Multiven Open Marketplace: The New Face Of Global E-Commerce

Jerry usman
3 min readAug 3, 2018


IT Products/

The growth of global e-commerce continues to evolve at a rapid pace. By 2021, the eCommerce market is predicted to hit $4.5 trillion, according to a global statistic report.

PCs are seemingly the most vital piece of creation in the last century. And with the growth of the internet, they have made their mark in establishing another advanced economy; these advancements guarantee a noteworthy part in human life that cannot be ignored but rather embraced.

Deploying trail-blazing blockchain technology to eCommerce will bring a paradigm shift. Multiven is on a path to redefine the eCommerce user experience.

A New E-commerce Marketplace

Multiven is on a mission to disrupt the 3 trillion dollars worldwide IT market by providing a one-stop solution for all IT equipment and gadgets. And drive the world’s first blockchain-based commercial center: the Multiven Open Marketplace (MOM), which empowers everybody to purchase and offer IT equipment.

Multiven will utilize Shrewd contracts amongst organizations and buyers to diminish the cost of offering PC equipment and systems, including programming and administration.

The marketplace comprises three primary parts: first, the open commercial center in Multair; open exchange made for IT equipment and programming; and different administrations for IT and its gadgets.

Multiven’s E-commerce Concept?

The Multiven Open Marketplace (MOM) will use an Ethereum blockchain-based technology that organizations and individuals could utilize to exchange PC equipment (regardless of whether PCs, cell phones, or switches) — authorized programming or related administrations . For example, upkeep, counseling, or cloud facilitating — on a shared premise.

Clients will have the capacity to enroll in the commercial center and scan for what they require by name or part number (where appropriate). At that point, do savvy contracts-based exchanges; these will incorporate one-time buys and installments after some time — for example, general membership charges for administrations.

Clients can enlist their present and old gadgets, building up their records on the blockchain. Once those gadgets are confirmed or exchanged available, their proprietor will get an MTC remunerate: a cryptographic pointer that will associate item records, as well as put away exchange information and time stamps, permitting a solid following of their proprietorship.

Using The Multiven Marketplace

Multicoin will be the only medium of exchange on the Multiven Open Marketplace, where buyers and sellers will need to stake refundable Multicoins for all transactions on the Multiven platform.

The Multiven B-fence is designed to defend Bitcoin network nodes against advanced centralization from cyber-attacks that may arise from the transaction fees from the Multiven open marketplace — thereby enhancing security within the blockchain ecosystem.

As the volume of the transaction on the marketplace continue to rise, so will the value of the Multicoin.

Multiven Group is an outstanding player in the Internet administration showcase, offering organizations a politically-neutral software integrity maintenance and cyber defense service for all organizations. They have provided multi-merchant specialized help, upkeep, and consultancy since 2005.

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Jerry usman

Tech enthusiast and writer. I write about blockchain, Ai, web3, solar energy and more.