A closer look at the Okio library

Jerzy Chałupski
6 min readSep 23, 2019


A common piece of advice given to experienced programmers who want to improve their skills is to read someone else’s code. It’s easier said than done though. The idea of diving into complex codebase is intimidating. This summer, I finally decided to put this advice into practice.

The first task was to figure out which codebase I’d read. I’m an Android developer, so I decided to limit my choice to one of the Square libraries we all love and use in our apps: Retrofit, OkHttp, Moshi, Dagger (even though it’s maintained by Google now, it was created by Square). There’s one more thing that’s common for all these libs besides the company that created them. All of them use Okio under the hood.

Okio is a library that simplifies and simultaneously enriches the usage of InputStream and OutputStream classes from the standard java.io package. I used it a couple of times when writing custom OkHttp interceptors, but I’ve never really understood how does it work under the hood. All these factors made it a perfect candidate for the codebase to read.

This blog post is a summary of my dive into Okio sources.

Source, Sink, Buffer

The two Okio interfaces you’ll see all over the library’s API are Source and Sink. The names are quite self-descriptive, but just in case you’re having a really bad day, let me tell you that the Source is something you can read data from (like an InputStream) and the Sink is where you push the data (like the OutputStream).

If you’ve ever worked with java.io streams, you probably wrapped them in Buffered{Input,Output}Stream. The main reason is that you very rarely need to read the data byte-by-byte and reading the data in chunks of few kilobytes at a time is much more performant. This observation probably guided Okio’s design, because all the implementations of Source and Sink either delegate the calls to some other Sources or Sinks, or use Buffers under the hood.

Buffer implements both Source and Sink interfaces (or, more precisely, it implements BufferedSink and BufferedSource interfaces which are like Sources and Sinks enriched with a bunch of convenience methods). Unlike the java.io streams, the Buffer doesn’t use the fixed byte array to hold the buffered data, it uses Okio Segments instead. Together, the Buffer and the Segment, are the secret sauce of this library.


A Segment is your typical data structure for a doubly-linked list: it has a next and prev references to other Segments. It also carries around the actual ByteArray buffer. No surprises so far, the data has to be kept somewhere. What’s interesting are the two “pointers” called pos and limit and two flags: shared and owner. More on that later on, first, you need to understand how the Segments are used by the Buffers.

Internally the Buffers keep Segments as a circularly-linked list. That way you need to maintain only a single Segment reference to have the access to both ends of the Buffer for reading and writing the data respectively.

A Buffer with a circular list of Segments

This means that the Buffer can safely grow without affecting other Sinks and Sources piped into it.

Buffers pipe unaffected by a new data coming in

Compare that with a BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream behaviour, where writing some data might cause a cascade of flushing.

New data causing a flush cascade along the java.io streams pipeline

As I mentioned before, the Sinks and Sources are often connected into a pipe. Smart folks at Square realized that there’s no need to copy the data between such pipe components like the java.io buffered streams do. All Sources and Sinks use Buffers under the hood, and Buffers keep the data in Segments, so quite often you can just take an entire Segment from one Buffer and move it to another.

Segment A transferred from one Buffer to another. No data copying!

But what if I don’t want to transfer the whole Segment? Okio uses another trick to limit the CPU-intensive ByteArray copying: it shares the data buffer between multiple Segments. That’s where the pos and limit “pointers” come into play. They delimit the data range in a shared ByteArray used by each Segment. Going back to our use case: instead of copying the part of the ByteArray to another one, Okio may create another Segment backed by the same ByteArray, which is much lighter operation than copying the data itself.

In the scenario described above, both Segments are marked with a shared flag mentioned earlier. This way Okio knows that the data is used by more than one Segment and that it cannot perform certain operations. For example, you cannot write to the “header” Segment because you’d overwrite the beginning of the data in the “trailer” Segment. On the other hand, it should be possible to write past the last used region of the shared ByteArray, but you need to make sure that only one Segment is allowed to do so. That’s what the owner flag is used for. Each ByteArray used by the Segments is “owned” by exactly one Segment.

Non-writable header Segment vs. writable trailer Segment

There’s one more write operation performed on the owner Segments: data shifting. Imagine that you’re using the trailing half of the ByteArray and you want to write more data into the Segment. If the Segment is not shared, you can move the existing data to the beginning of the ByteArray and then append new data. If the ByteArray is shared with other Segments, you can’t perform this operation as the first half of the ByteArray might be used by other Segments.

Non-shared owner Segment is allowed to shift its data

Keeping all these invariants requires a lot of checks within the Segment and Buffer code, but they provide enough performance improvements to justify the added complexity.

Segment pools

There’s one more optimization performed by the Okio: the owner Segments are pooled to reduce the allocation and zero-initialization of the ByteArrays. The current implementation has a Segments cache with a fixed maximum size. It’s implemented as a linked list of Segments. I find it very cool that the same basic element is used in two slightly different data structures!


I enjoyed reading Okio’s code. It’s well-documented, the API is very good, and the internals has some interesting twists in it. I also have now a much better understanding of the performance characteristics of different APIs offered by Okio.

Finally, I feel like I’m ready to dive into the next Square’s library that uses Okio under the hood.

