Understanding Solar Financing: Tips and Tricks for Cleveland Residents

Jerry Spivey
9 min readJan 26, 2024


As the sun casts its generous rays over Cleveland, Ohio, an increasing number of its residents are turning their gazes upward, harnessing this celestial power through the burgeoning realm of solar energy. The trend in Cleveland is radiant — solar installations are sprouting across rooftops, proclaiming a modern era where renewable power is not just a possibility, but a thriving reality. This surge in solar adoption is underpinned by financial mechanisms as diverse and dynamic as the energy they seek to capture. Navigating the financial solar-scape, however, can be as complex as the electrical grids these solar systems aim to supplement. That’s where this enlightening discourse steps in, with a laser focus on demystifying the myriad of solar financing options available to Clevelanders. Through the prism of state-specific laws, enticing incentives, and Cleveland’s uniquely suited climate for solar integration, this article will lay out the practical tips and advantageous tricks for residents to effectively finance their passage to a solar-powered future.

Get Solar Quote in Cleveland

Navigating the solar landscape in Cleveland, Ohio, harnessing a bespoke solar quote is not just crucial, it’s an investment game-changer. Ohio’s solar panorama is teeming with nuances; from the Renewable Portfolio Standard mandates to enticing Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs), these green incentives are reshaping the region’s solar economics. Securing a personalized quote is pivotal — this is where Solar Power Systems illuminates the nooks and crannies of your solar journey. To initiate, Cleavelandites must scrutinize their energy patterns, tailoring their solar solutions to match the capricious Ohio weather. Step one, gather your energy consumption stats; a deep dive into your kWh usage primes you for an accurate estimate. Next, tap into our exhaustive analysis of Cleveland’s solar installers.

At Solar Power Systems, we’ve crunched the data, examined installer credentials against Ohio’s rigorous regulations, and pinpointed who’s leveraging local weather patterns to maximize photovoltaic efficiency. Hence, when you fetch your quote, it’s distilled from a pool of Cleveland’s elite, optimized for the local climate, and aligned with state-specific solar stratagems. By leveraging local laws and embracing our comprehensive reviews, Ohioans can bask in the glow of a solar investment that’s as robust as it is rewarding.

Overview of Solar Energy in Cleveland

Situated in the heart of the Midwest, Cleveland, Ohio boasts a robust solar potential that is often overshadowed by the misconception of its cloudy disposition. Contrary to popular belief, Cleveland receives an average solar radiation level that can support a thriving solar market, striking a similar balance to regions such as Germany, which leads Europe in solar installations. The city garners around 166 days of sunny skies annually, injecting a dose of solar feasibility into the mix. Although winter months introduce a dip in insolation rates, Ohio’s net metering policy compensates by crediting solar owners for excess power generated, ensuring the sun’s scarcity is economically mitigated.

Ohio’s renewable landscape is further fertilized by progressive solar renewable energy certificates (SRECs) which provide a tangible incentive for each megawatt-hour of solar electricity generated. This scheme scales up solar returns, inviting residential and commercial entities to pivot into photovoltaic adopters. Additionally, Clevelanders can lean on the statewide Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing, which supports the upfront solar investment, bolstered by the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) allowing rapid depreciation on solar equipment. These financial stimulants, when married to the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) that deducts a significant 26% of the installation cost, manufacture a convincing fiscal narrative for embracing solar in Cleveland. Yet, an operatic chorus of panels has not stormed the skyline due to legislative ebbs, with Ohio’s Senate Bill 52 allowing local authorities increased veto power over renewable projects, which stirs a bubbling cauldron of policy unpredictability. Despite this, Cleveland’s solar sojourn is dappled with rays of opportunity, drawing a picture where regulatory nuances and climatic patterns entwine, crafting an environment ripe for solar adoption, tumultuous yet tantalizing for the green-minded investor.

Key Solar Financing Options in Cleveland

Navigating the financial landscape of solar panel installation in Cleveland, Ohio, prospective solar adopters can explore diverse funding avenues such as solar loans, leases, Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), and direct purchases. Solar loans allow homeowners to finance the cost of their solar system, often through structured payments over a term of 10 to 20 years. These loans are beneficial for Cleveland residents because Ohio’s strong net metering policies can result in lower electricity bills, significantly offsetting monthly loan payments. However, the con remains that interest rates can add a considerable amount to the overall cost.

Alternatively, solar leases offer an arrangement where a third-party owns the solar system on your property, and you pay a fixed monthly rate. For many in Cleveland, the upfront cost is drastically reduced and maintenance worries are alleviated. The major downside is the forfeiting of state-specific solar incentives and rebates to the system owner, not the lessee.

For those considering Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), these entail a third party installing a system on your property, with payment structured around the electricity generated. PPAs can be advantageous for Cleveland homeowners looking for low upfront costs and predictable energy rates, yet they may offer less savings over time as compared to owning a system outright, given Ohio’s fluctuating energy prices.

Residents going for direct purchases fork out the initial investment but reap the full benefits. In Cleveland’s snow-prone climate, buying solar panels means capitalizing on Ohio’s renewable energy tax credits and rebates while increasing home value. The challenges are apparent, though — high upfront costs and the responsibility for any repair and maintenance. Considering Cleveland’s burgeoning green energy initiatives, direct investment in solar can be particularly rewarding for those with the capital to bear the initial brunt, leading to substantial long-term savings and a robust entry into renewable energy independence.

Navigating State and Local Incentives

In the realm of renewable energy proliferation, Ohio, specifically Cleveland, has embraced solar power with an array of incentives designed to reduce the financial burden on those looking to harness the sun’s energy. Underpinning the array of incentives is the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which allows Cleveland residents to deduct 30% of their solar installation costs from their federal taxes through 2023, a boon for those diving into solar adoption. On the state front, Ohio stands out with its Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs), enabling homeowners to earn and sell credits for the electricity their system generates, thus creating a dynamic marketplace that rewards green initiatives.

Local state-led programs, such as ECO-Link, entice with interest rate reductions on solar loans, bolstering the financial appeal of solar installations. Cleveland Public Power’s Solar Rebate Program offers a striking local incentive, providing rebates of $30 per 1000kWh generated, further sweetening the pot. For residents to maximize these sundry incentives, meticulous attention to all available rebates is crucial; residents should synchronize the timing of installations with incentive availabilities, ensuring no lucrative offer sunsets unnoticed. Additionally, engaging with knowledgeable local solar installers who have a pulse on the intricate tapestry of state laws and evolving solar regulations can optimize the financial framework of transitioning to a solar-powered household. They can adeptly navigate incentive application processes and guarantee Clevelanders capture the full spectrum of monetary benefits. With these bold measures, Cleveland’s vigor for solar energy is translating into direct economic incentives for its sun-chasing citizens.

Practical Tips for Financing Solar Panels in Cleveland

When pondering the solar leap in Cleveland, Ohio, assess your domicile’s solar potential with the precision of an engineer. Analyze your roof’s orientation and angle, eyeing south-facing pitches without shade for maximum sun-soaking. Even Ohio’s variable climate bows to precise positioning, maximizing the efficiency of solar panels throughout the year. Now, when it comes to decoding the Da Vinci Code of financing options, due diligence is key. Compare solar loans, leases, and power purchase agreements (PPAs) with the meticulous eye of a hawk. Scrutinize for hidden fees, escalating payment structures, and early termination penalties that could cast a long shadow on your solar savings. Be ever-watchful for red flags in contracts that could tether you to unfavorable terms for decades. Ohio offers net metering policies and federal tax credits which can influence these decisions significantly, so arm yourself with knowledge!

As for the quest of selecting a solar provider in Cleveland, it’s akin to picking a steadfast compass for an expedition. Search for a provider with a strong track record, verifiable customer testimonials, and robust warranties that signal a commitment to longevity and quality. Check their credentials for industry certifications and ensure they’re up to date with Ohio’s regulations and building codes, as the state insists on strict adherence for solar installation. The amalgamation of expertise, transparency, and local market comprehension are your guiding stars to a provider that won’t leave you lost in the proverbial woods.

Success Stories and Case Studies

In the effervescent arena of renewable energy transformations sweeping across Cleveland, Ohio, a standout narrative is that of the Great Lakes Science Center. This shimmering bastion of hands-on learning didn’t just preach about the wonders of solar power; it boldly installed a 500-kilowatt solar array that winks at the city’s skyline. Draped over the Center’s colossal promenade, it not only powers a considerable chunk of their scientific escapades but also stands as a live exhibit, a testament to solar ingenuity. Meanwhile, across the residential sectors, stories burgeon, like that of the Thompson household in the Hough neighborhood, who sliced their electricity bill by an impressive 70% post-adoption of rooftop solar panels, echoing the monetary gains and energy autonomy that many Clevelanders are increasingly relishing. These solar successes aren’t just isolated tales; they’re a crescendoing chorus reverberating the green symphony that Ohio’s policies, such as the state’s net metering law, and Cleveland’s often-underrated sunny days, harmoniously conduct. This sun-fueled cavalcade of economical and eco-conscious victory dances along with the city’s sustainability goals, spotlighting how the investment in solar technology can, and does, pay off in both residential and commercial realms.


Embarking on a solar journey in Cleveland, Ohio, unveils a labyrinth of financial pathways that, when navigated with sagacity, lead toward a brighter, more sustainable future. This insightful article has illuminated the core facets of solar financing, catering specifically to the discerning residents of Cleveland. It dissected the rich tapestry of incentives, such as Ohio’s net metering policies and the federal solar tax credit, which can significantly reduce the overall cost of solar installation. Moreover, the piece emphasized the crystalline benefits that orbit around photovoltaic adoption — not only the substantial slashes in electricity bills but also the palpable, positive imprint on our celestial backyard, Earth. Clevelanders stand at the cusp of an empowering revolution, with the sun’s rays as a beacon of hope and prosperity. Now is the moment to harness this solar momentum. So, radiate confidence and seize the solar scepter by initiating your eco-odyssey. Ride the solar coaster — Get a Solar Quote from Solar Power Systems, and forge a path drenched in sunbeams and savings.

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Jerry Spivey

As an aspiring writer, I love words and pay attention to detail. My skill and devotion to writing intriguing and relevant material set me apart.