Jescil Richard
3 min readMay 31, 2022

Pouring From An Empty Cup

George Fuechsel’s rule of “garbage in, garbage out.”

Image source: Pinterest.

Let's paint a picture.

You head out with your friends and on your way back, you guys get thirsty. You stop by your friend's house and decide to drink water, at least, before heading back home.

So you guys get into the house, walk to the fridge and pull out an empty bottle of water, walk over to the counter, pick up a cup, and pour from the empty bottle and then, you both drink to your fill.


You’re hungry.

Very hungry.

Your friend says he has food at home and because you feel lazy, you head over there instead of cooking in your home (it’s still the same energy you used *rolls eyes*).

Alright, back to the gist, you get there and greet your buddy. He tells you of how delicious the dish is and how much he made it specially for you and promises you’ll enjoy it so much till the extent you would never forget it.

Well, you won’t forget it either.

You grin in satisfaction and head over to the kitchen. He directs you to a pot and when you open it, you find out it’s empty. How would you feel? Happy? Hehe, except you’re I don’t know what to call you. Sad? Maybe. Pissed off? Exactly! And next time, would you trust him? Of course not. Would you recommend someone else to go visit him for a promising dish? No, you wouldn’t.

Sorry I took you down a long beautiful path but here’s the main thing.

Story 01

You simply cannot pour from an empty cup. Why then do you think you can venture into a skill without having any prior knowledge about it? What makes you think you can venture into copywriting without having a good amount of knowledge to give off?

What makes you think you can try to give off value when you, yourself, do not have it? Why do you think you can influence people positively when you fed off negativity? Why? What makes you think so?

You’re not living in a magical world or a simulation and even if you were, you’d still have to do stuffs to get results. It’s the play out of the rule, garbage in, garbage out.

Story 02

Image source: Google.

To you who plans to start up a class just because Sapene is doing it and seems to make money off it, or try to gain contacts when you do not have value to give out, what picture do you think this paints for others? (except they are like minded with no destination in sight).

When they come in contact with you, what makes you think they’d recommend you to another? Even after the whole appealing flyer and all which was obviously made to trap them. Or even if you’re about to take on a job without having the knowledge about it, even a good amount of it, what makes you think your client would gladly recommend you to another?

Sometimes, we carry out jobs and after all is done, the client deserts you. If they’re reasonable ones, they’d come back if you carried it out to their expectations and if they don’t, this shows something went off.

Giving out from an empty cup soils your image, paints you a colour no one wants to associate with. Before giving out value, make sure you have it. Make sure you have it before venturing out.

Dear one, the world is a beautiful jungle and if you do not have something good to offer, no one casts a second glance at you. Absolutely no one.

I hope you get my gist.

Have a beautiful day ahead! Or night.

Love and light! ✨

Jescil Richard

Helping you develop your mind for success ~ Storyteller ~ Books are my getaway drugs. 📚