Love H8!

Jerry Washington
2 min readMar 20, 2019

When is it appropriate to hate? I’ve got the answer today. In lieu of the recent events in New Zealand, I’d like to talk for a moment about hate and why I believe it is actually a GOOD thing.

Now don’t get your feathers in a bunch, Broliferant. Hate is never good against anyone. EVER. But that’s the problem. So many people have a problem with one another, however, they aren’t hating what they should be hating.

Drug Use

These are things that we should all consider hating and finding some way to stop somewhat permanently in our society. These are the things that truly destroy our culture and tear at the very fabric of everyone else’s right to individual freedom.

I’ll have you consider today that to be triumphant in life, you cannot be an individual. You also can’t be a member of any particular group. You have to find that balance of individual responsibility that coincides with group identification. But again, it can’t be just one group, it has to be an infinite number of groups.

At the end of the day what it all breaks down to is that you are only going to get as far as the other people in humanity will allow. It seems that it’s true that we are only as strong as the weakest link, so instead of hating “the weakest link” in our lives, we should instead make it possible that it can strengthen itself so that we can all move forward together.

Jerry “be strong” Washington



Jerry Washington

I write to get what’s in my head out into the world. Just wish my fingers were faster. You can see more at my blog here: