2024

Jerry Spivey
14 min readJan 15, 2024


As the sun blazes across the vast Kansas plains, it isn’t just the wheat that’s harnessing its power — solar energy is fast becoming the state’s shining beacon in the renewable energy landscape. As of 2024, Kansas is poised on the cusp of a solar renaissance, galvanized by a suite of solar incentives, tax credits, and rebates that make transitioning to solar not just an environmentally conscious decision but a financially savvy one. The Sunflower State, with its sweeping open skies and commitment to a greener tomorrow, has cultivated an environment where solar energy isn’t just a possibility; it’s a groundbreaking opportunity.

Amidst growing environmental concerns and the inexorable march toward sustainable living, Kansas has put forth robust legislation that bolsters its commitment to renewable energy sources, reducing carbon footprints, and safeguarding its natural resources for future generations. Specific state laws and regulations have crystallized into substantial economic benefits for homeowners and businesses who choose to go solar, slicing through the once-prohibitive costs and offering a gleaming incentive to join the renewable revolution.

From the plains of Dodge City to the buzzing metropolis of Wichita, solar adopters revel in the benefits of the Renewable Energy Standards Act and other local initiatives designed to refund, reduce, and reinvigorate. Whether it’s harnessing net metering policies or tapping into property tax exemptions, there is a spectrum of economic sweeteners poised to entice the eco-minded Kansan. And with the average number of sunshiny days far outstripping the national average, Kansas’s climate is an ideal accomplice in the pursuit of clean, sustainable, and economically advantageous solar power.

Get Solar Quote in Kansas

Navigating the solar landscape in Kansas, where rolling plains meet renewable energy ambitions, demands a tailored approach that recognizes the Sunflower State’s unique solar potential. A personalized solar quote is instrumental, cutting through the complexity of state-specific regulations like the Kansas Net Metering and Easy Connection Act, which affects the financial viability and design of your solar investment. To secure an accurate quote, homeowners should gather relevant electrical usage data, assess their property’s solar eligibility in terms of shading and roof integrity, and be informed about Kansas-specific incentives such as tax credits and rebates.

Solar Power Systems is at the forefront of streamlining this process. We’ve conducted meticulous research on solar installers throughout Kansas, assimilating contemporary data on their performance, customer satisfaction ratings, and adherence to local codes and regulations. Our comprehensive reviews and installer comparisons are infused with insights specific to Kansas’s climate patterns, taking into account the state’s average sun exposure and weather conditions that could impact solar panel performance. By utilizing this targeted information, Kansas residents can step confidently towards obtaining solar quotes that not only promise optimal energy generation but also align with the regional environmental ethos, optimizing return on investment in the burgeoning renewable energy sector of the Midwest.

Overview of Solar Energy Landscape in Kansas

Kansas, often hailed as the heartland of America, boasts a solar energy landscape teeming with untapped potential. With its sprawling plains and ample sunshine, the Sunflower State is positioned to harness the power of the sun on a grand scale. Indeed, it’s the long, sun-drenched days that give Kansas an edge, presenting a prime opportunity for solar energy production. Kansas averages about 230 sunny days per year, which is a substantial solar resource for potential photovoltaic (PV) systems and concentrated solar power (CSP) deployments.

The state’s solar narrative is further charged by forward-thinking regulations such as net metering policies, which allow homeowners to sell excess power back to the grid, and the Renewable Energy Standards Act, propelling utilities to incorporate a percentage of renewable energy into their portfolios. Moreover, the high wind speeds across Kansas have already made it a wind energy stalwart, and these synergies can be leveraged to enhance solar infrastructure resilience.

Ironically, despite the conducive climate and regulatory framework, solar installations have been trailing behind the curve in Kansas compared to other states, with much of the solar potential remaining untapped. This arguably points to an enormous growth potential, making the state a sleeping giant in the renewable energy realm. Consequently, as the costs of solar panels continue to plummet, Kansas is poised to awaken and possibly become a central hub in America’s renewable energy revolution, harnessing the state’s abundant natural solar irradiance for a greener, more sustainable power grid.

Benefits of Solar Panels in Kansas

Harnessing the sun’s unstinting bounty, Kansas, with its wide swaths of sun-drenched prairieland, stands as an ideal contender for solar panel adoption, and engaging with this renewable enigma cultivates a plethora of environmental and economic windfalls. Environmentally, the pivot to solar is a clarion call to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels, mitigating the carbon footprints in a state otherwise bound to agriculture and manufacturing emissions. By exploiting photovoltaic systems, Kansans thwart the equivalent of thousands of tons of CO2 annually — a salient step towards combating the insidious creep of climate change.

The sovereign ray collector, however, doesn’t merely bolster atmospheric purity but also transmutes radiant energy into economic gold for homeowners. Nestled snugly under the Renewable Energy Standards, Kansas residents tap into net metering programs, effectively wheeling excess power back into the grid, while pocketing commendable savings and earning potential energy credits. This fiscal alchemy is sweetened by enticing tax incentives and rebates designed to lower the upfront cost barrier, enhancing the attainability of solar installations.

Communities too bask in the shared glory, as local solar projects spawn jobs and invigorate the economy through the cascading effect of renewable-centric vocations. With the potential energy savings eclipsing traditional energy costs, Kansas homeowners can expect to be basking in sun-ripened electricity bill reductions, projecting savings into the tens of thousands over the lifespan of their systems. The return on investment unfolds not merely in monthly statements, but in the elevated valuation of solar-equipped homes — a lure for eco-conscious buyers in an increasingly green-tinted real estate market.

Types of Solar Incentives in Kansas

Kansas, basking in the heartland’s luminous embrace, presents a salient tableau for harvesting the sun’s resplendent bounty through the implementation of solar power systems. To incentivize this sustainable pivot, the Sunflower State has unfurled a vibrant array of solar incentives intertwining federal tax credits with enticing state-specific advantages. At the apex, the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) beams brightly, allowing Kansas residents to deduct a substantial percentage of their solar installation costs from their federal taxes, creating a financial impetus that significantly reduces the solar conversion expense.

Nestled beneath the federal umbrella, Kansas’ Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption prevents property taxes from escalating post-solar installation — an assurance of fixed overhead costs despite the added value of a gleaming, energy-producing asset. Concurrently, navigating through the state’s advantageous terrain, the Net Metering program empowers Kansans to offload surplus energy back to the grid, compelling utility companies to credit solar adopters, thus ensuring that every ray captured is a penny saved. Supplementary to this, the High-Performance Incentive Program (HPIP) can offer state tax credits to eligible businesses embracing solar.

The Kansas climate, with its wide-open skies and substantial sunlit days, further bolsters the case for solar adoption, creating an almost synergistic alliance between nature’s offerings and fiscal encouragement. Prospective adopters must remain vigilant to the ever-evolving landscape of incentives, seizing opportunities like the USDA’s REAP grants which favor agricultural and rural businesses. Each solar incentive encapsulated within Kansas law acts as a cog in a grander mechanism geared towards fostering a renewable renaissance across the prairie.

Federal Solar Tax Credit (ITC)

Kansas, the Sunflower State, renowned for its vast amber waves of grain, is also rich in solar potential — a fact keenly supported by the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), an incentive that turbocharges Kansas residents’ leap into solar energy adoption. For the year 2024, the ITC continues to be a cornerstone of solar policy, offering a tantalizing 30% credit for residential solar system installations. This is a stark resurgence from previous step-downs, as originally, the credit was scheduled to diminish to a scant 22% in 2021, followed by a slated sunset for residential systems in 2022. However, with the infrastructure bill’s cosmic blast of support, the ITC has been reinstated at 30%, propelling both Kansas homeowners and the solar industry forward into a luminous future.

This maximized credit means that if a Kansas homeowner installs a solar power system that costs $20,000, they are eligible to knock a substantial $6,000 off their federal tax liability. With Kansas’s scorching summers and clear, sunny skies, the financial equation becomes compellingly favorable, especially when considering the concurrent local utility net metering policies and possible property tax exemptions for solar installations. The infusion of the 30% ITC emphasizes a federal commitment to a renewable skyline over the plains, ensuring Kansas residents are well-positioned to harvest the sun’s boundless energy bounty.

State Solar Tax Credits and Rebates

In the sun-soaked terrain of Kansas, residents can bask in not only the literal sunshine but also the financial glow of attractive solar tax credits and rebates. Igniting the shift to renewable energy, the Sunflower State has unveiled a renewable energy property tax exemption that excludes the added value of a solar system from property taxes for 10 years post-installation. However, it’s critical to note that Kansas currently doesn’t have a statewide solar tax credit program in place that mirrors the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which allows for a significant 26% deduction of solar installation costs from federal taxes through the end of 2022, stepping down to 22% in 2023 before sunsetting for residential installations in 2024.

Diving into the local level, some utility companies and municipalities electrify the deal further with rebates and incentives that vary by location. For example, specific Kansas locales offer net metering programs, allowing solar system owners to receive bill credits for excess energy generated, effectively slicing down utility costs and shortening the payback period of their solar investments. Solar adopters in Kansas should closely examine the policies of their local utilities and stay attuned to any changes in regional legislation, ensuring they harness the full spectrum of benefits available in this renewable energy powerhouse of the Midwest.

Net Metering and Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs)

As the sun casts its generous rays upon Kansas, solar panel owners in the Sunflower State are reaping the rewards of the state’s net metering policies, which serve as financial solar gusts bolstering their investment. Under Kansas law, residential and commercial solar system owners can connect to the grid, allowing excess energy produced by their photovoltaic arrays to be effortlessly fed back into the power network, thereby spinning their meters backwards — a process tantamount to banking sunlight. This results in a credit on their utility bills, effectively reducing the cost of electricity when the night’s shroud or cloudy days diminish solar production.

Moreover, in this prairie state where the winds dance and the sun governs the land, Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs) emerge as a facet of the solar market, albeit with nuances specific to regional legislation. SRECs are the quantifiable representation of the clean energy produced, and while Kansas is not one of the states with a mandated SREC market, savvy Kansans with a keen eye on adjacent markets can still capitalize on this green currency. By selling these certificates in states where utilities are mandated to produce a certain percentage of power from renewable sources, Kansas solar panel owners can find themselves basking in additional economic benefits — further proof that in the realms of green technology and sustainability, Kansas is not just chasing twisters but harnessing the sun’s mighty power to fuel its stride towards a renewable future.

Financing Options and Solar Loans

Embarking on the solar journey in Kansas opens a panorama of financing sagas more riveting than the legendary Yellow Brick Road itself. The Sunflower State, with its vast horizons promising abundant sunny days, is a veritable canvas for photovoltaic masterpieces. Yet, the upfront investment for such solar installations may loom like a twister over a Kansas farm — formidable and unpredictable. Enter the hero of this tale: a medley of financial wizardry in the form of solar loans, innovative financing options, and incentive programs that can weave a storm shelter against the gales of expenses.

As Kansans tilt their faces to the sun, they can leverage specialized solar financing solutions, including solar leases and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), allowing the sun-seeker to harness the energy overhead without bearing the full cost of the system upfront. The state itself doesn’t shy away from basking in the limelight; with policies such as property assessed clean energy (PACE) financing, it empowers property owners to pay for their solar installations over time via an additional assessment on their property tax bills. While the flat plains have yet to flower with state-sponsored solar loan programs, local banks and credit unions often bloom with offers of unsecured or secured solar loans, flowering with competitive rates and terms catered to the cyclical budget harvests of Kansas residents. These financial avenues, infused with the potential federal solar investment tax credit (ITC) benefits, ensure that converting to solar is not just an environmentally conscious decision, but a financially savvy maneuver that could make Oz himself green with envy.

Additional Incentives and Local Programs

Diving headfirst into the solar incentives beyond the sun-soaked horizon of federal offerings, Kansas residents bask in a smattering of local programs that magnify their solar savings. For example, the City of Lawrence boasts a commendable Net Metering policy, tinged with a rebel spirit, which allows for rollover energy credits, keeping homeowner’s energy costs splendidly low. Not to be outdone, some Kansas utilities ramp up the appeal with their own shimmering incentives; Evergy, previously Westar Energy, offers a Renewable Energy Rider program that can lead to tantalizing reductions in peak demand charges.

But wait, the incentive landscape in Kansas isn’t solely focused on individual benefits; community solar projects are emerging as a beacon of collective sunshine. These projects encapsulate a harmonious symphony of savings, allowing participants to claim their stake in a local solar array and reap the benefits on their electric bill without mounting panels on their own roofs. Meanwhile, group-buying discounts, akin to the Solar Bulk Purchase Program in the Sunflower State, are the backbone of fostering community camaraderie — neighbours join forces, banding together to negotiate deals that send prices plummeting as if solar panels were raindrops in a Kansas thunderstorm.

The bottom line? Kansas is seeding its own vibrant solar ecosystem with incentives that synthesize the best of local legislative innovation with the communal heartbeat of neighborhood initiatives, all tailor-made to the state’s legal, regulatory, and climate idiosyncrasies. These burgeoning options not only amplify the accessibility of solar but also enroot a deeper cultural shift towards renewable energy in the heart of America.

Eligibility Criteria and How to Apply

Navigating the solar eligibility labyrinth in Kansas is akin to unlocking a treasure chest of sun-kissed incentives — a process made gratifying by the state’s support for renewable energy. Would-be solar adopters must first ensure their dwellings align with the Residential Clean Energy Property Tax Exemption by having their solar systems certified by the Kansas Corporation Commission. Following this, storming the fortress of financial benefits means tapping into the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which, while phasing down, generously shaves off 26% of the total system cost from your federal tax liability through 2022, before dropping to 22% in 2023.

The Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption in Kansas further fuels the solar crusade, exempting the value of renewable energy devices from property tax assessments for ten years. However, applicants must submit the necessary documents to their local appraiser before construction to clinch this exemption. Amidst the solar swirl, Net Metering allows eligible customers to receive credits for surplus power, although this is contingent on utility company policies, with most capping the system at 25 kW.

The dance through the documentation for these incentives is twofold: initially tackle the federal ITC by completing IRS Form 5695 alongside your tax return. Parallelly, Kansas residents must brandish their proof of system certification, dive into the DSIRE database for utility-specific rebates, and liaise with local tax offices brandishing Form PV-ECR for property tax exemptions, ensuring solar steps are both financially and bureaucratically en pointe.

Case Studies or Success Stories

Diving headfirst into the sun-drenched narrative of Kansas’s solar incentives is akin to opening a treasure trove of green energy success stories, pulsating with the vibrant energy of sun harvesters. One shimmering example hails from Sedgwick County, where a residential solar project leveraged the Investment Tax Credit (ITC). This federal incentive permitted the homeowners to claim a whopping 26% tax credit, slicing through their initial solar investment like a photon beam, leading to a quick recoup of costs and a cascade of lower electric bills that could almost mimic the golden plains of wheat fields in a summer breeze.

Meanwhile, the business sector isn’t trailing far behind. In the city of Topeka, a local manufacturing plant recently harnessed the Renewable Energy Systems Tax Credit, specifically tailored by the sunny state of Kansas, to power their colossal operation with an army of solar panels. Coupled with the MACRS depreciation benefits, this clean energy crusade transformed their corporate tax scenario to a cornucopia of savings, showcasing the efficiency and fiscal sagacity of solar conversion in the business realm.

Each story, from the vast agricultural heartbeat of the Sunflower State to the bustling urban centers, projects an eco-conscious stance, with compelling financial incentives sparking a solar revolution under Kansas’s rich blue skies. Such initiatives are bolstered by various metering policies, encouraging local Kansans to not only generate clean energy but to also engage in harmonious give-and-take with the grid, optimizing both their energy independence and their financial returns. These are not mere isolated incidents but form part of a larger milieu in which solar incentives are continuously powering success, both literally and metaphorically, across the amber waves of Kansas.


In the sun-drenched plains of Kansas, the future shines bright for solar energy aficionados, as 2024 heralds an array of enticing solar incentives, tax credits, and rebates. Unleashing the power of the sun has never been more financially feasible, with Kansas proudly offering a tapestry of solar benefits designed to lighten the load on both your conscience and your wallet. Spearheaded by the Renewable Energy Systems Property Tax Exemption, solar adopters can bask in property tax exemptions for the full appraised value of their solar array, a move that significantly downshifts the cost barrier. But the sunny perks don’t end there; the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) remains a powerhouse, gifting a substantial 30% off the total system cost, a beacon of savings in a world of ever-rising energy expenses. Free solar panel programs in Kansas, although more niche, add an extra layer of accessibility for qualifying households. When the Kansas sun stakes its claim as one of your most valuable assets, there’s no better time to pivot towards solar energy systems. Harness the rays and harvest the benefits as you stride towards a brighter, cleaner, and more economically astute tomorrow. Explore your solar options, and remember: in Kansas, the sun isn’t just for the crops — it’s for the kilowatts.

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List of References

  1. «What Is a Solar Charge Controller & Why Is It Important?». Site: «Solar Power System»
  2. «Could Installing Solar Panels on the Roof Save Money?». Site: «Solar Power System»
  3. «What To Do & What Not To Do When Cleaning Solar Panels». Site: «Solar Power System»



Jerry Spivey

As an aspiring writer, I love words and pay attention to detail. My skill and devotion to writing intriguing and relevant material set me apart.